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Secure Parenting Research Paper

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Best Practices (change)Attachment parenting is an approach to child-rearing intended to forge strong, secure attachment between parents and children. The scientific research that supports physical closeness, sensitivity, and responsiveness in parents.(change) Many advocates promote positive parenting, which they (change)guide their children by emotion coaching, reasoning, and constructive problem solving(change). A (few) general principles, such as providing children with consistent, loving, primary caregiver to the needs of their family. A scientific research suggests that parenting to sensitive, responsive parenting leads children to(change) form secure attachments, and securely attached children are healthier and happier(change). The research found that high-quality communication between mother and infant are linked with more secure attachment relationship.
Lots of maternal sensitivity during infant play. (change)Research suggests a link between secure attachment and emotional availability(change). The consistency of care is important in promoting responsive relationships with their children …show more content…
This has implications for explanations about research and obtaining consent. Whether the child manifests symptoms of psychopathy in responding to parent training. Parents who are relatively younger that the average o these seeking training, who are less intelligent and/or have less than a high school education, and who have a lower socioeconomic state usually have higher dropout rate ( Fernandez & Eyberg, 2009). Whether or not the therapist factors play a role in the success of parent training is made with a human. The trainer should have due respect for parents rights and welfare. Also, therapist making sure that the parent-child information is confidentiality, and they used an informed consent and that neither parent-child are being harmed in the training

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