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Barium Research Paper

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The element barium, shown using the symbol Ba, is a soft alkaline earth metal. It is located in the second group and fifth period on the periodic table, and has an atomic number of 56. This element’s atomic mass is 137.327 u ± 0.007 u.
The first known account of this element was in the early 1600’s, in Bologna, Italy, when alchemists of the time noted the discovery of smooth pebbles located near volcanic rock. These stones glowed for an extended period of time after exposure to light, inspiring questions as to what made them do this. In 1774, Carl Wilhelm Scheele concluded that barite, a white or colorless mineral, was formed with an unknown element; however he was only able to isolate a compound called barium oxide. Other chemists and scientists around the world also made attempts in the following years to isolate this new element, but without success. Sir Humphry Davy, who isolated five new elements before his death, was the first to fully isolate the element through the use of electrolysis of molten baryta in 1808.
Barium is a highly reactive element, and is never found in its pure state in nature. When a reaction occurs with oxygen, it produces …show more content…
The test, called a ‘Barium Swallow’ or a ‘Barium Meal,’ is used in order to diagnose the cause of any upper gastrointestinal issues, such as bloodstained vomit, weight loss, and painful or difficult swallowing. Since barium is a radiocontrast agent, meaning that it has the ability to absorb X-rays, this provides an extremely clear image of the patients internal tracts. In order to perform the test, the patient drinks a liquid barium mixture while the X-ray obtains images. The liquid lines along the body’s organs, and moves through the tracts just as water would. Anatomical abnormalities can be detected, making this simple and noninvasive test possibly life

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