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Ocean City Research Paper

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Ocean City was founded in the early 1700s, and it was originally known as Pecks Beach. Originally, the city was never occupied all year long. Citizens only came to the beach seasonally for leisure activities, such as fishing and picnicking. At the time people also came to the island for hunting and to raise cattle seasonally. People treated Pecks Beach much like current vacationers treat Ocean City. Although they do not live there year round, because at the time it was not considered residential, they visited seasonally for recreation as well as relaxation. This tradition set a precedent, resulting in the current culture of the city.
Settling in Pecks Beach began in the mid 1800s with the Miller’s becoming the first family to inhabit the city all year long. The family kept a cattle farm, attributing to Ocean City’s main source of economic goods. This family opened the door for other settlers to follow their example and live in Pecks Beach all year long. “In 1879, four Methodist ministers (Ezra B. Lake, James Lake, S. Wesley Lake and William Burrell) purchased Peck’s Beach to create a Christian seaside resort and camp meeting place. The men came together under a cedar tree (which still stands at 6th and Asbury) and formed the Ocean City Association” (Administrator). Their …show more content…
Recreational activities and facilities in Ocean City include: an aquatic center, a sports and civic center, a golf course, a tennis court, a skate park, playgrounds, parks, and of course the beach. In addition to the recreational facilities, the town takes it upon themselves to host events such as races, summer camps, and community programs. Their town-hosted events include: bike parades, sand sculpting contests, baby parades, baby crawling races, boys and girls fishing tournaments, and many more events for children and adults of all ages

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