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Barriers Affecting Leadership


Submitted By ugojoe
Words 496
Pages 2
A good leader will know that where there are barriers our aim is look for ways of overcoming them. A good leadership strategy will be to encourage employees to come up with more creative and innovative ideas.
Some barriers mentioned above can only be overcome when one of the objectives is set as having the right team for creativity and innovation. There has to be management support and openness where employees have the freedom to give there views to help the organisation to create innovative ideas.
As the senior manger, to have a set plan to overcoming barriers I would implement the change curve theory as mentioned below
Stage 1. Denial - At this stage, people may be in shock or in denial. Even if the change has been well planned and you understand what is happening, this is when reality of the change hits, and people need to take time to adjust. Here, people need information, need to understand what is happening, and need to know how to get help.
This is a critical stage for communication. Make sure you communicate often, but also ensure that you don't overwhelm people: They'll only be able to take in a limited amount of information at a time. But make sure that people know where to go for more information if they need it, and ensure that you take the time to answer any questions that come up.
Stage 2. Resistance - As people start to react to the change, they may start to feel concern, anger, resentment or fear. They may resist the change actively or passively. They may feel the need to express their feelings and concerns, and vent their anger.
For the organization, this stage is the "danger zone." If this stage is badly managed, the organization may descend into crisis or chaos.
So this stage needs careful planning and preparation. As someone responsible for change, you should prepare for this stage by carefully considering the impacts and objections that

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