...Barilla SpA Part A Barilla Case Study Phil Kaminsky David Simchi-Levi kaminsky@ieor.berkeley.edu Philip Kaminsky Edith Simchi-Levi Barilla SpA is the world’s largest pasta manufacturer The company sells to a wide range of Italian retailers, primarily through third party distributors During the late 1980s, Barilla suffered increasing operational inefficiencies and cost penalties that resulted from large week-to-week variations in its distributors’ order patterns McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, Simchi-Levi Exhibit 12 Weekly Demand for Barilla Dry Products from Cortese’s Northeast Distribution Center to the Pedrignano CDC, 1989. Causes of Demand Fluctuations Questions: What exactly is causing the distributor’s order pattern to look this way? What are the underlying drivers of the fluctuations? McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, Simchi-Levi Transportation discounts Volume discount Promotional activity No minimum or maximum order quantities Product proliferation Long order lead times Poor customer service rates Poor communication McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2003 Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, Simchi-Levi 1 Demand Fluctuations Demand Fluctuations The extreme fluctuation in Exhibit 12 is truly remarkable when one considers the underlying aggregate demand for pasta in Italy. What does the underlying consumer demand pattern for pasta look like in Italy? What are the differences and similarities...
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...porcelain, silk and metalware in exchange for gold, pearls, beeswax and medicinal plants, which the Philippines is naturally rich in. • Piloncitos - unearthed gold ingots, which are the first recognized form of coinage in the country • Barter rings in different sizes, gold ornaments and beads were the other objects used as medium of exchange during the period. Spanish Era • Galleon Trade - started during the colonization of the Philippines in 1565 and lasted for 250 years was responsible for transforming Manila into a trade center for oriental goods • Cobs or macuquinas - odd-shaped silver coins • Other coins that followed: dos mundos or pillar dollars in silver, the counterstamped coins and the portrait series, also in silver. • Barrillas - copper coins produced by the Municipality of Manila in response to the acute shortage of fractional coins in the 18th century • First banknotes: pesos fuertes (1852) • Casa de Moneda de Manila - minted the first gold coins with the words “Filipinas” inscribed, which were called Isabelinas and Alfonsinos (1861) • Pesos fuertes - issued by the country’s first bank, the El Banco Espanol Filipino de Isabel II (now BPI), were the first paper money circulated in the country Revolutionary Period • The Cry of Balintawak - headed by Andres Bonifacio signaled the start of the Philippine Revolution...
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...CASE REPORT BARILLA SpA (A) PREPARED FOR PREPARED BY DATE | | | | | |Section |TITLE |PAGE | | | | | | | | | | | | | |1 BUSINESS /COMPANY BACKGROUND |3 | | ...
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...TIMELINE OF PHILIPPINE HISTORY SUBMITTED BY: HIPOLITO, KRISTEL J. 10th century Year | Date | Event | 900 | | End of prehistory. Laguna Copperplate Inscription, the earliest known Philippine document, is written in the Manila area in Kawi script. | | | Rise of Indianized Kingdom of Tondo around Manila Bay. | 11th century Year | Date | Event | 1000 | | People from Southern Annam called Orang Dampuan establish trade zones in Sulu | 1001 | | Song Shih document records tributary delegation from the Buddhist Kingdom of Butuan on 17 March. | 12th century Year | Date | Event | 1175 | | Kingdom of Namayan reaches its peak. | 13th century Year | Date | Event | 1240 | | Tuan Masha'ika, an Arab, travels and introduces Islam to Sulu. | 14th century Year | Date | Event | 1380 | | Karim Al-Makhdum arrives in Jolo and builds a Mosque. | 1400 | | Birth of the Baybayin, Hanunoo, Tagbanwa, and Buhid scripts from Brahmi. | 15th century Year | Date | Event | 1457 | | Sultanate of Sulu founded by Sharif Al-Hashim.[1] | 16th century Year | Date | Event | 1500 | | Rise of Kingdom of Maynila under the Bolkiah dynasty | 1521 | 16 March | Ferdinand Magellan lands on Homonhon with three small ships, named the Concepcion, Trinidad and Victoria. Magellan calls the place the Arcigelago de San Lazaro since March 16 is the feast day of Saint Lazarus | | 28 March | Magellan reaches the Philippines | | 29 March | Blood Compact between Magellan and Rajah...
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...HISTORIA AGRARIA· 25 • Diciembre 2001 • pp. 89-120 • © SEHA La financiación del desarrollo agrario valenciano, 1750-1914 Joaquim Cuevas 1. INTRODUCCiÓN El papel desempeñado por el sector financiero en los procesos de desarrollo económico tiene una importante tradición en la literatura económica europea, que por lo que se refiere a la agricultura se originó hacia mitad del siglo XIX a raíz de la ampliación y transformación del mercado agrario mundial y sus consecuencias sobre los productores. En España este fenómeno fue mayor si cabe, debido a la evidente falta de asistencia financiera que soportaba una buena parte del sector. En términos generales, el análisis de la financiación agraria española ha mostrado la ineficacia de los múltiples proyectos institucionales en la materia y el predominio de los mecanismos crediticios informales hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. Sobre estas bases puede trazarse un panorama en el que el desarrollo de iniciativas financieras orientadas hacia el sector agrario en los últimos doscientos años ha sido el resultado de circunstancias puntuales y no generalizables al conjunto del país, en consonancia con el retraso estructural de la sociedad y economía nacional respecto a la Europa más desarrollada. El resultado no podía ser otro que el de un sector poco capitalizado y desasistido financieramente en el que una parte de los productores quedaban atrapados en la lógica de la usura. La agricultura valenciana tuvo una profunda y desigual transformación durante...
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