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Basketball-Personal Narrative

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I couldn’t help but to keep playing basketball with my cousins and some friends. I was just 9 years old and my cousins had just gotten a basketball rim and we were out playing basketball the whole day. It was my first time playing and i was just practicing my shooting and messing around with the ball, I was so happy and i was enjoying the sport. We would play the game horse or around the world although i sucked i still tried and stayed so i can get better. Time passed and we were getting really bored, I was the only one that was still shooting. My cousin said “ I bet you can’t dunk it even if you had a chair” . I got quiet and i started thinking about it. “What should i use?” I thought . I grabbed a nearby cooler and I wanted to prove myself that i could do it. I put the cooler near the basketball rim and i got on top of it. I regretted getting on top because it was wiggling and i was scared that i was gonna fall. I was getting down the cooler when i heard my cousin say “ what you're scared”? I replied “no i'm gonna do it then”.
I got back on top and without a doubt i jumped with the ball in my hands. I was in the air for like 1 second until i missed and i hit the rim …show more content…
I couldn’t sleep knowing all the mexican tales and stories about witches and ghosts. While my time in mexico i visited many famous locations including a park where they have ostriches, ducks and a roaming giraffe. It was so cool because you could feed the giraffe and with its long neck. It would come over the fence and eat vegetables and foods given by the people. I noticed so much poverty and i felt real bad seeing kids in the streets without shoes stepping on glass and rocks. Mexico is a scary place but it has it’s beauty. I enjoyed my time there even through all of that i still loved it because i was with my family and when i left I missed it very

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