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Bay City University Health System Case Study

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Financial The main key internal indicator for the Bay City University Health System is financial. The current data/trends for BCUHS are that their current operating budget is more than $2 billion with a 4.9% operating margin. Which is the highest budget cap compare to other competitors but the down side is that their operating cost is high. BCHUS has a strong financial cap that is their strength; however, the lack of profit they generate is their weakness. BCUHS operates on a fee-for-services procedure but with the implementation of the ACA, 13.2% of the population is uninsured.
With that, BCUHS needs to plan out the budgeting strategy and cut down on expenses that are unnecessary and use the money to upgrade their technologies and things that will generate profit. Different organizations and grants for further development of their company fund them. They can use funding to lower their cooperating cost and …show more content…
BCUHS have 14 inpatient facilities with 3,806 beds in total compared of their competitors with 1,789 beds in total, which is their strongest strength. More patients are being seen, offering several services, patient satisfaction. Provide the vast majority of care in the regional area, at 24%, 29%, and 26% market share. BCUHS has invested in heavily in establishing strong patient volume in outpatient services. The market for outpatient services, however, is highly fragmented. Fee-for-service is not universal in Bay City, however they have made capitation-based contract arrangements with private and Medicare Advantage insurers. Hospitals in the region are paid in a variety of manners. Medicare Advantage enrollment represents approximately 20% of the total Medicare beneficiaries in the area, and the rest are served by traditional Medicare (fee-for-service). Capitation contracts among outpatient physicians and some hospital networks continue to be a feature of the Medicare Advantage

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