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Beats On The Road

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The only brush with sanity in the viands episode is provided by the crazy burglar next door to Paul.

Ever since their post-World War II emersion, the Beats have been considered as ideological icons. This essay will be discussing whether or not their highly autobiographical pieces of work actually successfully portray a realistic manifestation of these ideologies. This essay will be analysing the roles of three main aspects to their ideologies: money, sex and enlightenment. The role of money throughout all three pieces of work is highly complicated, as all of these Beats looked to dispense of it, seeking true meaning in life without the impending façade of money and materialism, neither caring for its necessity nor its potential. However, when …show more content…
However, despite these Beats’ desires to ignore it, and live a life irrespective of it, it is constantly a severe threat to them achieving said desires. In On the Road, Sal, the antagonist mirroring Kerouac himself, is constantly hampered by the simple necessity of money itself. Sal’s dream is to reach “the West”, and on arriving there he is ecstatic, describing it at as having “air you can kiss”, however, soon enough reality sets in and he is “reduced to trying to get jobs”. Not only does this show that his aspiration of living a life purely on the road is flawed as he finds himself needing to work, but the use of the word “reduced” here implies a sense of corruption, as the need to obtain money lessens him as a person, undermining his ideologies. Moreover, he becomes caught in a perpetual purgatory between the social America and the genuine “hobos”, as it was “a no go” to mix with the “hobos” because he “still had ten dollars”: not enough for social America, but too much for those in true poverty. This distances him from his dream greatly, as he is unwilling to actually live out his supposed dream, as he so greatly admired William Holmes Hazard’s desire to “be a hobo someday”. Furthermore, his free, liberating and independent ideal as constantly hampered as he returns to his aunt, a literary mirror for Kerouac’s mother, in New York needing money to continue with his quest. Despite his desire to live a life without his family, his aunt becomes a great aid, as she prevents him and his friends from going to jail by “paying for a traffic

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