...I have decided I will try to seethings f rom their point o f view and try to show just how logical their opinions can be. For myresearch paper, I challenged mysel f to write it about why same-sex marriage should not belegalized. A f ter three days o f research, I regret to in f orm you that, with the in f ormation I f ound,there is no logical reason whatsoever that same-sex couples should not be able to get married. Ihave tried so very hard to f ind a logical argument against it but I was not able to get any reasonsagainst it. I f I may use an analogy, their argument is like a large bucket with a hole in the bottom,except the hole is as large as the top. Also, the bucket does not actually exist but they re f use toaccept that and pour into it anyway. Be f ore I started my research, I thought o f a f ew reasons Ithought I could go f urther with but when I tried to make them work, I could only f ind argumentsagainst them. The reasons I thought same-sex marriage should not be legalized are because amajority o f people voted against it, there would be less procreation, and it would complicate laws by rede f ining marriage.In the United States o f America, we have a democratic f orm o f government. O ne o f themost important parts o f a democracy is the f act that we, the people, have a say in what happens by way o f voting. O ne thing people get to have a say in is i f each state will allow same-sexmarriage...
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...possible care and if it means to hire more staff I think that nursing home facility’s need to take the initiative to approve the care for their residents.The study showed that the staffing measures that have a greater number of lisenced staff had an overall improved quality of care. Increased staff time also improved the patients outcomes. There was also multiple studies on retention rates and turnovers which makes a staffing issue in facilities. They found that the higher turnover rates in facility’s were those that offered lower benefits and nurse assistant wages. I think that if the facility wants to be known for good health care that they need to treat their employee’s with things that will keep them working hard instead of slacking off because they think they don’t get paid enough. The quality...
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...Reverend Christopher R. Birstler Having dealt with and been traumatized by Domestic Violence in my adult years at the hands of my biological father will have a significantly positive impact on my academic work and goals at Colorado Christian University. As an adult looking back to my childhood I can locate factors relating to my father that indicated and pointed towards abuse. For example, a couple of these indicators are the fact that my father is an alcoholic and that he physically disciplined me. As a child I can recall visiting my father on weekends (my parents are divorced) and running to my bedroom petrified because my father and his lifelong friend (an alcoholic at the time) were arguing very loudly. This occurred regularly.In 2012 I moved back to New York City and in with my father and my stepmother. This is when my father really started getting abusive towards me. He has basically abused me in all forms of abuse....
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...f view and try to show just how logical their opinions can be. For myresearch paper, I challenged mysel f to write it about why same-sex marriage should not belegalized. A f ter three days o f research, I regret to in f orm you that, with the in f ormation I f ound,there is no logical reason whatsoever that same-sex couples should not be able to get married. Ihave tried so very hard to f ind a logical argument against it but I was not able to get any reasonsagainst it. I f I may use an analogy, their argument is like a large bucket with a hole in the bottom,except the hole is as large as the top. Also, the bucket does not actually exist but they re f use toaccept that and pour into it anyway. Be f ore I started my research, I thought o f a f ew reasons Ithought I could go f urther with but when I tried to make them work, I could only f ind argumentsagainst them. The reasons I thought same-sex marriage should not be legalized are because amajority o f people voted against it, there would be less procreation, and it would complicate laws by rede f ining marriage.In the United States o f America, we have a democratic f...
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...thatbody of sociological theory and methodology customarily used forinvestigating such minority groups as Negroes, Jews, immigrants, etc.It may be anticipated that not only will principles alreadyestablished in the field of intergroup relations contribute to ourunderstanding of women, but that in the process of modifyingtraditional concepts and theories to fit the special case of womennew viewpoints for the fruitful reexamination of other minoritygroups will emerge. In defining the term "minority group," the presence ofdiscrimination is the identifying factor. As Louis Wirth1has pointed out, "minority group" is not a statistical concept, norneed it denote an alien group. Indeed for the present discussion Ihave adopted his definition: "A minority group is any group of peoplewho because of their physical or cultural characteristics, aresingled out from the others in the society in which they live fordifferential and unequal treatment, and who therefore regardthemselves as objects of collective...
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...For this assignment, I worked in a group and togetherwrote a set of instructions on how to make pumpkin cheesecake. We also tested our instructionsusability and followed up with our conclusions in a memo. Next is my personal project, I was assigned topick something of interest and propose a project that would take considerable planning. First I wrote aproposal for my idea which included my idea, learning objectives, schedule, and rubric. In the end, Idecided to create a cupcake brochure for my potential business. Lastly, we had to write arecommendation report to a client for potential career.I think my personal project was my best work because I was able to be more creative and do somethingthat interested me. But I feel like every project could use a few revisions. On my cupcake brochure Iwould like to edit some of the colors I used on the inside to match the tone on the outside. I would alsolike to add more information about the company. For the recommendation report, I wish I had moreinformation. I did not enjoy working with the jobs my client chose and I feel like I could have done abetter job if there was more information...
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..."In my whole life I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who did not read all the time – none zero. Investing requires a broad knowledge. My children think I’m a book with a couple of legs sticking out” - - Charles Munger I had been trying to get this in order but it never seemed to end. I am not a bookworm who reads a new book every week. I would rather go back to my old library and read any of the books or a chapter from a book rather then read something new. I must have read all these books at least twice some even up to 10 times (arbitrary figure since I did not count). Ihave tried writing a bit about the top 12 books. Why 12? The answer is one book in a month for about a year to read these pieces of experience. They should be read like a text book of English literature rather then a novel. As usual relevant sections need to be underlined highlighted so that it facilitates as a quick reference later on. The books listed are not in the order of my personal liking but I just kept putting them as they came to mind. Peter Lynch: “If one could tell the future by looking at Balance Sheets then Accountants and Mathematicians would have been the richest people in the world”. 1) One up on Wall Street – John Rothchild Lynch teaches the power to use the common sense which is the most uncommon thing in the world. The book is very well written with references to events and situations that make investing so easy. Some people try and do the unusual things...
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...1. IDUS 711 - Methods of Contextual Research | Frances Manning, Lauren Peters, HaoTing Zhang, Ila Zheng | Prof. Sara Jo Johnson | May 28, 2013 1A q u a l i tat i v e s t u d y o f s l e e pi n s i g h t r e p o r tSleep Patterns 2. IDUS 711 - Methods of Contextual Research | Frances Manning, Lauren Peters, HaoTing Zhang, Ila Zheng | Prof. Sara Jo Johnson | May 28, 2013 2Insight REPORTWhat this document is for:Patterns have emerged from our research study and generated compellingquestions around the culture of sleep. Ultimately this research will allowus to explore future design concepts using the following insights:12 653 74 8Reflection causes Zzzzs. Try before I buy.Sharing is caring. I feel like I’m buying a car.My room, my style. Stop and smell the roses.Technological distractions?! I’ll sleep when I’m dead. #YOLO 3. IDUS 711 - Methods of Contextual Research | Frances Manning, Lauren Peters, HaoTing Zhang, Ila Zheng | Prof. Sara Jo Johnson | May 28, 2013 3Insight 1Reflection causes Zzzzzzzs.Because of the lack of restful sleep, users are often triggered to monitortheir sleep patterns through natural reflection, technology, and otherforms of sleep logs. 4. IDUS 711 - Methods of Contextual Research | Frances Manning, Lauren Peters, HaoTing Zhang, Ila Zheng | Prof. Sara Jo Johnson | May 28, 2013 4I monitor my sleep with an iPhoneapp, and my alarm clock is my iPad.Although I usually have mycomputer in my bedroom, it’sonly there for work reasons and itdoesn’t have anything to...
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...Syed Abuzar Naqvi ENGL 511 04 Jan. 2015 The Role of Equivalence in Translation Theory and Practice. Abstract This paper highlights the development of translation studies, and equivalence as a form translation theory. It reveals the fact that translation theory and translation practice both are inseparable from each other. It tries to discover an approach which shall guide translators to produce relatively good translations. Though exploration and explication of this theory is multidimensional hence debatable but it is beneficial nonetheless to present the same plurality of views. Although equivalence may be considered the vital issue in translation but its interpretation, significance, and applicability remains debatable within the field of translation theory. It further explains how translation keeps oscillating between the equivalence and lack of equivalence. However,this paper continues to study, criticize, and even judge the translation according to the criteria of equivalence. Finally, the role of equivalence and translation theory is exemplified in the translation fromUrdu into English of short story and poems by various authors. The main aim of this paper is to introduce reader tothe concept of translation studies, and theory of equivalence.The English term translation was first introduced in around 1340. It was derived either from Old French translation or more directly from the Latin ‘translatio’ that means transporting,which itself coming from the participle...
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...Chapter III The Social Context of English INTRODUCTION On july of 2005, John Roberts was nominated to be a justice on the supreme Court of the United States. Commenting in this description of Roberts, the noted literary and legal theorist Stanley Fish (2005) argued that Roberts was not really proponent of “strict contructionsm” but of “textualism”, the belief that interpretation involves “sticking to the meanings that are encoded in the texts and not going beyond them.” To illustrate the limitation of this view of interpretation, Fish notes that if a wife asks her husband why don’t we go to the movies tonight ? The answer to that question depends on the history of the marriage, the kind of relationship they have, the kind of person the husband thinks the wife is. The words themselves will not produce a fixed account of their meaning [emphasis added]. What Fish is arguing in this statement is that communication does not exist\ in a vacuum: to engage in a conversation, for instance, we do not simply decode the meanings of the words that people speak but draw upon the larger social context in which the conversation takes place. 1.GRAMMATICAL VS PRAGMATIC MEANING A.GRAMMATICAL The term 'grammar' covers the proper use of words and word-forms as well as thegrammatical structure of phrases, clauses, and sentences. While different wordforms of lexemes are created by the adding of inflectional morphemes, combinations of words into more complex units are the domain of...
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...INTRODUCTION Emergence of Poverty as an Area of Enquiry The literature on poverty today is quite voluminous. The contributors to this literature came from diverse disciplines including sociology, anthropology, education, political economy, geography, agronomy, biology, nutrition etc. However, its need to be mentioned that though mention of poor, poverty, charity etc can be seen in the writing of social and moral philosophers of pre and post reformation era, the scholars have directed their attention to poverty as a distinct area of enquiry only since late fifties and early sixties of the century. The interest of scholars followed rather than preceded the interest of policy makers and lay public even though large scale poverty did not disappear from less developed counties or even developed countries after the years of great depression. The first systematic enquiry into people in want was possibly done by Charles Booth in 1886. He undertook house-to-house enquiry in the poorer district of London. His discourse used two terminologies viz. poor and very poor. He described poor as those who struggle but are able to earn sufficiently regular income to obtain necessaries of life for making both ends meet. In contrast, the very poor cannot do so and live in a state of chronic want. Booth published his findings in two volumes on “Life and Labor of the People in London” in 1889 and 1891. Booth, it may be claimed invented what is today known poverty line and also Head count of Household...
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...Subject: Successful Princeton Applicant Through all of my accomplishments and disappointments, I have always been especially proud of the dedication and fervor I possess for my personal beliefs and values. Unfortunately, it has often been difficult for me to remain outwardly firm and confident in a town where most people think alike and reject exceptions. Whenever I have expressed my position as a pro-life advocate, peers have badgered, accused, and ridiculed me for simply believing in something that they scorn. Despite all the pressure, I never waive red from my belief, yet I became frustrated and began to lose the courage to publicly express my opinion on this controversial topic. To gain some insight and reassurance for myself, I attended the New Jersey Right to Life Convention in the spring of 1995. This experience uplifted me and offered great inspiration and enlightenment. At the convention I received an overwhelming amount of support and encouragement from wonderful people who advocate the very principles I believe in. This convention was so inspiring that the next day in school I was able to relate my experience to one of my biggest opponents on the subject. Also, the abundant information available at the convention enabled me to defend my position on abortion more effectively. Attending this convention accomplished two things. It proved my commitment to my belief, in that I took the initiative to strengthen and support my opinion, refusing to give up or lose heart. Unlike...
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...Moshin Hamid The Reluctant Fundamentalist PENGUIN BOOKS THE RELUCTANT FUNDAMENTALIST ëA fantastic piece of work, superbly considered and controlled, with a lovely stillness and wisdom at its heartí The Times ëMasterful, a multilayered and thoroughly gripping bookí Metro ëAn elegant, artful, haunting novella ñ a deceptively simple narrative that is in fact deeply ambiguousí Observer ëTerrificí New Statesman ëChangezís voice is extraordinary. Cultivated, restrained, yet also barbed and passionateÖ brilliantly written and well worth a readí Seattle Times ëDeeply provocativeÖ rich in irony and intelligenceí Sydney Morning Herald ëSome books are acts of courageÖ Extreme times call for extreme reactions, extreme writing. Hamid has done something extraordinary with this novelí Washington Post ëOne of the strongest books published in Britain this yearí Irish Times ëAn excellent achievementí The News (Pakistan) ëThe tone is spot-onÖ a thoughtful and sophisticated novel that has the courage to wear its political conviction on its sleeveí Time Out ëTaut and absolutely absorbingí Toronto Star ëA truly impressive feat. Hamid pulls it off grandly in a style reminiscent of the Russian mastersí Hindustan Times ëThereís an almost delightful allegorical symmetry to the flow of events, as well as a sensuousness and finish that might belong to some other form of art: music, perhapsÖ The result is a cool equipoise that is not possible in ìreal lifeîÖ but no less moving or true for having achieved...
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...b g s li el T ew Praise for Social Media 101 “Dismissing social media is not an option, but neither is recruiting a small army of consultants to move your business forward. If you need a crisp view of what’s relevant and how to implement what’s measurable and meaningful today do not miss Social Media 101. Chris Brogan has clearly established himself as the “Social Media Compass” for the rest of us. By the time you finish reading this sentence, there’s something new to tweet about, but you can count on Chris to keep you headed in the right direction.” —Beth Dockins Director, Customer Service, Scotts “Social media is a new and fascinating playground for the complexities of human nature. Chris Brogan understands social media because he puts in the time—observing, understanding, and most importantly, taking action in ways that work.” —Brian Clark Owner/Publisher of Copyblogger.com “Social Media 101 is packed full of the kind of actionable information I wish I’d had starting out in the game.” —Darren Rowse Publisher of Problogger.net “It’s terrific to see Chris Brogan capturing so many of his thoughts on social media in one resource. He’s a person who I follow just for that reason. He offers clever insights and is always at the front of the learning curve.” —Ferg Devins Chief Public Affairs Officer, Molson Coors Canada “Don’t know where to start with social media? Chris Brogan takes your hand and guides you through—with a smile.” —Jennifer Cisney Kodak Chief Blogger...
Words: 75126 - Pages: 301
...ight Right Word Wrong Word Words and structures confused and misused by learners of English L. G. Alexander LONGMAN Addison Wesley Longman Limited Edinburgh Gate, Harlow Essex CM20 2JE, England and Associated Companies throughout the world. © Longman Group UK Limited 1994 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 1994 Fifth impression 1997 Illustrated by Chris Ryley British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Alexander, L. G. Right Word Wrong Word: Words and Structures Confused and Misused by Learners of English. - (Longman English Grammar Series) I. Title II. Ryley, Chris III. Series 428.24 ISBN 0-582-21860-8 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Alexander, L.G. Right word wrong word: words and structures confused and misused by learners of English/L.G. Alexander. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-58221860-8 1. English language-Usage. 2. English language-Errors of usage. I. Title. PE1460.A48 1993 428.2'4-dc20 93-11963 CIP We have been unable to trace the copyright holder of the text for Exercise 52 Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, Nobody and would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so. Set in Times New Roman, TrueType Produced through Longman Malaysia, ETS ISBN 0 582 21860 8 ...
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