...Emily Nickell LING 4460 Gender and the Language Strategies: Looking Beyond the Categories April 9, 2014 Abstract Indika Liyanage and Brendan John Bartlett’s article Gender and Language Learning Strategies challenges the previously held assumptions between gender and Language Learning Strategies (LLS). This article found that past research studies have supported an association between genders, with their findings concluding that females have a stronger predilection for LLS than males do. Liyanage and Bartlett go on to conduct a study with Sri-Lankan learners of ESL in five different learning context: speaking in class, listening in class, listening and speaking outside of class, reading in class and writing in class; to further explore the generalities associated with gender and LLS. The study concluded that preferences for individual strategies did not necessarily correlate with gender, unlike with broadly categorized strategies (cognitive, metacognitive, or affective). However, it did determine that certain strategies were clearly preferred by males while others were clearly preferred by females depending on the learning context in which these strategies were being implemented. This articles begins by drawing on two previous studies that concern both first language (L1) learning (Martino 1995; Masters and Forster 1997; Teese et al. 1995) and second language (L2) learning (Bacon and Finneman 1992; Ehrman and Oxford 1988; Politzer 1983). These studies support an association...
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...focused on the concept of gender in translation (e.g. von Flotow 2001, Simon 1996, and Chamberlain 1998). According to Chamberlain (1998: 96), “the issues relating to gender in the practice of translation are myriad, varying widely according to the type of text being translated, the language involved, cultural practices and countless other factors”. Von Flotow (2001) offers a comprehensive overview of research areas in which the issue of “gender and translation” could be investigated: - Historical studies (who translated what when and how, and how did gender play into this?) - Theoretical considerations (how do different gender affiliations, definitions, constructions play themselves out in translation and translation research?) - Issues of identity (how does gendered identity or a lack of it affect translation, translation research?) - Post-colonial questions (does our largely Anglo-American "gender" apply in other cultures and their texts? Does it translate into other languages? And what does it mean if it doesn’t?) - More general questions of cultural transfer (is the current government-supported export of Canadian women’s writing, a hot commodity in some literary markets, really about Canadian tolerance and egalitarianism?) Whereas most of researches done regarding gender in translation have dealt specifically with the issue of the translators’ gender identity and its effect on their translations, the main focus of current article is on how gender itself is translated and...
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...COMMUNICATION DIFFERENCES AND STATEGIES ESSAY Jennifer Ann Samuel SOC/333 MAY 28, 2012 DR. MARIANE CARROLL COMMUNICATION DIFFERENCES AND STATEGIES ESSAY Communication is two ways interaction process that has receiver and sender. Communication takes place in an environment which can have different types of disturbances. There are various factors that influence a communication process. These can be individual factors or environmental factors. Individual factors include factors related to senders and receivers. This paper is an effort to discuss one of such individual factors “Gender” in interpersonal communication process. Effective Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication among man woman involves various issues related to them. There are very limited studies conducte3d in order to understand difference of gender in interpersonal communication. However, with once own experience one can realize differences in the interpersonal communication. Interpersonal style and individual effectiveness can impacts information processing tendencies in them. The interpersonal style and individual effectiveness influences the overall performance of the organization. There are various Principles of Effective Communication. The Principles of Effective Communication are: * Inescapable People are always involved in some form of communication whether they want or not. When a person does not speak, the non verbal clues speak for him. Hence it is inescapable for...
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...Today Language and especially the media has an impact on the way in which we are positioned in society, and how we are categorised. Throughout this essay we will discuss key concepts of Age, Gender and Social class and how they impact ourselves as individuals or groups. Authors Adam Briggs and Paul Cobley has defined the media as a “Diverse collection of industries and practices, each with their own methods of communication, specific business interests, constraints and audiences”. Therefore, every aspect of our life is influenced. After decades we are encouraged to perceive differences between men and women as being more significant than they are, primarily since society wants us to. Today, gender is still stereotypical, men are the dominant,...
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...Fo r Te a ch er s Growing up in Zambia A Teachers’ Guide to Civic Education Camfed has created a new and innovative resource pack for the teaching and learning of Civic Education. It combines three books: this teachers’ guide, a student workbook and a collection of stories and photographs entitled Listen to My Story. We hope that together, they will inspire a high level of creativity in classrooms across Zambia. Civic Education is a key aspect of the school curriculum and one that prepares pupils for a productive and fulfulling life. The resource pack addresses issues of great concern to children and young people as they grow up in our society. A particular focus is gender and issues of inequality in Zambia. Many of the stories, photographs and activities enable boys and girls to reflect on the influences on their lives that shape their choices. English skills, literacy, and other elements of the curriculum are also supported and the sessions in the pack are designed to show how life and learning converge to change people’s futures. I hope that the many Zambian teachers and students who use this rich resource will benefit from the stories, and that the interactive and reflective activities will stimulate interest and learning in different local settings. Every child has the right to education. Yet in Zambia, as in many other countries around the world, millions of children, especially girls, are excluded from school. We often hear the statistics, but it is rare for those...
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... their various occupations and experiences. Women use terms that are more descriptive and take longer to get to the point, while men tend to start with the direct point and fill in as needed. There are also differences in how each gender interprets some phrases. This paper will discuss some of those differences, how these differences relate to miscommunication, and ways to deal effectively with these issues. The skills used by men for non-verbal communication relate to their impressions and ideas of importance. The more important a man thinks he is, the more his body language will speak out. He will stand up straighter, use a louder voice, and be more expansive with his hand gestures. Eye contact will be at a minimum when talking to a subordinate, unless he is making or stressing a point. In relaxed social situations a man will spread out physically, taking up more space than necessary and using more expansive gestures with his entire body, while eye contact is almost non-existent no matter who he is conversing with. For a male dealing with another male of higher ranking, the body language is more subdued, with greater eye contact from the subordinate to the superior. When a male is dealing with a female of higher rank, his body language will reflect his comfort level for the situation. For non-verbal communication among women, the skills are more varied. Women tend to maintain eye contact more frequently, regardless of whom they are talking to. They also tend to...
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...GENDER AND LANGUAGE IGB 442 FINAL PROJECT GENDER BIAS IN SONG By ANIK DWI ULFIYAH NIM 110222415038 STATE UNIVERSITY OF MALANG FACULTY OF LETTERS ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2013 Gender Bias in Song Gender and Language refer to the relationship between language and our ideas about men and women. Gender itself is a different term from sex. Sex is a biological creature, while gender is ideas which are constructed by the society as the users of the language. Let us think about the different answers to these two questions which might help us clarify the distinction between sex and gender: What does it mean to be male? What does it mean to be a man? ‘To be male’, as an expression of biological sex, is to have a chromosomal make up of XY. “To be a man,” however, expresses the socially constructed aspects of masculinity. As we know, language is the most important means in communication. We also know that the goal of the communication is to convey the message. One of the language uses is in song. Song, however, is an implementation of language and it also delivers message. Thus, song is also another form of using the language. Since we know that language can be gendered bias, so does in song. The content of the song –or song lyric— may be gendered bias in some extent. Love, life, and music are unseparatable things. People who really love music will absolutely agree with this quote. Almost all people in the world like music, even just one certain song...
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...chores and more aren’t segregated or discriminative; and most importantly, words are gender neutral. Alas, this is not how it is. “Many of us see language as something neutral. But language is political and often times patriarchal. In English, for instance, the word ‘testimony’ is derived from ‘testis’ (in Latin, related to ‘bear witness’ and ‘male’). You probably get the idea: only male (or men with testicles) can bear witness to an event,” said conceptual artist, Tan Zi Hao. Therefore, when the opportunity arise to come up with a female-themed artwork, Zi Hao along with Karmen Hui Chia Yin and Tan Sueh Li, typographers and co-founders of TypoKaki, designed the Women's...
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...identity in language and sexuality research M A R Y B U C H O L T Z Department of Linguistics 3607 South Hall University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3100 bucholtz@linguistics.ucsb.edu K I R A H A L L Department of Linguistics Campus Box 295 University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, CO 80309-0295 kira.hall@colorado.edu A B S T R A C T The field of language and sexuality has gained importance within socioculturally oriented linguistic scholarship. Much current work in this area emphasizes identity as one key aspect of sexuality. However, recent critiques of identity-based research advocate instead a desire-centered view of sexuality. Such an approach artificially restricts the scope of the field by overlooking the close relationship between identity and desire. This connection emerges clearly in queer linguistics, an approach to language and sexuality that incorporates insights from feminist, queer, and sociolinguistic theories to analyze sexuality as a broad sociocultural phenomenon. These intellectual approaches have shown that research on identity, sexual or otherwise, is most productive when the concept is understood as the outcome of intersubjectively negotiated practices and ideologies. To this end, an analytic framework for the semiotic study of social intersubjectivity is presented. (Sexuality, feminism, identity, desire, queer linguistics.)* I N T R O D U C T I O N Within the past decade the field of language and sexuality...
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...Making sense of Gender and ICTs in Education: Exploring theoretical explanations for complex findings. Cheryl Brown and Laura Czerniewicz University of Cape Town Abstract This paper examines findings from two surveys of 10110 university students conducted in South Africa in 2004 and 2007. We report on the differences between male and females students access to and use of ICTs for learning. In particular we note that whilst equal opportunities do largely exist for both genders, there are subtle differences in terms of female students practical access and sense of personal agency. Findings about use are complicated with male students using ICTs more frequently particularly in the sciences disciplines and for activities such as information seeking and communication (in contrast to research elsewhere). In order to try and better understand our findings we explore four different theoretical perspectives namely; Bourdieu’s notion of habitus; Feminist Standpoint Theory; Critical Information Systems Theory; and Expectations States Theory. We then suggest using Bourdieu’s notion of habitus as we believe it offers us the most flexibility whilst enabling a gender focus to be maintained,. Introduction Research findings about gender differences and ICT access and use are complex and contradictory. While only a decade ago researchers were united about gender difference with regards to ICT access and use, recent discussions about gender divides are less emphatic, but more varied...
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...work of Taylor and Weber (Reed & Ross-Smith 1994) along with the management theory of Mintzberg (Bartram 2005). The application of these concepts needed to change to reflect the desires and expectations of the current working demographic. The ‘highly visible’ (Stanley & Wise 2000) feminist or women’s movements, particularly in developed countries throughout the past century, have allowed women to enjoy substantially increased levels of equality and the ability to enter male-dominated occupations which their predecessors could not. Modern philosophers such as Foucault and de Saussure (Kelemen & Rumens 2008) have been considering one facet of ‘poststructuralism’ (Tosi 2009, p. 263), leading to a new stream of though on the implications of language interpretation. Modern poststructuralist feminists such as McNay and Weedon (as cited in Kelemen & Rumens 2008) have been debating ways in which to instigate and enhance a shift from a male-centric organisation compositions towards a more female conscious approach. Modern philosophical approaches on structure have aided in the application of feminist theories to the organisational and managerial literature but as some critics argue: at the expense of the greater cause. From liberalism to organisation; where women stand today: There are many factions of feminist discourse and a full history of feminist theory is...
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...2. Men's Language (Excerpted from The Men's Bibliography: A comprehensive bibliography of writing on men, masculinities, gender, and sexualities, compiled by Michael Flood. 19th edition, 2008. Home URL: http://mensbiblio.xyonline.net/) a) Men and Language Note: Works on boys, literacy and language in education are listed under "Growing up Male" above. Coates, Jennifer. (2003). Men Talk: Stories in the making of masculinities. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers. 1. ‘We was Playing Naked Football the Other Night’: Introduction. 2. ‘Good Story!’: The Formal Characteristics of Male Narrative. 3. ‘So I Thought ‘Bollocks to it’: Men, Stories and Masculinities. 4. ‘Bad as My Mate’: Stories in Sequence. 5. ‘She’d Made Sardines in Aspic’: Women’s Stories, Men’s Stories and the Construction of Gender. 6. ‘I’m Quite Good at Mexican Food’: Men’s Narratives in Mixed Conversation. 7. ‘Still in Shock Weren’t You Darling’: Masculinity and the Heterosexual Couple. 8. ‘There are Problems’: Men’s Talk and Contemporary Masculinities. Cowburn, Malcolm. (2004). Men, masculinities and what men do: the relationship of critique and change (invited review essay). Sexualities, 7, 4 497-501. Edley, N. (2001a). Analysing masculinity: Interpretative repertoires, ideological dilemmas and subject positions. In M. Wetherell, S. Taylor & S. Yates. (eds.), Discourse as data: a guide for analysis (pp. 189-229). London: Sage Publications. Edley, N. (2001b). I. Conversation analysis, discursive psychology...
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...Elizabeth Burke October 8, 2013 Gender Affecting Memory A great debate in psychology is whether gender affects memory. There has been a lot of controversy and research conducted to explain the question, does gender affect memory? After properly reviewing articles about this topic, I have concluded gender doesn’t affect memory but whether how memory is processed. Each gender has their own advantage when it comes to memory. Memory is processed differently between males and females. Women have better long term- episodic memory, while men have better long- term semantic memory. Due to verbal clues, women are more likely to remember events that are associated with emotions. These include weddings, birthday parties, or anniversaries. Due to visual clues, men are more likely to remember functions associated with tactics. These include traveling, trivia, and direction. For example, a man is more likely to able to find his way out of a forest than a woman. The size of the male and female brain differs. In a scan of the female brain, it was proven the limbic cortices, which regulates emotion, was larger. The limbic cortex also processes language. Women have neurons that are tightly packed. This allows faster communications to be made. The connections they make are more complex and sophisticated. This could explain why woman are better at multi- tasking. The scan showed the female brain has larger corpus callosum, which is bundle of nerves that ...
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...During the 1970s, there were social, political, and economic events and issues that challenged Canadians. Throughout the 70s, some of the social issues were racism, gender discrimination, and language rights. A few of the political issues were immigration, refugees seeking asylum in Canada, and the challenge of humanitarianism of Canadians. Economically, Canada faced the most problems here; “oil price shock”, “supply shocks”, stagflation, and inflation. Throughout the 1970s, Canadians were changing Canada’s society to become more equal in the context of racism, gender discrimination, and language rights. Pierre Elliott Trudeau was trying to build Canadian society to a “just” society where it is multicultural and everyone would live in harmony. Throughout the 1970s federal government implanted new social programs and expanded the old ones. In the 1960s women's rights activists demanded the establishment of the Royal Commission on the status of women. In December of 1970 that document included new recommendations such as; providing daycare services for working women, prohibiting gender discrimination bias or marital status, unemployment benefits to working women on maternity leave, and wages established based on skills and responsibility rather than gender. The Women's movement was a defining moment for Canada’s society in the 1970s. Canadian women all agreed on the basic need to improve the situation of women; to fight racism and sexism. Women demanded affirmative action in...
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...SMS Text Analysis: Language, Gender and Current Practices Muhammad Shaban Rafi1 Abstract This article tests the assumption that SMS language is like a pidgin in every speech community. The article also examines the assumption that a great motor of SMS lives among females whose lexical and morpho-syntactic choices are different from males. It further speculates influence of SMS language on language of media. One hundred messages were taken randomly from 20 cell phones and perceptions of 25 males and 25 females were recorded on an ordinal scale for analysis. The text was analyzed to look into lexicology, morphology and syntactic levels of texters, and influence of SMS on language of commercials. The results show that a novice intelligible language has evolved through SMS, which is influencing language of media. A significant difference is found between male and female texters’ linguistic properties. Introduction Short Message Service (SMS) language tends to create a novice language, which has become an integral part of the multilingual world. It pursues simple sentences structure for communication. It is assumed that SMS syntactic and lexical choices by the texters are not so different from a child language. A child expresses his feelings through simple present progressive tense e.g. mom eating for ‘Mom is eating’ and Eating for ‘I am eating’. The empirical data show that SMS language over-looks orthographic and syntactic rules of a language with a great emphasis...
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