...50 Key Concepts in Gender Studies Jane Pilcher & Imelda Whelehan Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Studies i Recent volumes include: Key Concepts in Social Research Geoff Payne and Judy Payne Key Concepts in Medical Sociology Jonathan Gabe, Mike Bury and Mary Ann Elston Forthcoming titles include: Key Concepts in Leisure Studies David Harris Key Concepts in Critical Social Theory Nick Crossley Key Concepts in Urban Studies Mark Gottdiener The SAGE Key Concepts series provide students with accessible and authoritative knowledge of the essential topics in a variety of disciplines. Cross-referenced throughout, the format encourages critical evaluation through understanding. Written by experienced and respected academics, the books are indispensable study aids and guides to comprehension. JANE PILCHER AND IMELDA WHELEHAN Fifty Key Concepts in Gender Studies SAGE Publications London • Thousand Oaks • New Delhi iii © Jane Pilcher and Imelda Whelehan 2004 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the Publishers. SAGE Publications Ltd 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP SAGE Publications Inc 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd B-42 Panchsheel Enclave Post Box 4109 New Delhi 100 017 British Library...
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...An Introduction to Organisational Behaviour for Managers and Engineers This page intentionally left blank An Introduction to Organisational Behaviour for Managers and Engineers A Group and Multicultural Approach First Edition Duncan Kitchin AMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDON NEW YORK OXFORD PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP, UK First edition 2010 Copyright Ó 2010 Duncan Kitchin. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The right of Duncan Kitchin to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (þ44) 1865 843830, fax: (þ44) 1865 853333, E-mail: permissions@elsevier. com. You may also complete your request online via the Elsevier homepage (http://elsevier.com), by selecting ‘‘Support & Contact’’ then ‘‘Copyright and Permission’’ and then ‘‘Obtaining Permissions.’’ British Library Cataloguing in Publication...
Words: 91601 - Pages: 367
...Sayce Jacqueline Sinclair Laura Williams, (2012),"Equality and diversity in employment relations: do we practise what we preach?", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, Vol. 31 Iss 4 pp. 323 - 339 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02610151211223021 Downloaded on: 01 December 2014, At: 02:26 (PT) References: this document contains references to 46 other documents. To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com The fulltext of this document has been downloaded 3118 times since 2012* Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER At 02:26 01 December 2014 (PT) Users who downloaded this article also downloaded: C.W. Von Bergen, Barlow Soper, John A. Parnell, (2005),"Workforce diversity and organisational performance", Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 24 Iss 3/4 pp. 1-16 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1108/02610150510788033 Vidhi Agrawal, Vidhi Agrawal, (2012),"Managing the diversified team: challenges and strategies for improving performance", Team Performance Management: An International Journal, Vol. 18 Iss 7/8 pp. 384-400 http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13527591211281129 Anne R. van Ewijk, (2011),"Diversity and diversity policy: diving into fundamental differences", Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 24 Iss 5 pp. 680-694 http:// dx.doi.org/10.1108/09534811111158921 Access to this document was granted through an Emerald subscription provided by 471881 [] For Authors If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald...
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...Report No 55 Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource by Hazel Reeves and Sally Baden February 2000 BRIDGE (development - gender) Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 Email: bridge@ids.ac.uk Website: http://www.ids.ac.uk/bridge/ © Institute of Development Studies ISBN 1 85864 381 3 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Quick Definitions ................................................................................................... 2 3. Detailed Explanations and Further Reading ....................................................... 4 Culture ..................................................................................................................... 4 Gender Analysis ...................................................................................................... 6 Gender Discrimination ............................................................................................. 7 Gender Division of Labour....................................................................................... 8 Gender Equality and Equity................................................................................... 10 Gender Mainstreaming ................
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...Report No 55 Gender and Development: Concepts and Definitions Prepared for the Department for International Development (DFID) for its gender mainstreaming intranet resource by Hazel Reeves and Sally Baden February 2000 BRIDGE (development - gender) Institute of Development Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9RE, UK Tel: +44 (0) 1273 606261 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 621202 Email: bridge@ids.ac.uk Website: http://www.ids.ac.uk/bridge/ © Institute of Development Studies ISBN 1 85864 381 3 Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 1 2. Quick Definitions ................................................................................................... 2 3. Detailed Explanations and Further Reading ....................................................... 4 Culture ..................................................................................................................... 4 Gender Analysis ...................................................................................................... 6 Gender Discrimination ............................................................................................. 7 Gender Division of Labour....................................................................................... 8 Gender Equality and Equity................................................................................... 10 Gender Mainstreaming ................
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...influences or is influenced by organisms sufficiently alive to respond to one another. Behaviour refers to the actions or reactions of an object or organism, usually in relation to the environment. Behavior can be conscious or unconscious. Social constructionism can be seen as a source of the postmodern movement, and has been influential in the field of cultural studies. Some have gone so far as to attribute the rise of cultural studies (the cultural turn) to social constructionism. Berger (1966) is perhaps best known for his view that social reality is a form of consciousness. Central to Berger's work is the relationship between society and the individual. In his book The Social Construction of Reality Berger develops a sociological theory: 'Society as Objective Reality and as Subjective Reality'. His analysis of society as subjective reality describes the process by which an individual's conception of reality is produced by his or her interaction with social structures. He writes about how new human concepts or inventions become a part of our reality (a process he calls reification) Within the social constructionist strand of postmodernism, the concept of socially constructed reality stresses the on-going mass-building of worldviews by individuals in dialectical interaction with society at any time. The numerous realities so formed comprise, according to this view, the imagined worlds...
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...ISSN 0950 2254 ISBN 0 7559 2856 3 (web only publication) ISBN 0-7559-2856-3 www.scotland.gov.uk/socialresearch The text pages of this document are produced from 100% Elemental Chlorine-Free material. The paper carries the Nordic Ecolabel for low emissions during production, and is 100% recyclable. Astron B44477 12/05 9 780755 928569 Education The Role of the Social Worker in the 21st Century – A Literature Review THE ROLE OF THE SOCIAL WORKER IN THE 21ST CENTURY A LITERATURE REVIEW ‘Indeed we have only the most general ideas of what we are trying to produce, what constitutes the essential skill of the social worker, and consequently still more varied ideas as to how to set about it’ (Younghusband, 1959, p.28). Professor Stewart Asquith Dr Chris Clark Professor Lorraine Waterhouse University of Edinburgh The views expressed in the report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Scottish Executive or any other organisation(s) by which the author(s) is/are employed. The Scottish Executive is making this research report available on-line in order to provide access to its contents for those interested in the subject. The Executive commissioned the research but has not exercised editorial control over the report. This web only report is accompanied by "Insight 25: The Role of the Social Worker in the 21st Century" also in web only format. Both reports are published by Information and Analytical Services...
Words: 19416 - Pages: 78
...Commission Arndale House Arndale Centre Manchester M4 3EQ Email: research@eoc.org.uk Telephone: 0161 838 8340 Website: www.eoc.org.uk/research You can download a copy of this report as a PDF from our website, or call our Helpline to order a copy: Website: Email: Helpline: www.eoc.org.uk/research info@eoc.org.uk 0845 601 5901 (calls charged at local rates) Interpreting service available for callers to the Helpline Typetalk service available: 18001 0845 601 5901 CONTENTS TABLES AND FIGURES Page iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY v 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND BULLYING 5 2.1 Relationship between sexual harassment and workplace bullying 5 2.2 Power and 'organisational violation' 6...
Words: 33399 - Pages: 134
...website: Research and Resources Equal Opportunities Commission Arndale House Arndale Centre Manchester M4 3EQ Email: research@eoc.org.uk Telephone: 0161 838 8340 Website: www.eoc.org.uk/research You can download a copy of this report as a PDF from our website, or call our Helpline to order a copy: Website: Email: Helpline: www.eoc.org.uk/research info@eoc.org.uk 0845 601 5901 (calls charged at local rates) Interpreting service available for callers to the Helpline Typetalk service available: 18001 0845 601 5901 CONTENTS TABLES AND FIGURES ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2 INTRODUCTION Page iii iv v 1 SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND BULLYING 5 2.1 Relationship between sexual harassment and workplace bullying 5 2.2 Power and 'organisational violation' 6 2.3 Forms of sexual harassment 8 2.4 How big a problem is sexual harassment in...
Words: 33399 - Pages: 134
...UNDERGRADUATE REGULATIONS & SYLLABUSES 2014 - 2015 THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES TABLE OF CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN ............................................................. 3 UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMMES ................................................ 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2014-2015 ................................................ 5 DEFINITIONS ...................................................................................... 13 GENERAL INFORMATION & REGULATIONS .............................. 14 General Regulations for Bachelor of Science Degrees 14 Special Regulations for Degrees in Hospitality and Tourism Management........................................................... 27 Franchise Agreements .......................................................... 27 EVENING UNIVERSITY -GENERAL INFORMATION & REGULATIONS ................................................................................... 28 General Regulations for Bachelor of Science Degrees 28 General Regulations for Diploma Programmes ............ 36 General Regulations for Certificate Programmes ......... 37 STUDENT PRIZES .............................................................................. 38 CODE OF CONDUCT ........................................................................ 39 UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS ON PLAGIARISM .......................... 40 THE ACADEMIC SUPPORT/ DISABILITIES LIAISON UNIT (ASDLU) ..............................................................................................
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................................... 5 Kurt Lewin Model: Assumptions and Implications ............................................... 8 Implications af Kurt Lewin Model....................................................................... 12 Some Basic Concepts and Definitions ................................................................. 15 Transactional Vs. Transformational Leadership .................................................. 18 Theories of Change in Organisations................................................................... 21 Life Cycle Theory ................................................................................................ 22 Teleological Theories of Change ......................................................................... 25 Dialectical Theories of Change............................................................................ 27 A Dialectical Approach to Organisational Strategy and Planning ....................... 29 Limitation of Dialectics; DA and DI.................................................................... 31 Theories of Change in Organisations................................................................... 33 Application of Evolutionary Theory .................................................................... 35 Further Application of Evolutionary Theories..................................................... 36 Greiner’s Model of Organisational Evolution and Revolution...
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...NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION: USE ONLY IN COMPLIANCE WITH COPYRIGHT: DAVID RISSTROM AN INTERPRETATION OF LAW IN CONTEXT Bottomley, S., Gunningham, N. and Parker, S., 1991, Law in Context, The Federation Press, Leichhardt. { } = additional material from lectures. ( ) = my comments. (See ‘x’) refers to book page number. A short (somewhat boring) message from the summary executioner before you dive in; These notes are an interpretation of the book Law in Context and the lectures given as part of the 1991 Course. They are not a satisfactory substitution for reading the text. You are only likely to get the maximum value out of this summary by reading it in conjunction with the text. The question of ‘the law in whose context’ may be worth keeping in mind as you read. This is an interpretation seen through my eyes, not yours. My comments are not unbiased, as it is as equally unlikely that yours may be. So my ‘advice’ is consider what is said here and in the book considering the need to understand the ‘mechanics’ that help make sense of the more involved themes that develop in the book as you progress through Law in Context. The observations, important in their own right, may be particularly useful for seeing how their often ubiquitous expression is taken as ‘normal’ in the areas of wider society, such as in discussions of economics and power. It is unlikely that you will find any ‘right answers’ from this summary, but I do hope it helps you in synthesising...
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...® Acodemy of Management Heview 1993, Vol. 18, No. 3. 518-545. FOUCAULT. POWER/KNOWLEDGE. AND ITS RELEVANCE FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BARBARA TOWNLEY The University of Alberta Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault. I argue that human resource management (HRM) may be best understood as a discourse and set of practices that attempt to reduce the indeterminacy involved in the employment contract. Here I reread HRM practices from a Foucauldian power-knowledge perspective and suggest that this provides an avenue to reorient contemporary, historical, and comparative analyses of the area. A glimpse at human resource management (HRM) texts would seem to give light to a comment by Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills, and Walton (1984) that HRM is a series of seemingly disjointed activities. This notion echoes an earlier view of Baldamus (1961: 347) that what is encompassed by HRM's subject matter is "anything from supervision, incentives and profit sharing to machine-paced production, methods of training and employee selection." Often this heterogeneity is excused in terms of HRM's reflecting the ad hoc and reactive nature of its origins (Jacoby, 1985; Niven, 1967; Ozanne, 1967). What the heterogeneity of HRM highlights, however, is the importance of an organizing principle, or analytical focus, as opposed to common sense description, which gives HRM practices a theoretical coherence. HRM's heterogeneity stresses the importance of an order "that turns a set of bits, which have limited...
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.... ReseaRching and WRiting a disseRtation a guidebook foR business students Colin Fisher second edition . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students . We work with leading authors to develop the strongest educational materials in management, bringing cutting-edge thinking and best learning practice to a global market. Under a range of well-known imprints, including Financial Times Prentice Hall, we craft high-quality print and electronic publications which help readers to understand and apply their content, whether studying or at work. To find out more about the complete range of our publishing, please visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk . Researching and Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students Second edition Colin Fisher with John Buglear Diannah Lowry Alistair Mutch Carole Tansley . Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world Visit us on the World Wide Web at: www.pearsoned.co.uk First published 2004 Second edition 2007 © Pearson Education Limited 2004 © Pearson Education Limited 2007 The right of Colin Fisher to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical...
Words: 142971 - Pages: 572
...Employment News 11 - 17 February 2012 www.employmentnews.gov.in 21 Union Public Service Commission EXAMINATION NOTICE NO. 04/2012-CSP DATED 11.02.2012 (LAST DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS : 05.03.2012) CIVIL SERVICES EXAMINATION, 2012 (Commission's website - http://www.upsc.gov.in) F. No. 1/4/2011-E.I(B) : Preliminary Examination of the Civil Services Examination for recruitment to the Services and Posts mentioned below will be held by the Union Public Service Commission on 20th May, 2012 in accordance with the Rules published by the Department of Personnel & Training in the Gazette of India Extraordinary dated 4th February, 2012. (i) Indian Administrative Service. (ii) Indian Foreign Service. (iii) Indian Police Service. (iv) Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service, Group ‘A’. (v) Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. (vi) Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise), Group ‘A’. (vii) Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. (viii) Indian Revenue Service (I.T.), Group ‘A’. (ix) Indian Ordnance Factories Service, Group ‘A’ (Assistant Works Manager, Administration). (x) Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’. (xi) Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’. (xii) Indian Railway Traffic Service, Group ‘A’. (xiii) Indian Railway Accounts Service, Group 'A'. (xiv) Indian Railway Personnel Service, Group ‘A’. (xv) Post of Assistant Security Commissioner in Railway Protection Force, Group ‘A’ (xvi) Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’. (xvii) Indian Information...
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