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Beet Athletic Performance

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How Does Beet Juice Improve Athletic Performance?
Boost Your Workout with a Glass of Beet Juice Share Pin Email
Beet juice Beets increase nitric oxide levels in the body. Pixel Stories/Stocksy United
By Darla Leal - Reviewed by a board-certified physician.
Updated January 27, 2017
Athletes and active adults are leaning more towards nutrient dense foods to improve athletic performance. Diets rich in vegetables like beets are shown to have a significant impact on body functions during exercise. In fact, beetroot juice has become one of the most popular ergogenic supplements for athletes. What makes the beet such an athletic nutritional powerhouse?

Beets and Athletic Performance
The beetroot (beta vulgaris) is enjoyed as a food source, is …show more content…
The common goal of all research was to examine the beneficial effects of beetroot juice on athletic performance.

A study was published on beetroot juice supplementation and aerobic response in fourteen male swimmers. The participants were master athletes aged in their mid to late thirties and in excellent health. Controlled swim tests were conducted with and without beetroot juice supplementation. The athletes were evaluated throughout the swim test for maximum volume of oxygen (VO₂) and aerobic energy cost.

The swimmers significantly increased their anaerobic threshold after beet juice supplementation compared to testing without. This means increased oxygen capacity allowed them to swim longer before reaching exercise failure after drinking beet juice. The athletes were also shown to have a decreased aerobic energy cost supplementing with beet juice. A lowered energy cost enabled the swimmers to sustain an increased exercise time.

The results indicate beetroot juice supplementation may enhance the athletic performance of master trained swimmers.

Other Research …show more content…
The volume of oxygen utilized at varying intensities was greatly improved after beet juice consumption.
Kayakers supplementing with beet juice before competition showed improved oxygen capacity compared to a placebo group.
Trained swimmers exhibited greater exercise capacity and improved endurance after beet juice consumption.
Competitive cyclists who supplemented with beetroot juice improved their performance by 0.8 percent in a 50-mile test. Significant improvements were observed during the last 10 miles. Both oxygen efficiency and time to exhaustion were greatly improved after beet juice consumption.
All athletes were able to maintain exercise intensities from 60 to 80 percent significantly longer during exercise with beet juice supplementation.
Trained runners ran 5 percent faster in the later part of a 5000-meter race supplementing with beetroot juice 90 minutes prior to their event.
Athletes seem to benefit most from beet juice supplementation 150 minutes prior to their events.
Research suggests supplementing with beetroot juice at least six days prior to intense exercise or athletic events for best ergogenic

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