...Tesco Tesco is a food grocer devoted to “making what matters better”. Jack Cohen founded Tesco in 1919 from a market stall in London’s East End. Since 1919 Tesco has grown drastically. Tesco is now an international company operating in 12 countries and employing more than 530,000 people. In addition, Tesco is no longer a family run private equity company; they are now a public limited company (PLC). This means that members of the public are able to purchase shares in Tesco. Although its shareholders own Tesco, there is limited liability. Limited liability means that shareholder’s personal assets are separate from that of the business. If the business goes bankrupt then the shareholder’s personal assets cannot be seized to compensate, only the capital invested. Tesco’s operates in the tertiary sector. The tertiary sector is the sector, which deals mainly with the sale of products and services. Tesco offer many products and services, such as electronics, groceries, petrol and car insurance. Although these products and services often have the Tesco brand label on them, they do not produce them themselves. When it comes to cultivation and manufacturing, (primary & secondary), Tesco tend to outsource. Tesco is a Private for Profit business, but also a PLC. This means that Tesco is a Shareholder owned business that operates in the private sector of the market. The Private Sector consists of organisations that are owned and funded by individuals or groups of individuals. Tesco...
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...skills. With that being said, since the start of my high school career I had wanted to be a part of this prestigious club. And, not just because members got to wear an extra tassel at graduation, but instead because of the opportunities that came with membership. To lay the foundation for this essay, I want to be a member of NHS because it builds character, shows leadership, provides services and looks good on a college application. First off, this club helps build and improve one's character which is important for all job fields and especially for those that involve teamwork. This because having character means that I’d have the ability to show respect and empathy, which in turn will help me foster positive working relationships. Furthermore, it is especially important in a team because you need to collaborate in order to get the job done, and when you can’t respect a co-worker, you’ll create more problems than end...
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...literature on family involvement in residential long-term care. Studies that examined family involvement in various long-term care venues were identified through extensive searches of the literature. Future research and practice must consider the complexity of family structure, adopt longitudinal designs, provide direct empirical links between family involvement and resident outcomes, and offer rigorous evaluation of interventions in order to refine the literature. NIH-PA Author Manuscript Keywords Family Involvement; Nursing Homes; Assisted Living Facilities; Family Care Homes; Family Caregiving; Informal Care NIH-PA Author Manuscript Over the past several decades, various research studies have demonstrated that family members remain involved in the lives of their loved ones following placement in residential long-term care facilities (e.g., Bowers, 1988; Maas et al., 2000; Rowles & High, 1996; Smith & Bengston, 1979; York & Calsyn, 1977; Zarit & Whitlatch, 1992, to name a few). These collective findings have helped debunk the myth that families abandon their relatives in nursing homes or similar settings to die in isolation (Rowles, Concotelli, & High, 1996). Although the roles of families in residential long-term care have continued to receive attention in the literature, the findings are diverse as studies are often conducted from different perspectives and are dispersed across various disciplines. The...
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...Through the years, my parents have constantly pushed me, almost to the edge, to excel at school and so far I have achieved and surpassed their high standards. However, as I have gotten older, I know that I can do more than what they expect out of me and I think the National Honor Society would be the key to unlocking the doors of many more academically challenging opportunities, along with several chances to improve my leadership skills while simultaneously helping serve in all aspects of the National Honor Society. Getting selected to be apart of such an elite group like NHS would mean so much to me because it would count as one more goal achieved. Since the 9th grade, after watching the NHS Induction Ceremony, I have been working extra hard...
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...organisation helps to fulfil their purposes. Task 1 (Part A) My 2 contrasting organisations: 1. NHS 2. Microsoft Location – Explain different locations and give examples. Below are some types of locations within a business and how different they could become 1. Local: Local area/ Spilsby/ Spilsby theatre/ hair dressers/ local plumber. 2. Regional: Lincolnshire – based in this region, for example, swimming pools 3. National: UK, e.g. Morrison’s 4. International: only some businesses, for example, Tesco 5. Global: Most businesses, for example, McDonalds and Microsoft However, relating this to both of my contrasting organisations, NHS is more of a National Organisation as they are only working for people within the country as it is a government run Organisation. However, if I was to relate this to Microsoft then it would be different because Microsoft is a Global Organisation, they will produce their products to be sold to everyone. An example of this would be selling phones to people around the world and making money for the Organisation. This could lead to a rolling circuit. For example, if Microsoft was to make and sell a phone around the world then they would try to make a profit. If they are able to make a profit then the Organisation will be able to make more for them to be able to sell. Purpose of businesses – What does it mean? NHS – The NHS is there to supply a service to everyone that needs it, for example, if someone has become injured...
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...Tesco, a British supermarket chain, and the National Health Service (NHS), a British organisation which provides free healthcare to everyone in the United Kingdom. Both organisations have a strong mission statement. A mission statement is a short summary of a business’s aims and objectives for the future. The NHS’s mission is to provide “High quality care for all, now and for future generations”. (http://www.england.nhs.uk/about/our-vision-and-purpose/ 07/10/2014) This is a summarised version of the full aims and objectives of the NHS, which ensures that they are committed to prioritising; * Satisfied patients * Motivated, positive NHS staff * Preventing people from dying prematurely * Enhancing quality of life for people with long term conditions * Helping people to recover from episodes of ill health or following injury * Ensuring that people have a positive experience of care * Treating and caring for people in a safe environment and protecting them from avoidable harm * Promoting equality and reducing inequalities in health outcomes * NHS Constitution rights and pledges, including delivery of key service standards * Becoming an excellent organisation * High quality financial management (http://www.england.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ppf-1314-1516.pdf 07/10/2014) Tesco, unlike the NHS, don't have a mission statement but, instead, have a “vision”, which...
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...HS 3001 LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE Critically analyse the effectiveness of leadership in the NHS Summary This essay will discuss and critically analyse the effectiveness of leadership role of senior nurses in the NHS. The essay will examine the definition of leadership, different theories of leaderships and how it can be implicated to nursing practice including changes that should be made to make nursing leaders more effective in NHS health care settings. Leadership is an important topic that is highly looked at in NHS. Policy makers approves that nurses have a leadership responsibility in clinical and managerial aspects of things in health care settings. Introduction There are so many different definition of leadership. According to Alimo-metcalfe and Lawler (2001) which stated ‘there is no single, robust definition of leadership available within UK organisations today’. Also according to Huber (2006) ‘leader use their power to bring teams together, spark innovation, create positive communication and drive forward toward group goals’ However, the most common definition that is used is by Northouse (2004), This defined leadership as ‘a process whereby an individual influences a group of individual to achieve a common goal’. This definition confines the fundamental nature of leadership but at the same time it has acknowledged that due to wild ranges of leadership perspective, there will be many definitions of what leadership means depending on the importance of personal...
Words: 1000 - Pages: 4
...author will do this by exploring what stakeholder engagement is and how it is being used in the healthcare arena to improve care quality and patient experience. The author’s critical analysis will discuss the relationship between organisational values, stakeholder engagement and the delivery of quality patient care, before relating this to his professional practice, prior to drawing and presenting conclusions. The author having worked in the NHS for a number of years as a Commissioning Manager in a non-clinical role has often found it difficult to see the impact that sound organisational values and robust stakeholder engagement can directly have on the delivery of patient quality, experience and care, working through Module 3 has been a truly eye opening experience for the author. Having completed Module 1 and 2 of the EGA course and now coming to the end of Module 3, there have been many opportunities for self-reflection and time to make sense of how and why organisational values, engagement and service delivery are all interlinked. Analysis Engaging Stakeholders to Improve Care & Quality “Stakeholder engagement is the process by which an organisation involves people who may be affected by the decisions it makes or can influence the implementation of its decisions.” The notion of engagement with patients in their care has been a growing focus of health and social care policy. In 2000 the NHS published their plan (Department of Health 2000) which spoke of moulding services...
Words: 3855 - Pages: 16
...Application Essay Being nominated to be apart of the prestigious National Honor Society is a great accomplishment in itself. It is proof of my determination and dedication to my future and further education. I believe that being an active participant would further my opportunities to contribute to my school, community, and education. As a sophomore, I may not have been presented as many opportunities as other candidates but I have taken full advantage of as many leadership positions and service projects as possible. As soon as I walked into the halls of Heritage High School I created several goals for myself to accomplish before I graduate. One of the goals with highest priority was being inducted into the National Honor Society, and now this goal is closer than ever. To be a member of the National Honor Society is to be recognized as a student with...
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...care to patients, who are entitled to receive safe and competent care. 2.3 As a registered nurse I am personally accountable for ensuring that I promote and protect the interests and dignity of patients and clients, irrespective of gender, age, race, ability, sexuality, economic status, lifestyle, culture and religious or political beliefs. 2.4 I must promote the interest of patients. This includes helping individuals and groups gain access to health and social care, information and support relevant to their needs. The NHS is accountable for all acts and omissions that relate to equality and human right legislation like the Equality relations Act, The human Rights Act (1998) The Disability Discrimination Act (2006). The legal enforcement authorities such as, the disability rights commission, equal opportunities commission, The Equality and Human Rights commission require adherence from all NHS bodies. The equality and human rights guidelines set out for the NHS includes fair access...
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...The Final Report of the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry – Chaired by Robert Francis QC On the day briefing by the Foundation Trust Network (FTN) 1. Background The following briefing provides a summary of our action to date, the Francis recommendations and an initial response from the FTN. 2. Initial Reaction from the FTN In the run up to publication of the Francis Report, our Chair, Peter Griffiths and Chief Executive, Chris Hopson wrote an open letter to members acknowledging that pockets of poor quality care can exist in all types of trust, but emphasising that failures as serious, protracted and devastating as Mid Staffordshire are rare and isolated. We recognised that the FTN and the wider NHS need to do much more to identify and share best practice on improving quality of care and to provide practical tools to support trusts in doing so. Our work programme will identify how the FTN can help develop sector led support to complement government led initiatives, focussing on: • • • • The drivers of quality identified through research such as culture, ward level leadership, team effectiveness, staff satisfaction and support; The role of the board; Defining what support could be provided to trusts finding it difficult to meet standards; Exploring the link between increasing financial pressure and quality. Clearly, today’s announcements and recommendations will have a major impact on everyone in the NHS. We are committed to engaging fully in the evolving...
Words: 2322 - Pages: 10
...The National Honor Society's four pillars of character, scholarship, leadership, and service reflect the core values that shape well-rounded, successful individuals, not just during the high school years, but for lifelong achievement. I believe these pillars will lay the foundation for thriving in roles such as a friend, coworker, family member, or simply a citizen. The pillar that I believe resonates most strongly with my own experiences is leadership. As a freshman, earning a varsity baseball spot required me to adapt to a new, heightened level of performance. While I may not be the “team captain”, I focused on positively influencing those around me through accountability, motivation, and sharing my skills/knowledge with my teammates. Last...
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...in healthcare since it is seen as one of the principal factor for causing cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes, costing NHS even more (MRC, 2013). The occurrence of obesity has been so common in the overall population that it has become vital for nurses to be up to date with information regarding obesity issues. Nurses should also be able to use those obtained information to prevent and help recognize those who are already obese by providing them with treatment choices and lifestyle changes information. There are many aspects of obesity treatment which require particular expertise and insights and so doing research on it helps students to gain more information and deliver good practice in the future. Therefore, this essay will be focused on bariatric surgery among adult. Bariatric surgery is a surgery that alters the digestion process in which broken food is absorbed slowly than usual to minimize the amount of nutrients and calories absorption. This type of surgery is recommended for people who are extremely obese- body mass index (BMI) of 35 or above along with severe health problems. This procedure may be effective in reducing weight and treating comorbidities, however, it is costly and has associated risk similar to those of any surgeries (NHS, 2013).The growing number of bariatric surgery not only seems to be a significant contributor to NHS cost but also appears to increase various legal and ethical issues. I will now identify the significant legal, professional and...
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...needs for the author, the team and the sphere of practice. It begins by outlining policy drivers relating to leadership within the NHS generally and health visiting specifically. It is interesting to note that despite the vast literature on leadership there is very little agreement amongst scholars on the definition of the term (Willcocks 2012; Alimo-Metcalfe and Lawler 2001). Contemporary government policies such as the Health Visitor Implementation plan (GBDH 2011) focus on the desirability of strong leadership to improve the quality of care but are equally vague on defining leadership (Willcocks 2012; Martin and Learmonth 2012). Some authors have found that the term “leader” has merely superseded the terms “administrator” and “manager” within the confines of the NHS (Martin and Learmonth 2012; Sheridan, Rastan and Foulkes 2008; Hodgetts 2012) as it confers an image of “heroism” and, as yet, carries none of the negative connotations associated with administration or management. It has been suggested that leadership may be seen as a panacea (Parker 2004) for any problems within the NHS or as a route to reforming the system (Massey and Munt 2009). Leadership has been a key theme in several government documents in recent years, despite changes in government, including: High Quality Care for All (Darzi 2008); Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS (GBDH 2010) and the Health Visitor...
Words: 5692 - Pages: 23
... technological, legal, environmental factors that had an impact on an organisation in the past, and could affect organisation in the future. Carry out PESTLE along with SWOT analysis, assist in strategic decision- making, and setting realistic objectives. 2.2 The PESTLE analysis is attached as Appendix 1. 2.3 The SWOT analysis is attached as Appendix 2. 2.4 The evaluation of high impact environmental factors based on PESTLE analysis. 2.5.1 The Department of Health is making provisions to a number of changes to the NHS dental contract, based on capitation, quality and registration, rather than UDA system. The two prototype contracts will begin operating in 2015-2016 for a two year trial, before a general new contract is introduced for everyone, in consequence it is difficult to predict a full impact on our organisation until the trial is finished. This requires contract monitoring for the time being. 2.5.2 Due to providing assurance and reporting to the commissionaires in line with CQC and GDC requirements, our practice has been forced to invest over £100000 to meet mandatory standards by the end of 2012. This involved building of an extension and allocation of separate decontamination room, along with a staff training. Failing in compliance could result in practice closure. 2.5.3 The international financial crisis 2007-2008 had a significant impact on everybody’s disposable income, affordability, increased unemployment, inflation...
Words: 4538 - Pages: 19