...Ashley Harris Ms. Z SOCY 294-01 20 November 2014 Ethnicity Research Project Introduction and History The Roma and Irish Travellers are an ethnic minority in England. There is evidence that the Roma originated in North India and started to migrate 1,000 years ago (Van Cleemput). They were forced out of India and used as slaves. I cannot imagine being forced from my homeland and being forced to work for free. The Roma and Irish Travellers face hostility and persecution. The first anti-gypsy law was passed under Henry the VIII (Van Cleemput). I cannot even fathom being told that just because I live a certain lifestyle that I am not allowed to live in a certain area. In the United States, we are faced with discrimination against lesbian and gay couples. Although, they are not allowed to marry, we do not tell them where they can and cannot live. The Roma and Irish Travellers started to travel in small family groups at first (Gmelch and Gmelch). The Roma hold their family close to them. If anything was to happen to anyone in the family they tend to get closer and closer to each other. Aggressive begging, public drunkenness and brawling often occurs after a funeral (Gmelch and Gmelch). Most people assume this is because they have no way to pay for the service or to bury their loved one. Based on my research, I found this to be very plausible. The Roma have arranged marriages known as matching. As a result of matching they have a problem with inbreeding (Gmelch and Gmelch). The...
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...gestures or stereotypical to fit with the dominant ideology. To explore this further I will be primarily looking at the representation of Gypsies in My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, a TV programme produced by Jenny Popplewell shown on Channel 4. I will also comment on other representations of gypsies in the media such as those in Snatch and The Traveller Times Online. In the media, gypsies are portrayed in a negative light. Every single media product stereotypes them as dirty, tramps and thieves. We see this everywhere, in magazines, films, TV programmes and Documentaries. A good example is the article titled ‘Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves?’ it varies in different words that are linked with negativity throughout the whole article. While including examples from Snatch, the article says ‘Messages of gypsies in Snatch are deeply negative, putting us, the audience in a superior position’. This clearly shows the negativity of them in the media. Only 300,000 gypsies and travellers live in Britain. Only small part of them are in TV programmes and other forms of media therefore the representation is disproportionate to their population. Not all Irish Travellers are dirty or thieves. My Big Fat Gypsy Weddings is clearly produced purely for entertainment reasons. It started off as more of a documentary however after the dominant readers started to demand more, the facts and choices of what scenes to put in the weekly shows have started to vary. This started giving off negative and stereotypical...
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...IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management, Vol. 11, January 2011 ISSN (Online): 2230-7893 www.IJCEM.org 71 Attribute Based Perceptual Mapping of Prepaid Mobile Cellular Operators: An Empirical Investigation Among Management Graduates in Central Haryana Ashutosh Nigam1, Rajiv Kaushik 2 1 Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engg. Rohtak, India drashutoshnigam@gmail.com 2 Department of Management Studies, Vaish College of Engg. Rohtak, India rajivkaushikprince@gmail.com Abstract A comparison of consumer’s perception regarding cellular mobile operators was done on five cellular operators in the prepaid segment. The paper focuses on how management students associate selected brands of mobile cellular operators. Discriminant analysis is used to map selected mobile cellular operators along with their attributes. Study investigates how consumers associate the attributes in different dimensions with reference to leading service providers. Operators do not differ significantly with regard to attributes. However, they vary in their promotional campaigning and years of existence in the market. Keywords: Perceptual Mapping, Brand, Sevice Quality, Quality of Experience. Introduction With liberalization and internationalization in telecommunication, service quality has become important means of differentiation of the brand to achieve business success. For last two decades the Indian cellular services is experiencing highest growth...
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...ABTRACT Tourism is all about travel; and the role of transportation in its operation is vital. Travel can be discussed without taking tourism into consideration, but tourism cannot thrive without travel. Transportation is an integral part of the tourism industry. It is largely due to the improvement of transportation that tourism has expanded, though this expansion is good due to increase revenue that would be captures as a result of passenger traffic will have an impact negative side. In some area to name a few; the ecology; degradation of destination sites, tourist experience, and in some cases the economy of these destinations. In the light of such issues, it is important to discuss how these developments affect the traveller and the destination INTRODUCTION Tourism has emerged as one of the most dynamic sectors of any country’s economy. Not only does it make significant contribution to the foreign exchange earnings, employment, income generation and regional development but it also helps in the overall development of that country directly or indirectly through different sectors. Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity, in 2011, there were over 983 million international tourist arrivals worldwide, representing a growth of 4.6% when compared to 940 million in 2010 (Press release). UNWTO. 7 May 2012, Retrieved 15 June 2012. International tourism receipts the travel item of the balance of payments grew to US$1.03 trillion (€740 billion) in 2011, corresponding...
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...A Review of Chiang Yee’s The Silent Traveller in London Chiang Yee’s work was written in English and capitalised on the increased Western interest in China and the East at the beginning of the twentieth century. The Silent Traveller in London describes London from an Oriental viewpoint and thus creates a double perspective as both insider and outsider that is of equal interest to the native Londoner and foreign reader alike. Chiang Yee is an author who is endearing in his modest humility, cheerful narrative and superior wisdom and whose style of writing allows him to be as enlightening as he is entertaining. Chiang embraces his identity as a foreigner and begins his book by defining himself as an Oriental, “One of those strange Chinese people who ‘belong to an age gone by’”(ix). He is not embarrassed by his race or ethnicity and does not attempt to hide his background as he travels. Chiang celebrates his Chinese upbringing and the alternative perspective that this experience brings to life in London by disputing the fundamental differences between nations and nationalities. Chiang negates the idea that the peoples of the world are capable of differing greatly from one another given our fundamental sameness; “They may be different superficially, but they eat, drink, sleep, dress, and shelter themselves from wind and rain in the same way”(ix). The strangeness that Chiang feels as an outsider is not a product of human nature since similarities in taste and experience...
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...Installing the Lotus Notes Traveler Clients You must have a Mail account setup on Greenhouse before you can use Traveler. Follow these steps if you have not previously created a Mail account: 1. Logon to the Greenhouse website (https://greenhouse.lotus.com) 2. From the black navigation bar at the top of the screen select MyAccount 3. Push the green button that says "Create My email account" The Lotus Notes Traveler server on Greenhouse comes pre-loaded with the Android, Windows Mobile and Nokia S60 and Symbian^3 clients which are accessible via the Lotus Notes Traveler User Home Page. There is no Lotus Notes Traveler client to install on the Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch) but rather a Traveler account profile is created and configured on the iOS device so you can then connect to the Lotus Notes Traveler server and start syncing your data. Follow the setup instructions below for your particular device. If you wish, you may have more than one device configured to use your Greenhouse account. Steps for Android 1. From the device, use the default web browser to browse to the Greenhouse Lotus Notes Traveler User Home Page (https://traveler.lotus.com/). 2. When prompted, enter your Greenhouse User name and password(the same id and password you use when logging on to Greenhouse via the web). 3. Press Configure your Android. This should automatically start the file transfer of the installation file 4. When the installation is complete, select Open to start the configuration...
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...RINGS And TRAVELLERS In most cases, the limit to productivity of the ring spinning machine is defined by the traveller in interdependence with the ring, and yarn. It is very important for the technologist to understand this and act on them to optimize the yarn production. • The following factors should be considered o materials of the ring traveller o surface charecteristics o the forms of both elements( ring and traveller) o wear resistance o smoothness of running o running-in conditions o fibre lubrication o TRAVELLER: Traveller imparts twist to the yarn. Traveller and spindle together help to wind the yarn on the bobbin. Length wound up on the bobbin corresponds to the difference in peripheral speeds of the spindle and traveller. The difference in speed should correspond to length delivered at the front rollers. Since traveller does not have a drive on its own but is dragged along behind by the spindle. High contact pressure (upto 35 N/square mm)is generated between the ring and the traveller during winding, mainly due to centrifugal force. This pressure leads to generation of heat. Low mass of the traveller does not permit dissipation of the generated heat in the short time available. As a result the operating speed of the traveller is limited. Heat produced when by the ringtraveller is around 300 degree celcius. This has to be dissipated in milliseconds by traveller into the...
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...Indian traveller Low penetration of travel The Me Effect: Changing types of travellers The growth of the business traveller The female business traveller The VFR traveller The young traveller The Red Tape Effect: the breaking down of barriers to travel Barriers still impeding Indian travellers The Leapfrog Effect: technology changing the way that Indian travellers behave The rise of mobility The collaborative traveller – India leading the way The need for capacity at the budget end of the market The need for greater budget airline infrastructure Infrastructure – the cruise opportunity The rail opportunity The Barbell Effect: growth at the upper and lower ends of the travel market in India The Indian luxury traveller The growth of the budget traveller Summary: The changing face of the Indian traveller Appendix Our approach Contributors 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 17 18 19 19 19 Shaping the future of travel in Asia Pacific 3 Foreword While the 21st century has been termed the “Asian Century”, the term “Indian Century” is equally apt as the tremendous pace of economic development in India will drive the country to a leading place in the global economy along with other markets such as China. In terms of the travel industry, India represents the emerging giant of the Asia Pacific travel market, as the number of Indian travellers will grow exponentially over the next 20 years. But alongside growth in traveller numbers, the nature of the Indian traveller will...
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...analytical report on the educational provision for traveller children in my setting and how as part of my role I am involved in developing links with the traveller community. Reflecting on my practice I will show how my values of social justice and equality compels me to engage in social and educational practices that ensure that no child is privileged at the expense of minority or marginalised groups. My setting has an ethos of equality of respect for all; a practice of inclusion that is grounded in an intercultural ethos. What does this mean in reality, well as a faith school we have at the heart of our vision the desire to nurture and love all children regardless of their background, ethnicity or faith. Striving all the time to reach out to all areas of our school community, this can be seen in the way we are building bridges of friendship with the families of our children encouraging them all to become engaged with the school in the development of their children. A passionate belief in the right to social justice and equality for all people, irrespective of social class, race, gender or ethnicity drives me to strive for equal opportunities in the area of educational provision. The rationale behind this aspiration is reflected by Russell (1932) and Dewey (1966) of the importance of education as a lifelong process that has the capacity to confer on participants’ libratory and life-enhancing experiences. Traveller children belong to an ethnic minority group who exist...
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... * Travelling Purpose 96% Chinese international travellers surveyed have been abroad for leisure reasons, while 52% have been abroad for business or educational purposes. According to the data over the past five years, Chinese international travellers tend to take leisure trips abroad more frequently than business trips, especially for those visiting relatives and friends. * Independently Travelling Preferred 70% of Chinese international travellers now travel independently and only 30% of Chinese international travellers travel as part of the arranged groups. The percentage of those travelled independently increased compared with two years ago. 2. Most Popular Activities When travelling, 51% of Chinese international travellers prefer to go shopping as they seek for luxury brands in USA. Older travellers aged 35+ are more interested in traditional sightseeing, while younger travellers aged under 35 are more interested in dining. In addition, Chinese travellers in tier 1 cities are more likely to go shopping when travelling abroad (57 per cent vs 51 per cent for the total). Activity | Sightseeing | Dining | Shopping | Beaches | Museum | Rural pursuit | Percentage | 75% | 65% | 51% | 37% | 22% | 17& | 3. Booking Methods 49% of Chinese international travellers will book their accommodation directly through the hotel, with 29% among those book on the website and 19% by telephone. 36% travellers rely on a travel agent, with 14% booking through online...
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...Research (UBC Okanagan) Vice-President, Administration and Finance Title: Travel and Related Expenses Background & Purposes: Travel is a necessary component in the gathering and dissemination of information and knowledge. The purpose of this policy is to facilitate travel in support of the University’s mission while maintaining controls for accountability. 1. General 1.1. This policy applies to travel expenses paid from all University administered funds, including those from grants and contracts. The University will reimburse the cost of authorized travel expenses incurred by members of faculty and staff and, in special cases, students or other persons, provided that: 1.2.1. the traveller was travelling on University business, or in support of the University’s mission; and 1.2.2. the traveller had advance authority to incur travel expenses (for example, through recognition of travel in a grant budget); and 1.2.3. the expenses are reasonable, appropriately documented, and comply with University policies and procedures, or the policies and procedures of a granting agency or funding contract; and 1.2.4. the expenses are approved for reimbursement by at least one administrative level higher than the person claiming reimbursement. 1.3. Travel supported by research grants or contracts must comply with University policies and procedures unless specifically indicated otherwise by the funding organization in which case the policies and procedures of the funding organization must be...
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...with Harbour Tunnel at most of the time expect 5:30am to 6:30am. The elasticity of demands are explained by four reasons availability of substitutes, time horizon, necessities or luxuries and purchase capacity in theory. Practically, as price goes more expensive, traveller might find substitutes such as training, busses, fairies and detour (i.e. Parramatta road, ANZ bridge) replacing the costly Harbour crossings. In this case the substitutes are not effectively replacing the Harbour crossings for the private car. Travellers are reluctant to change the means of travels (i.e. Ferry, train, busses) due to their own lifestyle, they remain driving across Harbour by paying extra cost. Detouring via Parramatta road or ANZ bridge are not attractive enough due to the over capacity of road usage and extra miles to drive, private car traveller would consider paying extra for the Harbour crossing is far better off. Secondly time horizon it may change the price elasticity in a long run but not in short. In this case whereby 12 months’ time horizon is not long enough for neither government nor traveller make their effort to change. For instances, government might build more bridges and tunnel across the Harbours; travellers might move their homes...
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...for practice that challenges oppression at personal, cultural and structural level. For the purpose of this assignment I shall evaluate the statement that personal, professional and organisational values in social work practice are not always in harmony. Drawing on examples from professional sources and practice, I shall evaluate this statement in regards for practice that challenges oppression at the personal, cultural and structural levels. I was allocated a placement at the Education Welfare Service. I have chosen to examine oppression in the context of the travelling community and examine how travellers are discriminated and oppressed within the education system. I will draw examples from practice and throughout this discussion, I will demonstrate my understanding of oppression and if current strategies and provision includes or excludes Travellers within mainstream education. Introduction In order for society to exist there must be some degree of agreement on values and forms of behaviour accepted as the ‘norm’. Without this there would be social chaos. Therefore we learn some forms of behaviour considered to be normal, thus enabling us to integrate within society. There are three factors that influence us into socialisation which are personal, cultural and structural. (Thompson 2001) As some individuals, groups and communities in society have different ‘values’ it is inevitable that there will be “differences” between individuals and other cultures...
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...relations. For example, Ryanair has offered fares as low as one penny (plus taxes), and therefore it is not surprising that there is great media coverage of these carriers, which in turn generates more interest in the services. Both Ryanair and EasyJet have been very effective in using media coverage of their legal wrangles with traditional carriers such as British Airways and Lufthansa to promote their services and low fares. While the media has helped these airlines communicate their message of low fares to the public it has also focused on the availability of these very low fares. Some reports offer anecdotal evidence of limited availability of very low fares. Some reports have also demonstrated the range of prices that a group of travellers may have paid for their ticket, arguing implicitly that these airlines should only be called “low fares” airlines if all their fares are low. This research...
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...574 tourist recorded last year. Not only has the number of tourist increased rapidly, the profile of foreign tourist coming to the Philippines has also changed. The influx of Asian travellers like Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, Americans and Australians has specifically rated the dynamic growth of the tourism market. The 10- month data for this year already surpassed the 908,574 tourist recorded last year. Not only has the number of tourist increased rapidly, the profile of foreign tourist coming to the Philippines has also changed. The influx of Asian travellers like Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, Americans and Australians has specifically rated the dynamic growth of the tourism market. The 10- month data for this year already surpassed the 908,574 tourist recorded last year. Not only has the number of tourist increased rapidly, the profile of foreign tourist coming to the Philippines has also changed. The influx of Asian travellers like Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, Americans and Australians has specifically rated the dynamic growth of the tourism market. The 10- month data for this year already surpassed the 908,574 tourist recorded last year. Not only has the number of tourist increased rapidly, the profile of foreign tourist coming to the Philippines has also changed. The influx of Asian travellers like Koreans, Taiwanese, Chinese, Americans and Australians has specifically rated the dynamic growth of the tourism market. The 10- month data for this year already surpassed the 908...
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