...ubyuhb hu b Under this form of ethics you can't justify an action by showing that it produced good consequences, which is why it's sometimes called 'non-Consequentialist'. The word 'deontological' comes from the Greek word deon, which means 'duty'. Duty-based ethics are usually what people are talking about when they refer to 'the principle of the thing'. Duty-based ethics teaches that some acts are right or wrong because of the sorts of things they are, and people have a duty to act accordingly, regardless of the good or bad consequences that may be produced. Some kinds of action are wrong or right in themselves, regardless of the consequences. Deontologists live in a universe of moral rules, such as: It is wrong to kill innocent people It is wrong to steal It is wrong to tell lies It is right to keep promises Someone who follows Duty-based ethics should do the right thing, even if that produces more harm (or less good) than doing the wrong thing: People have a duty to do the right thing, even if it produces a bad result. So, for example, the philosopher Kant thought that it would be wrong to tell a lie in order to save a friend from a murderer. If we compare Deontologists with Consequentialists we can see that Consequentialists begin by considering what things are good, and identify 'right' actions as the ones that produce the maximum of those good things. Deontologists appear to do it the other way around; they first consider what actions are...
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...French people were trying to rebuild their destroyed nation. Citizens, leaders, and philosophers were questioning the foundations of society and reexamining the meaning of morality. The horrors of the concentration camps and the atom bomb had just been brought to the surface. Evidence of the human capacity for evil and destruction was everywhere. Jean-Paul Sartre, like many other philosophers at the time, wrote his own essay, Existentialism, in an attempt to answer these moral and ethical questions about human nature and free will. Sartre is correct to say that people are free and must choose their own path in life, but also contradicts himself and fails to appreciate people’s diversity. Sartre begins his essay in a very confusing way. He brings the reader into a very complicated argument over the meaning of Existentialism. He says that the word has lost its meaning and needs to be redefined, “…by this time the word has been so stretched and has taken on so broad a meaning, it no longer means anything at all” (343). Sartre begins clarifying existentialism by focusing on the individual. He says, “Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself” (345). Here Sartre explains how human beings have no pre-determined destiny but are in charge of their own fate, and ultimately choose who they are going to be. Sartre, as an atheist, doesn’t believe there exists a divine being laying out rules for humans to follow. He says, ““…if God does not exist, there is at least one being in whom...
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...ARISTOTLE'S EUDAIMONIA Eudaimonia stands for happiness in Greek. Aristotle argues that the highest good for human beings is happiness. He insists that every action performed by humans is to pursue happiness. Aristotle also argues that human action is always aimed at some end or good. This "good" may not be viewed as a good action or any good by others, but for the doer of the action ("good"), the activity will be perceived as good and that it will bring a favorable outcome. Aristotle also said that all of our actions resulting in ends or goods form a hierarchy. This hierarchy, incorporates a ladder of things, and this ladder would categorize things according to their importance. And the most important thing would be on top of the ladder, thus being the ultimate end. This ultimate end is what all the actions aim to reach at or achieve. [This end must be self-sufficient, it must be attainable and it must be what we want]1. Therefore, because happiness includes all these, then it must be the highest good. An example of this ladder could be a person working hard to lose weight or trying to stay in shape. The bottom step of the ladder is the person working out in a gym, but why is the person working out? To lose weight or maintain their shape. Why does the person want to lose weight or maintain their shape? To look good physically and to be healthy. Why does the person want to look good or be healthy? To be attractive and to lead a stress-less and a comfortable life. And why does the...
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...show what being a leader is about. There are also many different ways you can gain leadership. You can learn from people who are already leaders or you can learn how to present yourself in a good manner by your appearance and your language. There are 5 levels of leadership they are: * Position (Rights) - people follow because they have to. * Permission (Relationships) - people follow because they want to. * Production (Results) – people follow because of what you have done for the organization. * People Development (Reproduction) – people follow because of what you have done for them. * Personhood (Respect) – people follow because of who you are and what you represent. I’m a leader because of the things I do; I feel by me coming to college I am setting an example for my younger siblings. I think I show leadership by being the person I am today, I am a good person kind hearted and nice to people. I am a well-organized person, I help my community by volunteering and I think that is a big part of being a leader. By showing you are willing to help the people that are in need when nobody asked you to; you do it on your own. And that also set examples for others people that can make them feel like they want to do something. And to me that seem like that plays a great role in leadership. There are lots of things that can lead a leader to success 6 key qualities are: 1. Being a good listener- this is important because you should be able to hear what people are saying...
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...to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since he is young. List of main ideas: 1. Experience for the future. 2. Build your own future. 3. You can have extra money 4. You can have a good use to your extra time. 5. You can be an example for society. 6. You will have a job since young. 7. You will help your employees. 8. You can donate money. 9. You can help your family. 10. You can apply what you learn, regarding businesses. 11. You can give prestige to your name. Daniel Gonzalez 13/06/2015 English 12 First Draft, Argumentative Essay 35 Minutes “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1st Timothy 4:12) This is one of the most important verses the Bible has for young people, in fact this verse changed my life since the moment I read it. What I understand when I read this verse is: Even though you are young, you can still do great things! God has great things for young people; we only need to discover them in our daily life. Every young person should be an entrepreneur, because it gives him the opportunity to build his own future, set an example in society, and help his family since he is young. I have always...
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...to better understand what is considered “good,” it is necessary to compare what the ethical theories of utilitarianism, Kantian deontology, and the ethics of care conclude about how one acts morally, and how these different approaches exist as a defense to the concept of our having natural human rights. Deontology is an ethical approach wherein the morality of actions is based on the motives or intentions behind the action, rather than its actual consequences. This philosophy is based around duty and principle, dealing with human rights. Immanuel Kant believed that, as human beings, we have an obligation to adhere to “the good,” in an unconditional sense. For an action to be deemed right, it must be intrinsically good, and thus should not be altered due to someone perceiving it as otherwise, or the consequence of that good act causing harm to someone or something unintentionally. Kantian deontology says that the intent to do right is what matters, as, in acting according, one is upholding the values of good. Kant argues that the effect of a well-intended action in itself cannot be the motivator for the act, as just as a right choice can lead to tangible positive consequences, there is nothing to stop a wrongfully minded act from somehow paving the way for something good. Kant’s philosophy asks one to consider the potential outcome if every action they took became a universal law. This is his categorical imperative. The practice of good intention becomes an unwavering thing, as...
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...what is right and wrong in human behavior; based on what you think is right and good. So this suggests that morality is both subjective and objective just like values. According to an article I’ve read on the internet, homosexuality is not immoral. There were major ethnical theories presented, but I will focus on just one theory, which is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism states that morality should be guided by the results of an action. If an action leads to good results, then it is a good act, but if an action leads to bad results, then it is a bad act. This theory will tell us that homosexuality will be morally right if its consequences lead to happiness, and wrong if it ends in unhappiness. Now, the question is this: does being homosexual lead to happiness or pain? Before I answer that question, let me first discuss the possible causes of homosexuality. According to Craig Biddle, an author of books regarding morality and principles, there are three elements that causes homosexuality. Two of which are biological and environmental. Science is still inconclusive what makes some people homosexual, but it is believed that there some genes that makes them such. Most scientists would agree that being gay is not a choice. Years of research suggest that people can't change their sexual orientation because they want to, and that trying can cause mental anguish. What's more, some studies suggest that being gay may have a genetic or biological basis. [Ghose, 2015] If trying to change ones...
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...Characteristics that make a good student. Whether or not, yet you think it is important to be a good student. The things that you have done or will do to become a good student. What are you willing to sacrafice to be a good student. In life as I went through the education system, I realized that there were three kinds of students. There were the good students, the average students and the bad students. Many people strive to be in the category of the good student, many settle for the category of the average student and some just don’t care so they end up being placed in the category of the bad student. I find that the most important of those categories is the category of the good student. I feel this way because the good student usually accomplish a lot in life and they are usually the successful ones. The average students do what they do, slide by under the radar, and the bad students don’t care, so the just relax for the rest of their lives. I constantly strive to be a good student. Many people have asked me what are the characteristics of a good student, whether I think being a good student is important or not, the things I have done or will do to become a good student, and what will I sacrafice to become a good student. For a while I was puzzled as to what are the characteristics of a good student, but as I sat back, I realized that I was a good student, and that every student has there own mode of operation. They tend to have the same patterns though. First a good student must have...
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...Freedom People today agree that freedom is a very important and that it should be part of their lives, but what does it mean to have freedom? Some would say it is the ability to do whatever you want as long as you do not break the law or hurt someone else, but others would say it is being able to do whatever you please without having any consequences. Many authors in the past wrote about this topic and what their definition of freedom was. Their writings inspired many people to think what freedom really meant and take action for freedom. A few of these authors were John Winthrop, Benjamin Franklin, and Ralph Emerson. John Winthrop categorized freedom into two categories, Natural Liberty and Civil Liberty. Benjamin Franklin was more interested in the economic side of freedom by being able to choose any job to become financially successful and having to do things for himself. Ralph Emerson’s definition of freedom was for people to think for themselves and do what they think is right. Just to worry about themselves instead of worrying about other people’s opinion and what others are doing. They all had different views of freedom and what it means to be free, but deep down they were similar in which people want the freedom to choose and be who they want to be without being punished or bound. John Winthrop’s definition of Natural Liberty is being able to do whatever people wanted and just relying on their instincts just like an animal would. “By this, man, as he stands in relation...
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...What are the components of good leadership? To be a good leader one must have all the components of a good leader; but what makes a good leader? Socrates in “The Republic” and Machiavelli in “The Prince” both discuss what it takes to make a good leader. One interesting topic discussed by them is the corruption of the people in charge and whether or not in affects the leadership role in a negative or positive way. Another determining factor in leadership skill is whether a woman would be a good leader and whether it matters that the image of a man in charge is what best for society or can women do just as much as men can based on their natural skills. Machiavelli speaks about how “Fortune is a woman” and men must take advantage before they get taken advantage of. One of the other components that make a good leader with good leadership skills is deception and whether to have it or not. Deception in leaders can either be helpful or hurtful to whomever is in charge. While Machiavelli has the perspective of a person being a leader that will do anything by any means necessary to stay in charge is how the Prince should run what he is in charge of. Socrates believes in doing what is right by the people. From what Socrates speaks about, he doesn’t feel like people should be corrupt in being a leader. Justice plays a big role in leadership in his opinion which is why he tries to find out from a few people what their definition of justice is and does a good job in trying to get them...
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...them a good person. Good people are loving and caring. There not always concerned about if they are going to be rich and famous. Good people care about others and accept people for who they are not based upon race gender or class. A true American possesses none of these qualities. Although not all of the qualities in a true American are bad many of the qualities are not favorable for a person looking to be a good all around person. True Americans are greedy, class conscious people, and have a vary large amount of self confidence. Confidence is a large part of American culture and many true Americans pride them selves on the ability to block out fear. Having little or no fear can only improve the lifestyle of a true American. A true American is a hero. An American hero is someone that saves lives and makes the world a safer place. There are types of jobs that can make one a hero, such as a lawman and a soldier. To become a hero, one must face his or her problems head on. It is not easy for anyone to face there fears head on. Not very many people can face them. Then again, it’s not easy to become or be a true American. True Americans are hard to come by and have rare heroic qualities like putting others in front of themselves. Although being a true American takes no fear, most real Americans have a taste for money. True Americans are entrepreneurs. True Americans are entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are go-getters in American society. They are looked upon as great people with...
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...Fundamentals Of Hospitality Hosting. How to be a Good Host Introduction A host is a person who entertain guests at home or during an event at a certain venue. The host is required during an event to entertain guests, so that guests will feel welcomed and at ease to move around just like how they are at home. During an event without a host, guests attending the event might feel at lost, unenjoyable and boring; Hence, the person who is playing the role as a host have to harbour certain qualities. In order to be a good host, you will have to harbour major qualities such as knowledgeable, polite, interactive, helpful, approachable and welcoming. In this aspect, we will be referring to playing a good host at a hotel. The first person whom someone will seek help from when they enter the hotel would be the receptionist. A good receptionist will be one who must have the knowledge to guide and help the customers with what they need or where they want to go. In order to ensure customer to approach to you, the receptionist must be neat, welcoming by having a sweet smile, an approachable look that is not hostile and untidy and good looks would always be an added bonus. The receptionist must be interactive and helpful in order to hold conversations with whoever they are interacting and to help them with what they need/want in this line. Sometimes a good receptionist should go beyond the call of duty to help customers like bringing the customer to the toilet entrance instead of...
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...Critical Lens Someone once said “Evil triumphs when good men do nothing” meaning that when a good person decides to do nothing evil will succeed. For example if someone was getting bullied and an onlooker decide to do nothing than evil would prosper. This quote id false because there in no way to know who is “good” and who is “bad” due to everyone having a different understanding of what is good and what is bad. Some people believe that those who don’t go to church are bad but in reality many people who don’t go to church have better morals than those who do go to church yet the fact they don’t makes them seem bad. Another way this quote is false is that if someone were truly “good” then they wouldn’t stand around and watch as evil prospered. One piece of literature that proves this quote true is The Crucible by Arthur Miller through his use of characterization and conflict. As stated above the quote “Evil Triumphs when good men do nothing” is false due to the elusive from in which “good men” is used. In The Crucible Arthur Millers’ use of characterization proves this quote false. The Crucible is a play about the domino affect which wild accusations about witchcraft caused in a small religious town known as Salem’s Village. In The Crucible Arthur Miller shows that people are ignorant and only care about their well being. Arthur Miller shows this through the characteristics of Parris, Abigail, Marry Warren, and the town’s people. The false accusations all started when Reverend...
Words: 1969 - Pages: 8
...high-level of sustainable well-being through economic activity for all the populations. Consumerist lifestyle cause non-essential spending and also it has an impact on the environment as well. Presently people of Australia became more concerned about this and decided to cut back the cost which will help to save the environment. However many economist thinks that it might have detrimental effect on the economic well-being. Consumerism refers to consume any good with higher rate. Depending on the production and selling of goods the whole economy is judged. The gross national product is the sum of total goods and services manufactured for an exact period at an exact time. Higher growth rate is determined on the amount of produced goods and also the consumption of the goods by the society. The per capita income of the individuals used as a base for the judgement of the prosperity of the nation. Therefore, good economy is mainly based on the higher purchasing power of the people. Consumerism has created mass market, industrialization and cultural behaviour that ensure more income to purchase every modern and growing output (Goodwin et al 2009). Moreover this enhanced market and industrialization provides more goods and services to the consumers. It also leads to prompt development of technological innovation, globalisation and fundamental economic modification (Stilwell 2006). Through consumerism lifestyle, people get the chance to choose from variety of goods and services. As a whole,...
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...literally does and says the right things at the right time, with the right person, and utilizing the right materials. Believing in God or spiritual being is when an individual devotes their commitment to God or supernatural being in faith, expressions, worship, and conscientiousness. When one believes in God or a spiritual being, such could potentially play a great role on their moral behaviors. On the other hand, many people suppose that if one does not believe in a spiritual being or God, it is very hard for them to have moral values. However, there are also other people that suppose that having moral values do not necessarily require one to believe in God or spiritual beings[1]. What’s more, there also other people that suppose that believing in God or spiritual beings is not necessarily required for one to have moral values, but all they require is to belief in oneself, practice good ethics, as well as the knowledge of knowing and distinguishing the right from wrong. Thesis Statement: This study will explicitly explore whether one can have moral values and still believe there is no God. Most people that believe in God suppose that one cannot have moral values unless they have deep faith in God; however, there is evidence of many people that do not believe in God, but are characterized with high moral values. Can people have...
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