...In Karl Marx’s work the Estranged Labour he explains his theory of an estranged or alienated labour. A basic definition of estranged labour would be the state or feeling of isolation or alienated from work. Marx’s asks “What, then constitutes the alienation of labour?” (Marx 74). His theory explains how Labours are forced to do work they are unfamiliar to, causing the alienation of labour. Karl Marx’s text Estranged Labour encompasses the main cause of the alienation of labour. In Marx’s text Estranged Labour he explains four key aspects of an alienated labour. The main one I will discuss is “(2) The relation of labor to the act of production within the labor process” (Marx 74). The process of alienation of labour itself is explained as an...
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...which a piece of work can be copyrighted. The Act defines types of infringements and what is considered Fair use. Learning Team C discussed these topics and how they affect their lives in a professional setting. This discussion also includes concepts the team had difficulty understanding. Week Three Reflection The Copyright Act was signed in 1976 and deals with protection of intangible right of Literary property. This includes musical and dramatic works. The only thing the Copyright Act cannot protect is ideas, methods, and systems. There are three parts of fundamentals to this act which include: originality, creativity, and durable medium. The text describes this as “an original work of authorship is a work that is original to the author”. This means that the author, using their own creative capabilities, created the work. The work must be a durable medium, meaning something tangible such as writing, digital, video or other form of media. An example of this would be any novel written by an author, or a screenplay written by a writer, or a movie created by a producer. The Copyrights, unless signed off, belong to the creator of the work. The second section pertains to the three types of infringement that may occur. Direct Infringement covers any type of violation of an owner’s right when that owner can prove legal ownership and that the work was copied without...
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...This article was downloaded by: [] On: 16 March 2015, At: 06:02 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/riij20 Contemporary Bhakti Recastings Laetitia Zecchini a a CNRS, France Published online: 03 Jun 2013. Click for updates To cite this article: Laetitia Zecchini (2014) Contemporary Bhakti Recastings, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, 16:2, 257-276, DOI: 10.1080/1369801X.2013.798128 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2013.798128 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be...
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...Academic writing is unlike any other form of writing, such as, journalism or creative writing, and is an essential requirement that university students develop the proper tone, technique and style for their university assignments. (Developing good academic writing skills has many advantages beyond obtaining higher grades). It teaches us the students how to think critically and objectively while clearly conveying complex ideas in a well-structured, concise format. For this reason, academic writing is mainly presented in the third person with a formal style that reflects a logical pattern of reasoning for the main argument or “thesis” of the text. We should use language that is easily understood and conveys the exact meaning of their ideas and thoughts that is supported by empirical evidence from reliable academic sources. Once a university student has improved their academic writing skills, they will eventually learn to think naturally in a logical and objective manner. Our communication skills will improved remarkably and this will benefit us after graduation in the field of expertise or chosen profession. Integrity is the number one quality of leadership. Integrity is so important that functioning in our society would be impossible without it. It is your personal reputation for keeping your word and fulfilling your commitments. Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. If you have high integrity, you are trustworthy. Doing the right thing, even...
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...making meaningful text to self connections and displaying the ability to self correct. I have seen a huge improvement in her being responsible for her belongings and ensuring that her homework and agenda are completed and signed on a daily basis. In Mathematics, Ines has worked hard...
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...Thinking and Decision Making Thinking incorporates an individual’s thoughts through a process of carefully evaluating decisions so that a conclusion can be determined. Decision-making additionally involves implementing the proper steps so that the individual will reach his or her goals by making the right choices. The purpose of this paper is to present various concepts of different thinking styles. The thinking styles that will be discussed are emotionally, logically, creative, realistic, optimistically, pessimistically, divergently, and scientific style. Additionally, the following will discuss how to compare and contrast the three different types of thinking and comment on how each affects the critical-thinking process. Finally, the following will provide critical thinking to the decision-making process by discussing workplace examples that highlight each of the three different types of thinking. Logically Style Logical thinking is a style in which an individual feels that everyone should be thinking the same way as they do. Thinking logically can be either inductive or deductive. “Deductive thinking is the kind of reasoning that begins with two or more premises and derives a conclusion that must follow from those premises, a conclusion that is in fact contained or hidden in those very premises” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 156). “Inductive reasoning usually begins with a set of evidence or observations about some members of a class, or about some events” (Kirby & Goodpaster...
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...Philosophy of Classroom Management A constantly changing and naturally evolving classroom management plan would be the cornerstone of my philosophy, with the central question being “what do these students need and how can I meet those needs.” This type of approach would ensure that I would respond to the diverse intellectual nature of a student body that are also culturally, socially and economically different. Acknowledging that these magnificent young people with exciting and formulating minds need lessons that will arouse their natural curiosity and provoke critical thinking skills, I will develop and implement an engaged pedagogy that honors them, recognizes their abilities, and challenges their constantly expanding dendrites. There is no greater honor than to help another individual come to a realization of their unique and natural talents—to facilitate another’s blossoming in this world and to bring them to an awareness of their place in this continuum. It will be my role and daily challenge to devise relevant and engaging lesson plans that will help create deep thinkers and problem solvers, so that when problems do arise, the students themselves can devise the solution. The goal is to create loving and caring individuals who will take risks, establish realistic goals and assume personal responsibility for the results of their behavior; where the only competition is with themselves, the individual, and not with each other, and where the process is about discovering...
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...INTRODUCTION Literature, in its wide range of sense, it is a written work of any single body. Literature is writing that is considered to be an art form. It is used to refer to all written account, though living at or belonging to the same time definitions extend the term to include text that are spoken or sung. “Literature is a process of producing grand, beautiful, well – ordered lies that tell more truth than any assemblage of facts, by Julian Barnes”. Literature is a Latin word, originated in the southern Mesopotania of Sumar C. 3200. Literature usually means works of poetry and prose that are especially well written. There are many kinds of literature, such as poetry, plays or novels. They also put into groups through their language,...
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...the object of my research. Teaching any language is impossible without teaching culture, which unites various issues. Pictorial art, painting, in particular is one of them. Topic “Painting” at our department is being studied in two courses: in the third and in the fifth. The 3rd year students will get acquainted with the most significant representatives of American Genre Painting . The students will acquire the information about the most significant painters such as: William Sidney Mount, George Caleb Bingham and Eastman Johnson . Lesson fragment 1 Objectives: 1.students acquire information about The birth of American genre painting. 2.to check students comprehension by means of questions. Students read the text “The birth of American genre painting” and discuss the questions. The birth of American genre painting. Being a product of the Jacksonian period, genre painting was not free of certain limitations imposed by the general taste of the period. "The dominance of public taste during this era," , Milton Brown remarks, "fostered a sentimentalization of the more heroic and profound aspects of Romanticism, and genre and anecdotal art in particular descended to the level of the...
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...Organizational behavior process in the workplace includes knowledge of the understanding of perception and its link to learning, emotions and attitude, and organizational culture. With perception and learning these two primary activities in human behavior are important aspects in the workplace. These elements are always around us; how one is perceived is a major factor in the workplace. In society there is a process on how we break ourselves and others down by belonging to different societal groups like culture, gender, or profession. Human being inherently want to feel good about themselves even in the workplace and associate with the groups that tend to make them feel that way. Through the use of interactive learning tools such as training, meaningful interaction, and accountability employers are minimizing the biasing effects of stereotyping and making to wrong judgments based on perception. “Organizing people and objects into preconceived categories that are stored in our long term memory” (McShane & Von Glinow, 2010, p.70). A final perceptual activity about a person can influences their behavior to act in a consistent manner with those beliefs. There are perceptual errors found in the workplace which managers must strive to minimize perceptual biases by improving perceptions through empathy and self-awareness. There are three fundamental ways in which we learn: behavior modification which is learning through reinforcement, social learning theory which is learning...
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...The Concept of the Outsider Literature often persecutes the most vulnerable, a person who lacks support and therefore power within society. Described by Terry Eagleton for The Guardian as the “literary mainstream”; these characters are often referred to as the Outsider due to their exclusion from the community in which the text is set. The characters who are referred to as Outsiders can be portrayed in different ways; their initial exclusion from society can ultimately lead to a narrative of their acquisition of power throughout the text but similarly, can portray a story of their maintenance of the minimal power they have over the course of the text’s plot. However, this is not to argue that some Outsiders presented within literature do not have power over the course of the development of the text so, as a consequence, remain excluded from the society. In this case, the text would then be considered an exposition of the character’s experience from their position in society rather than the author’s attempt of trying to integrate their character into society through their work. Furthermore, the author themselves may be considered an Outsider through their own status in society; they command their readers to be Outsiders themselves within the novel. As well as to read and observe the narrative in order to emulate the same feeling within themselves, within the reader or to have a specific impact on the issues surrounding humanity at the time. The contrast in the ways in which...
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...Express, an International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research ISSN: 2348 – 2052 , Vol. 1, Issue 2, Feb 2014 Available at: www.express‐journal.com The Cultural Agenda of Translation & Arabization: Aspects of the Problems by Dr. Ali Albashir Mohammed Al-haj Department of English Faculty of Arts& humanities Jazan University Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abstract Translation is activity – a cultural activity at that-intended to widen the area of human understanding and communication with reference to general and specific information. The basic requirement relevant to good translation is that the translator must have a thorough knowledge of the cultures of both the source language and the target language. The translator needs not sit biting nails and rush to the dictionary every ten minutes. When it has been accepted that translation is not only important but also necessary to our Arab World, there is no point in pondering over the problems of translations. Cultural proximity is a big advantage for translators, it is rewarding for them to look for this when they choose their work. Arabization is part and parcel of the whole journey of the Arab societies to its roots. The starting-off point for any translator is their preferred future; in order to arrive at the destination then it is clearly important to know what the destination is. But it is perhaps better to think 1 Express, an International Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research ...
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...Foundations of Mythology Short Answers Tracey Walker HUM/105- WK1- World Mythology June 5, 2014 Sharon Worley A myth is used popularly when it is used in a story or a fact is a legend. Something that is factually true. A myth "Does my butt look big in these?"( Stan Rogal 2006). The word myth can be used to dismiss another culture or belief if it is truer than another’s. It’s a myth means that, something that people believe to be true but isn’t. Something that people will say when telling and explaining something to you wanting you to believe them and think that it is a true fact. A myth is sometimes used as an explanatory narrative to describe how things mysteriously happen in stories and religions. It somehow explains how the world is how it is. The word myth is used in the academic context in a variety of academic setting; its main purpose is to analyze different cultures and their ways of thinking. Within the academic setting, a myth is known as a true fact and over time has been changed within the society. A definition of myth in my own words would be made up stories that explain the existence of different cultures with different religious beliefs from people. Some myths can be legendary stories or just traditional about an event or super hero. I believe different cultures address similar themes as a way to explain a culture's origin and history. For decades myths have been passed on and have become an integral part of many...
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...Is Mac Flecknoe a lampoon or a satire? At a time when fiction from Grub Street hack writers (whom he called the “multitude of scribblers, who daily pester the world with their insufferable stuff ”) was becoming widely read, courtly poets and dramatists like Dryden felt a need to play the public role of arbiters of literary taste. Dryden was actively engaged in contemporary debates which sought to lay down standards of what was considered high and low art. He published his “Essay of Dramatic Poesie” in 1667 and “Discourses on Satire and Epic Poetry” in 1692. Both of these served as prescriptive texts for what passed muster as “good” art. In an age of a revived interest in the classics, many of the instructions on good satirical writing are based on the works of Horace, Persius and Juvenal. While he did not think highly of Horatian verse which used word-play like anagrams and “ackrosticks” and was favoured by Francophiles poets, he admired Juvenal and Persius for their unity of plot and their use of Wit, which he saw as a more masculine device than lampooning or raillery. In MacFlecknoe, Dryden’s definition of good art also comes to be strongly associated with class. When he says that bad poetry laden with “Pure Clinches” or puns is inspired by the “suburban Muse”, his implication is that it is only the genteel circles of London that produce and read good poetry – thus, Bun-hill and Watling Street are down-market parts of London which by virtue of their economic demography...
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...By Anastasiya Pozdnyakova, group 502 THE STYLISTIC ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT “THE MIRACULOUS REVENGE” WRITTEN BY GEORGE BERNARD SHAW Introduction The text under analysis “The Miraculous Revenge” is created by the famous Irish writer G. Bernard Shaw. The story represents fiction and is written in a righteous tone with the elements of comic tone. The text relates the misadventures of an alcoholic investigator while he probes the mystery of a graveyard—full of saintly corpses—that migrates across a stream to escape association with the body of a newly buried sinner. The author’s attention is focused on the problem of disparity between people belonging to various classes. “The Miraculous Revenge” was written in 1885. Through his writings G. Bernard Shaw addresses prevailing social problems, but he also has a vein of comedy in his works which makes their stark themes more palatable. Issues which engaged Shaw's attention included education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege. He was most angered by what he perceived as the exploitation of the working class. He gained equal rights for men and women, alleviated abuses of the working class, rescinded private ownership of productive land, and promoted healthy lifestyles. Summary The action of the text under analysis takes place in Dublin on the 5th of August. Zeno Legge arrives to visit his uncle the Cardinal Archbishop, but he doesn’t find the uncle at home, and not satisfied with the offered food...
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