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Submitted By annie1708
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The behaviour in which one individual interacts with others and the world around them can enhance or restrain their experience of belonging. A sense of belonging is reliant on relationships and close links with places, particular environments and landscapes. Relationships are initially built upon mutual interests and acceptance and this is closely linked with one’s innate desire to be able to affiliate with a group or another individual. Belonging is a part of everyday life and can enrich our identity and can lead to acceptance and understanding. In Shakespeare’s play ‘As You Like It’ and the first three episodes of the TV series ‘Seachange’ the protagonists experience a wide range of belonging and not belonging not only to person but also to place. This is observed throughout the wide use of juxtaposition of settings, country life versus city life, dramatic irony, and satire to express the characters feelings and to involve the responder.

In the TV series, ‘SeaChange’ the concept of belonging and not belonging to place can be compared to similar concepts and values from ‘As You Like It’. In ‘SeaChange’ Laura Gibson’s life is shattered in a matter of a day; she almost kills the family cat, her son is expelled, she misses out on a partnership at work, and she finds out that her husband Jack is cheating on her with her sister. In a sudden change of behavior, she takes a job as a magistrate in a small seaside town, Pearl Bay, where she had been for a holiday with her family during more positive times. In the opening credits, the negativity of the city is shown through a collage of shots that show crowded streets, traffic lights and grimy buildings as well as having negative words written everywhere; ‘greed’, ‘strike’, ‘parking’, ‘full’; which then transitions into shots of Pearl Bay. In Pearl Bay the family rip down the boards covering the windows and have a full view of the ocean and the sunlight, as there is fast tracking shots showing ocean scapes, and a shot of the wharf, Laura describes it as “instant tranquility”. Through the Gibson family’s lifestyle change they are allowed to find a sense of belonging.

In ‘As You Like It’ and ‘SeaChange’, through the use of techniques such as juxtaposition of settings, alliteration and positive tone, and individual’s interaction with the world that surrounds them can enrich or restrain their sense of acceptance not only within themselves but within their relationships with others.

In ‘SeaChange’, belonging to person is rekindled in Pearl Bay. In the city, Laura thought she belonged to her lawfirm, her husband, sister and children. But after her ‘worst day’, she sees that this isn’t the case; “The only way we can go back to being a family, is to go back to the last place we were one” (Episode 1, Scene 5). Laura begins to find a sense of belonging in Pearl Bay as the series progresses. Laura’s daughter Miranda however does not feel she belongs. She doesn’t belong to school, so she leaves and she has no friends. Her sense of belonging in her family came from her brother Rupert and her mother’s sister, Trudi. In Pearl Bay Miranda and her mother come together to resolve their differences; “I just really want you to stay because I need you badly” (Episode 3, Scene 5).

Throughout these two texts the responder can see that the way an individual interacts with others surrounding them can encourage or limit their sense of acceptance within relationships and communities.

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