...Mark Steckle seem to lack in management skill are the collaboration skill or human skills. Collaboration skill or human skill is essential skill to building strong relationship with the rest of the colleagues and provides solution to problem occurred. Being as a middle level management it is important to have collaboration skill as one man army will not take you anywhere, manager however still need to depends on others’ cooperation to maintain the position or do better in the firm. Having a good relationship will help the management level to reduce conflicts with the others. Mark is clearly setting a barriers to keep a distance from the rest as he is business minded with a purpose of bringing profits to the company and get recognition from Mr Teddy.K, CEO of Globecom organization. Besides that, Mark did not provide any solution or strategic plan to the company to keep the company improve. Middle management levels are required to provide a strategic and develop plan for the company and help the team to achieve the goal and result in better product or services performance. Besides that Mark Steckle is unable to provide motivation to the rest of the team. Motivation is define giving positive feedback to the employees of their contribution for the company. Motivation play a main key to keep the organization going as it is maintaining the employees to stay happy and self-fulfillment as their performance had paid off. Or in other perspective, management level able to motivate the...
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...Intermittent Fasting Martin Kajtazi UWRT 150 – Writing Seminar, Rochester Institute of Technology Croatia Abstract Lately, people have been talking more and more about trying to live a healthier life. Majority of people are trying to be more productive in their business carriers and life in general. That’s where the Intermittent Fasting comes in, or the eating method which restricts the eating window to 8 hours per day. Many scientists and well recognized nutritionists have researched this method and came up with great results. They discovered that fasting promotes not just the fat loss, as other “diets”, but also improves physical performance and psychological processes such as memory and focus, all while providing better protection to the brain. Fasting lifestyle has been proved successful and implemented in many top athletes’ lives throughout the world. Other than biological benefits, fasting showed how well it could be incorporated with time management of someone who is trying to be more productive and efficient in every day life. Intermittent Fasting “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” – statement claimed by the majority of doctors today, but I’m afraid, not everyone understands the meaning of the word “Breakfast”. The word literally represents the meal by which you break your current fast, or a not eating period. It doesn’t say anywhere when it should happen. People are, not knowingly, fasting every day, usually when they are asleep – since they...
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...Benefits of fasting. 1. What is fasting and can it be beneficial? Many of us know it as a protocol the doctor prescribes before blood testing. 2. For others, it may mean giving up a favorite food for a period of time or not eating food at certain times of the day or year out of respect for various religious holidays. 3. Strictly speaking, fasting is the voluntary absence of food. While the idea of missing even one meal might put most of us in misery, fasting does have many benefits for the body. 4. Fasting has been called the "miracle cure" because the list of physical conditions improved by fasting is long and varied. Cited most often are allergies, arthritis, digestive disorders of all kinds, skin conditions, cardiovascular disease, and asthma. Because fasting initiates the body's own healing mechanisms, any ailment may show improvement. 5. Fasting frees up energy so healing can begin.Fasting is a wonderful antidote for our usual over-indulgences. There's nothing wrong with enjoying our food, but excess food on a continuous basis does create a burden for the body. When it must handle more than is comfortable and appropriate for it, it will suffer. 6. Imagine at work how you feel when you're handed a huge work load--more than you can handle in your 8-10 hour day, more than is comfortable and appropriate for your job title (or salary level). You're under duress. But you will cope. You must cope. You must make decisions. You attend to the most important and...
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...Ritual fasting has been part of religious traditions for thousands of years, from Muslims who fast during daylight hours in the month of Ramadan to Mormons who take a regular break from food the first Sunday of each month. But a recent growing body of research shows that abstaining from food intermittently may have physical as well as spiritual benefits — the latest, a study from Utah researchers that found that occasional fasts (defined as extended periods of time in which people generally abstain from all food and drink except for water) may reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Google “fasting for health” and you’ll get more than 7 million hits, ranging from doctors who recommend it in their practices to treat a range of diseases, spas that promise detoxifying food-free vacations, and message board postings from devotees who say that fasting makes them feel clearer mentally and more fit. “I fast whenever my body feels like it needs a reboot,” says Yoli Ouiya, 31, a New York City blogger who writes about eco-friendly living. She fasts once every few months. But is fasting a good idea for your health? Possibly, says David Katz, MD, MPH, director of the Prevention Research Center at Yale University. Every day, organs such as the liver, kidney, and spleen work to remove and neutralize toxins from the body to keep our cells healthy. “When you fast, you eliminate input of additional toxins from food,” says Dr. Katz, “and there is a potential biological benefit to that...
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...O’Donnell, fitness trainer, coach and author of 2 Meal Solution. (O’Donnell, n.d.) I love to eat and I don’t like counting calories. I discovered a way to lose weight and still enjoy many different types of foods. D. Thesis Statement: Today I would like to inform you about the benefits and types of intermittent fasting, or IF. E. Preview of Main Points: I am going to be talking about three different types of intermittent fasting as well as its benefits including weight loss and living a longer and healthier life. II. Body: A. It is easy to comply to IF because there are multiple ways to do intermittent fasting. Having various types of IF to choose from allows you to choose one that works best for you. IF is much easier than having to count and restrict calories daily. 1. In a 5:2 fast, men consume 600 calories per day, two days per week and women consume 500 calories per day, two days per week. On the other five days you can eat all of the types of foods you enjoy without the guilt. 2. The Warrior Diet is another type of fasting in which you perform a 20 hour fast every day, and then have one large meal at night. During the fasting part of the day, you can consume a...
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...Preoperative fasting: Is it based on evidence? The rule ‘Nil by Mouth’ from midnight is used traditionally to ensure that the stomach is empty prior to induction of anaesthesia. It is clearly stated that during induction of anaesthesia, the protective laryngeal reflex is diminished, which maximises the risk of pulmonary aspiration. Even in the early days of the anaesthetic era, most people understood that prior to surgery, no intake of solid food was to be consumed. (Ljunggvist&Soreide, 2003) Ljungvvist&Soreide (2003) explains that surgical authorities recommended that patients have fluids containing carbohydrates, for example, beef tea, during the preoperative period. In spite of this, later studies revealed anaesthetic related aspiration. This resulted in progressively firmer rules for preoperative fasting, in which case patients were informed not to consume solids and liquids prior to sugery- ‘Nil by Mouth’ from midnight. (Ljunggvist&Soreide, 2003) Over the past two decades, authors have questioned the need for such intense fasting regimes. Following this, studies have been completed, which showed that guidelines which are less intense can be used to benefit the patient. (Ljunggvist&Soreide, 2003)Ljunggvist&soreide (2003) explain that following the studies, healthy adults who are undergoing surgery, can consume clear fluids up to two hours prior to surgery. However, this does not apply to people who have got gastrointestinal deficiencies or diabetes. This...
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...Religion Concept of Islam Fasting What is Fasting? Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time. An absolute fast is normally defined as abstinence from all food and liquid for a defined period, usually a single day (24 hours), or several daytime periods. Other fasts may be only partially restrictive, limiting particular foods or substance. The fast may also be intermittent in nature. Fasting practices may preclude sexual and other activities as well as food. Month of Ramadan Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, is considered as one of the holiest months of the year. It was in 610 A.D. when the prophet Muhammad was said to have received revelations from God that later became Islam’s holy book, the Quran (Koran). The Quran (2:185) states that it was in the month of Ramadan that the Quran was revealed. In fact, Ramadan commemorates that part, of the Muslim year, when "the Qur'an was sent down as a guidance for the people" and also for the " judgment between the right and wrong". Another verse of the Quran (97:1) states that it was revealed "on the night of determination," which Muslims generally observe on the night of 26-27 Ramadan. The holy season begins with the sighting of the crescent moon on the evening following the new moon and lasts for 29 or 30 days depending on the lunar cycle. According to the Quran, Muslims must see the New Moon with the naked eye before they can begin their fast...
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...The "key" of fasting to receive God's authority in His kingdom, will be covered in this teaching. The Lord said He would give us the "keys to the kingdom." What did He mean by that statement? Keys to the kingdom are actually keys of authority. Matthew 16:19, "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven..." KEYS OF AUTHORITY When Jesus becomes our Lord, we are automatically transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Colossians 1:12-13 says, "Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear son." Now that we have a new king and live in a new kingdom, we must understand "kingdom principles" if we are to be victorious Christians. We cannot overcome until we have the keys that unlock the kingdom of heaven. The Lord never meant for us to wait until we die to experience heaven but purposed for us to bring heaven to the earth through the power of His Spirit. "Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:32). We are unable to receive God's healing, provision and blessing if we do not know the keys the Lord has given us to accomplish kingdom living. Keys represent authority in the Kingdom of God, and authority is gained by using them. Fasting is only one of the keys to the kingdom; others are prayer, praise, worship, intercession...
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...Advocates of all fasting diet regime in many instances look at fasting as being the perfect diet program for a number of reasons why. While you fast, you could take very little and it could be not anything at all. That is why, fasting is definitely the solitary diet plan which aids you to drop a few pounds the fastest way possible. One day of fasting aids you to drop 4-5 lbs, until ten pounds on the end of the 7 days fast, and also to a max of 20 pounds on the weeklong fast. Even obese people could shed about 50% of their bodyweight making use of certain given fasts. Through the history persons obtain known instances of fasting: persons at the Bible for instance Moses and Christ, the Greeks in the great period such as the father of medicine himself Hippocrates, Tolstoy and likewise his contemporaries across Russia, plus British suffragettes are actually among the people who definitely have undergone fasting on their period, expressing that going on a fast was not just a fad. In the present day, many fast with lots of concerns which could include to feel better, to handle growing food prices, to be able to...
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...TEXAS BIBLE COLLEGE BACHELOR OF MUSIC PROGRAM THE BIBLICAL MEANING OF FASTING AS IT RELATES TO THE CHRISIAN LIFE SUBBMITTED TO BROTHER JEREMY GILLIAM IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF KEYS TO SUCCESS #330 BY KRISTA KNOX FEBUARY 28, 2015 Introduction Fasting is when we as Christians spiritually discipline ourselves. We have to be submissive and be willing to do it. We cannot have a bad attitude when we decide to humble ourselves before God. There are so many different things that we can fast. We do not only have to fast food but we can also fast from media. Fasting brings us closer to God and it strengths our relationship with him. When we fast we are doing it to please God. When we are fasting, we cannot think that we are being starved from something or that something is being taken away from us. We are disciplining ourselves and separating from the world. “We are causing the natural body with its natural human desires to be submitted to the spiritual man within us (Malcomson, Fasting).” There are many different ways that we can fast. People can fast together as a group or even fast on different days throughout the week. You can also do a fast by yourself. In the bible, we are supposed to work and help one another. We need to be a untified and glorified body of Christ. If there is no unity in a church, it will fall apart. Fasting is biblical, and just because it is not required in the bible does not mean that we should not partake in it. Our flesh needs to be disciplined...
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...Since the beginning of time, dietary practices have been incorporated into the religious practices of people around the world. Some religious sects abstain, or are forbidden, from consuming certain foods and drinks; others restrict foods and drinks during their holy days; while still others associate dietary and food preparation practices with rituals of the faith. The early biblical writings, especially those found in Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy of the Old Testament (and in the Torah) outlined the dietary practices for certain groups (e.g., Christians and Jews), and many of these practices may still be found among these same groups today. Practices such as fasting (going without food and/or drink for a specified time) are described as tenets of faith by numerous religions. Religious Belief Expressed as Food Customs To understand the reasons for nutritional and dietary customs in any religion requires a brief orientation of the rationale for such practices and laws. Many religious customs and laws may also be traced to early concerns for health and safety in consuming foods or liquids. In the past, preservation techniques for food were limited. Modern conveniences such as electricity were unavailable, and the scholars of the day did not understand theories of health promotion, disease prevention, and illness as they do today. Therefore, religious leaders of the day developed rules about the consumption of foods and drinks, and religious practices, restrictions...
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...maritimus to their fasting limitations. The warmer weather causes the ice to melt and forces polar bears to hunt on land as well as the open water. Whiteman et al. (2015) conducted a study in which they tested the core temperature and daily activity of polar bears during the summer. They found that polar bear’s core temperature drops, however not as drastically as it would during hibernation, and that their activity level becomes very low except when swimming long distances to find food. This could be due to the thinning of their fur or loss of body fat however Whiteman et al. (2015) doesn’t believe it will be enough to avoid the detrimental declines in body conditions during the fasting...
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...nurses is often dictated by new policy and guidelines which are brought about by the evolving healthcare system. For an issue to be contemporary it has to be occurring in the present and in the sense of nursing it would seem that many issues could be deemed as contemporary due to the ever fluctuating nature of our healthcare service. For the purpose of this assignment I am going to address the issue of pre-operative fasting and the tradition of fasting patients from midnight until surgery the following day. Evidence suggests that this practice is outdated and unnecessary but still the practice occurs on many surgical wards. I aim to explore the reasons why patients are still subjected to unnecessarily long fasting times and how we as nurses can change this outdated practice. I have chosen to look at this area of contemporary nursing because as a student nurse I have had practice experience in both a surgical ward and general theatre. I feel that having had experience in both of these settings I would be able to link theory to practice experience. Fasting patients from midnight before day of has long been a time honoured tradition. The main reason for the nil by mouth rule from midnight has been to ensure an empty stomach at time of anaesthesia. If the patient is not fasted, gastric contents could be inhaled by the patient while they are under anaesthetic. Because the contents of the stomach are acidic it is important that regurgitation and inhalation does not occur...
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...Nine random clinical trials were used to compile the information in this article. Six of these were from the United States, one was from the United Kingdom, and two were conducted in Iran. Included in these trials were 453 adult men and 786 adult women. All participants were between the ages of 21 and 69 years old. The random clinical trials lasted a range of 3-24 weeks total. The authors of the article used these nine trials to compile data on the effects of the DASH diet on three main components effecting the development of diabetes. Studies were done using information from these trials using data for fasting insulin, fasting blood glucose, and fasting HOMA-IR. These studies did not show a significant reduction of fasting blood glucose, nor did they find the DASH diet had a significant effect of HOMA-IR. However, they did show a significant reduction of fasting insulin concentration when the diet was prescribed for longer than 16 weeks. Durations less than 8 weeks showed no significant reduction except in those with metabolic syndrome and hyperlipidemia. Observational data from the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS)...
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...Old Testament and the New Testament that are pattered by Christians today. These disciplines vary and are not just limited to a standardized set of disciplines. Boa (2001) outlined twenty spiritual disciplines such as Solitude and Silence. Prayer, Journaling, Study and Meditation, Fasting, and Chastity, Secrecy, Confession, Fellowship, Submission and Guidance, Simplicity, Stewardship and Sacrifice, Worship and Celebration, Service and Witness (p. 83-86). The main focuses of spiritual disciplines are to get a more intimate relationship with God and their utilization is not for self-glory. Some disciplines however, augment each other and can therefore be practiced at the same time (Boa, 2001). By examining a few of these disciplines will show that Christians can benefit from them and become more effective for the ministry. Origin of Spiritual disciplines According to Gardner (1999), “all the world’s major religions endorse fasting for spiritual, therapeutic or political purposes and fasting for Christians has an ancient and credible history (p. 32). In the Old and New Testament fasting is an act of humility in which we may serve and worship God. In the Old Testament, David humbled himself through fasting (2 Samuel 12:16 KJV). Nehemiah wept, mourned and fasted because the wall of Jerusalem was broken down (Nehemiah 1:4 KJV). Israel on many occasions fasted nationally so that they could confess and worship God (Nehemiah 9:1-3 KJV). Another scripture in...
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