...Lauren Otto Student Number: 49208934 PYC4802 Assignment 3 Unique Assignment number: 668049 17 June 2015 Plagiarism Declaration 1. I know that plagiarism is wrong. Plagiarism is using another’s work and pretending that it is one’s own work. 2. I have used the American Psychological Association (APA) as the convention for citation and referencing. Each significant contribution to, and quotation in, this assignment from the work, or works of other people has been attributed and has been cited and referenced. 3. This assignment is my own work. 4. I have not allowed, and will not allow, anyone to copy my work with the intention of passing it off as his or her own work. 5. I acknowledge that copying someone else’s assignment, or part of it, is wrong, and declare that this assignment is my own work. NAME: Lauren Otto DATE: 17/06/2015 MODULE CODE: PYC4802 ASSIGNMENT: Assignment 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE: LIVING POSITIVELY WITH A SCHIZOPHRENIA DIAGNOSIS PAGE 1 INTRODUCTION 4 2 DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA 5 3 POSITIVE SYMPTOMS 5 3.1 Delusions 5 3.2 Hallucinations 6 3.3 Disorganised Speech 6 3.4 Grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour 6 3 NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS 7 4.5 Flat affect 7 4.6 Avolition 7 4.7 Alogia 7 4 AETIOLOGY 8 5 SUBSTANCE ABUSE AND SELF HARM 13 6 COMORBIDITY ...
Words: 4296 - Pages: 18
...Migration in Afghanistan 1. Introduction Afghanistan is home to the largest refugee crises experienced since the inception of the UNHCR. Decades of war have led millions to flee their homes and seek refuge in the neighboring countries of Pakistan and Iran, and for those who were able, further abroad. The number of refugees spiked in 1990 at 6.2 million. They began to decrease in 1992 with the fall of the government, but began to increase again in 1996 with the rise of the Taliban. In 2002, with the fall of the Taliban and the US-led invasion, record numbers of Afghan refugees returned to Afghanistan. An international reconstruction and development initiative began to aid Afghans in rebuilding their country from decades of war. Reports indicate that change is occurring in Afghanistan, but the progress is slow. The Taliban have regained strength in the second half of this decade and insurgency and instability are rising. Afghanistan continues to be challenged by underdevelopment, lack of infrastructure, few employment opportunities, and widespread poverty. The slow pace of change has led Afghans to continue migrating in order to meet the needs of their families. Today refugee movements no longer characterize the primary source of Afghan migration. Migration in search of livelihoods is the primary reasons for migration and occurs through rural-urban migration in Afghanistan or circular migration patterns as Afghans cross into Pakistan and/or Iran. Afghans utilize their...
Words: 13339 - Pages: 54
...BUSI 520 Group Marketing Analysis Project INDEX Introduction 1. Fitbit, Inc Background 2. Market Analysis 3. Positioning, Competition and Branding 4. Services and Pricing 5. Promotions and Marketing Conclusions Introduction This project will cover research done on the Fitbit Ultra, a fitness aid device design to help ambulatory people track their wellness and fitness. The report will open with a brief background and history of Fitbit, Inc and introduce the device features. The second section will cover a Market Analysis of the Fitbit Ultra. Research done on the demographic trends and economic trends that currently impact marketability of the Fitbit Ultra will be discussed. Additionally, consumer’s tastes and preferences, along with cultural factors that influence consumer purchasing of the device will also be covered in this report. Aspects of product positioning, to include social factors, personal factors, psychological factors, and other behavior that would influence a consumer to purchase the Fitbit Ultra will help identify more specific marketing strategies. The next section is devoted to research of the competition. This will include a SWOT analysis and a synopsis of the most competitive brands vying for market share with Fitbit Ultra. Analyzing the target markets and their potential for best customer impact is explored as well. The report will explore branding and services regarding the Fitbit Ultra and the website Fitbit.com...
Words: 22064 - Pages: 89
...Enablers of Exuberance Jennifer S. Taub Sept. 4, 2009 DISCUSSION DRAFT Enablers of Exuberance: Legal Acts and Omissions that Facilitated the Global Financial Crisis Jennifer S. Taub1 I. Introduction This paper explores certain legal acts and omissions that facilitated the over-leveraging and near collapse of the global financial system. These ―Legal Enablers‖ fostered the boom that enriched a class of financial intermediaries who followed a storied tradition of gambling away ―other people‘s money.‖2 These mechanisms also made the pain of the bust disproportionately felt by the middle class and poor while shielding the middlemen who created the problems. These legal Enablers permitted the growth of a shadow banking system, without investment limits, transparency or government oversight. In the shadows grew a variety of highly leveraged private investment pools, undercapitalized conduits of securitized loans and speculation in complex credit derivatives. The rationale for allowing this unregulated, parallel system was that it helped to create innovation and provide liquidity. The conventional wisdom was that any risks associated with a hands-off approach could be managed by the ―invisible hand‖3 of the market. In other words, instead of public police, it relied upon private gatekeepers. A legal framework including legislation, rules and court decisions supported this system. This legal structure depended upon corporate managers, counterparties, ―sophisticated investors‖ and the...
Words: 54952 - Pages: 220