...The benefits of self-evaluation as it relates to leaders today When talking about LEAN, leadership is a key component of change and driving implementation. The article below, written as part of my MBA in Leadership and Sustainability with Robert Kennedy College & The University of Cumbria, examines the benefits of self-evaluation for leaders. Self-evaluation or “self-leadership” (Runn, 2011) forms a critical part of a leaders repertoire and some key blocks of the foundation for this persons leadership. If someone can ultimately say that they fully understand themselves, they will find it much easier to understand others around them. This however requires some strong discipline from the leader, to continuously self-evaluate and aim for continuous improvement. There are some key questions that the leader needs to ask themselves and truthfully answer to gage where they are at. 1. Do as you preach If a leader makes a statement about what he or she will be doing, they need to take ownership and answer on the basis whether they actually did as they said. When a leader expects others to follow suit, they need to set the standards. 2. Change is ok If a change of direction was required from the initial target, that is ok, as long as the leader can clearly identify why it was different to the planned path, and explain that in simple terms. The two points above can be broken into many individual questions that form the basis of a self-evaluation...
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...discuss the benefits of self evaluation/self assessment as it relates to leaders today. Understanding human behavior is critical to managers at all levels inside any organization. Individual managers within the organization can especially benefit from conducting self-evaluations. It is essential for managers to be self -ware and understand how their own behavior and personality can give them a better perspective while working with others. Being self-aware allows one to recognize and improve their strengths and weaknesses in order to maximize their leadership potential. In Organizational Behavior, Robins & Judge (13th Edition) tell us that organizational behavior is the knowledge gained about individuals, groups and the effect of structure on behavior in order to make organizations work more effectively. A major goal for any organization should be to work more effectively and to continuously make improvements, this is summarized by the Japanese Philosophy of Kaizen. For an organization to strive to continuously improve the leadership and management must adapt and learn. There are many ways in which a manager can strive to improve and one of those is through self-evaluation. What is a self-assessment or evaluation? Daniel Goleman (2000. Page 80) tells us that an accurate self-assessment is a “realistic evaluation of your strengths and limitations” . A manager conducting a self-evaluation can evaluate...
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...Q1. Understanding Human Behavior is critical to organizations - discuss the benefits of self evaluation/self assessment as it relates to leaders today. Effective leadership is one critical aspect for organizations today. Pursuing high levels of effective leadership, leaders need to measure their skills and capabilities against different leadership dimensions. This will help leaders to spot dimensions that need enhancement and others that need development. This paper will discuss the benefits of leader’s self-assessment of different dimensions with focus on those related to understanding human behavior. Self Assessment Techniques: Different techniques of self-assessment have been developed. As (Clawson, et al., 2000:4) stated ‘There are many theories about the elements that make up leadership’ hence self assessment technique differ in terms of leadership dimensions measured. Another factor is the methodology used for each technique. Among the different techniques one can identify the Leadership Steps Assessment (LSA) developed by (Clawson, et al., 2000)Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 360 assessment and many more. LSA will be considered as a sample in this paper. Leadership Steps Assessment (LSA) LSA models the leadership using six dimensions, which defines the components of leadership which, as (Clawson, et al., 2000:4) proposed were: 1. Clarifying one’s center. 2. Clarifying what is possible. 3. Clarifying what others have to contribute. 4. Supporting others so they...
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...systems, discuss the advantage and disadvantage of two different job evaluations, compare and contrast compensation plans, and explain the importance of providing employee benefits plans. Each area is unique to this company and its success. Describe the general function of performance management systems. If your assigned company does not use a performance management system, would you recommend it use one? LISA Overall the success of our company in general is due to our commitment and dedication given to our employees. The company strives to ensure that every employee is given an equal opportunity, and it is our duty to embrace each employee to the fullness of their potential. The company accomplishes this task by the use of performance management systems. Performance management systems are used to sustaining and measuring an employee’s performance. These methods are the key to an organization success because an organization can assess individuals' performance and reward them appropriately. To do this successfully an organization needs to have a system that manages performance: not just for reward purposes but also to help establish what people should do to grow, and the skills they will require to achieve this (Edward Lawler, 2010). A successful performance management system includes compensation plans, and employee benefits. In the Edward Lawler simulation (2010), having a competitive compensation and benefits package is vital to an organization’s survival, as well as its future...
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...Understanding Human Behavior is Critical to Organizations - Discuss the benefits of self-evaluation / self-assessment as it relates to Leaders today Understanding Human Behavior is Critical to Organizations - Discuss the benefits of self-evaluation / self-assessment as it relates to Leaders today: The benefits of honest self-assessments and honest self-evaluation can be rewarding and beneficial to large companies and organizations. To truly reap the benefits firstly one must be honest in the way that one self-assesses / evaluates Leadership is a diagnostic activity requiring a person to ask, in each situation, “What is the maximum and unique value that a leader could bring to the situation?” The obvious value of this insight is best reflected in the enormous industry that has emerged around this theme, including the most popular of these, the Situational Leadership Model (e.g. Hersey, Blanchard, and Natemeyer, 1979). (Nohria.N & Khurana.R 2010, page 161.) Once a leader has self-assessed / evaluated themselves they can focus on their weaknesses that require improvement. After self –assessment / evaluation has been carried out they can then start to lead in a stronger manner; motivating and inspiring others, leading from the front and by example. In doing so the leader will earn the respect from their team / group. Being a strong leader is best achieved with the respect given by those being lead. A leader who has not earned the respect of the team will not be as...
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...Benefits and Obstacles of Self Awareness: 1. Benefits: Self-awareness is proven to drive success of leaders in what they accomplish and how they are perceived by others. 2. Obstacles: In spite of many benefits that self awareness bring to a leader’s success, many people still ignore to understanding themselves and deny negative feedbacks. They may see themselves as better as or worse than they really are. Inaccurate understanding of self may lead to arrogance or self-diminishment of leaders; therefore it affects the organizational effectiveness. This can occur due to several factors: a. Incompetence: The lesser the competence of individual to assess self, the worse would be the accuracy of self-assessment. Because we may assess ourselves inaccurately, self-assessment is not always treated as a reliable criterion to evaluate self-awareness. It requires individuals the ability to be free from prejudice and biased. b. Motives: It occurs when an individual is inability to accept the truth about self or fail to be dispassionate during self-assessment. The cause of this problem is that individuals are guided by several important motives that push them in one direction or another and the psychological safety prevents leaders to accept objective feedback (Sedikides and Strube 1997). c. Self-Presentation: Self Presentation is the ability to affect public perceptions and persuade followers to believe we are who we show to the outsiders. Leaders often do that...
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...1. THE BENEFITS OF SELF EVALUATION / SELF AWARENESS AS IT RELATES TO LEADERS IN TODAY’S ORGANIZATIONS The study of human behaviour is critical to the effectiveness of organizations. Organizational behaviour is “a field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behaviour within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness” (Robins, 2001). Every established organization strives to achieve its goals and business objectives, yet at their peak are managers, leaders, who have been vested with the responsibilities to ensure that these goals and objectives are actualized. The success of these leaders therefore becomes corresponding to the success of the organizations they lead. They, however, must be self – aware. They must know that their personalities and behaviours give them impetus to achieving success while working with their people. They must be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and channel them to directions that will make them effectively carry out their leadership functions. Runn, (2011) calls self evaluation, “self leadership” and states that it forms a critical part and foundation to a person’s leadership. According to Brodie (2011), leaders who are self aware can play to their strengths, get others to achieve equal success by utilizing their own skills, can easily adapt to changing circumstances and will think before they act. This is because when leaders...
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... Stakeholder Influences In the field of human services one of the most influential stakeholders when it comes to program planning and evaluation is the funding source. Often times the funding source has a specific set of requirements that the program and agency must meet in order to obtain or maintain funding. The program planning and evaluation process is greatly affected by this. The needs and expectations of the stakeholders influence program planning and evaluation because they must adhere to specific restrictions placed upon them by the IRS and other government agencies. The funding source usually wants to proposed program to have similar goals and objectives along with similar values. The program planning may be changed in order to line up with the values of the funding source. The Madison Children’s Hospital seeks to start a program which research is done to look into the issue of chronic illness in adolescents ages 8-21. The funding source for this program is the National Institute of Health Care. The National Institute of Health Care seeks to fund research to improve self-management and quality of life for children with chronic illness. The needs and expectations of the hospital are to address the concerns of a lack in self-management of chronic illness. The hospital is interested in researching the causes for the lack of self-management which is causing an increase in complications as well as a lack of school attendance. Some of the goals of the hospital are to...
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...Doing Good: Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Concept Article Submission Final Thesis Article Author: Anum Khalid Dar Submitted to: Mrs. Mehrukh Salman Submitted on: 13 April 2015 The idea of brand concept has been used by almost every firm in the world but there has been very little research on what is the impact of brand concept on the consumer’s evaluation of the product. This paper discusses the relation of brand concept with CSR and how it leads to evaluation of the product. Three studies focuses on the relation of CSR and brand concept and the results gathered through experiments reveal that there is a conflict between CSR (selftranscendence) and luxury brand (self-enhancement), the paper also considers the mediating effect of disfluency that triggers a motivational conflict between CSR and self-enhancement which leads to less favorable brand evaluation. The paper also discusses that no such conflicting impact was observed in openness and conservation concepts. The key finding of this paper is the impact of different brand concepts with reference to CSR that leads to brand evaluation. Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as an extremely important concept and has gained the attention of many companies. There have been studies on this topic which illustrates it importance and value that CSR activities can bring in for a firm. The McKinsey conducted a global survey with executives as there respondents with the objective...
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...compensation and benefits are a sizable percentage of the cost associated with running a business. Although most employees would consider themselves under paid, most companies would consider their employees as being fairly or even over compensated. The determination of employee compensation and benefits is often based on factors such a seniority, dependability, and quality and quantity of the work performed. The decision of which employees will receive higher compensation, and how much the increase will be is often determined by many factors. The overall profitability of the business, the individual productivity of the employee or department, a across the board cost of living increase, and often the factors are nothing more than the suggestions of a manager or the owner of the business. In many small businesses these simple systems for compensation determination may be fine, and individual needs of the employee may be just as big a determining factor as any other reason related to performance. In larger businesses it is important to design, implement, and maintain a performance appraisal system, as well as a system that compensates its employees based on the outcomes of the appraisal system. A well designed employee appraisal system should include an evaluation by the employee, the manager, and coworkers and the system should be an ongoing process, not just a yearly event. (Whitacre, 2011) one type of evaluation that can be utilized is employee self evaluation. This can be...
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...Brumfeld, Ronnie Evans Barksdale College Abstract Self-esteem is an individual's estimate of one's own self worth, the extent of individual views of good, competence, and decent. Within this activity paper we will discuss why self esteem is important, and why there are discrepancies between the actual self and the ideal self. This paper will discuss the theory of cognitive dissonance in regards to the self-evaluation theory, self-affirmation theory and the realization trap while defining the self-discrepancy theory. The need for high individual self-esteem may lead to irrational logic and individual actions against their own best interest as will be theoretically supported throughout this paper. Concluding that our teams position, will support the theory that individual competence may be inaccurate at times to maintain individual self-esteem. Self-esteem is defined as an individual’s estimate of his or hers own self-worth and the extent of individual views of what is good competent and decent. This activity paper will discuss the importance of self-esteem and explore any discrepancies between the actual self and the ideal self. The theory of cognitive dissonance as it relates to the self-evaluation theory, self-affirmation theory and the realization trap will be covered while also defining the self-discrepancy theory. This paper will theoretically support the concept of the need for high individual self-esteem and how it may lead to irrational logic and individual...
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...TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT MBA III SEM AS PER SYLLABUS OF RTU, KOTA PREPARED BY Dr. Pragya Mathur Kumar FACULTY (BISMA) BIYANI GROUP OF COLLEGES SECTOR -3, VIDHYADHAR NAGAR, JAIPUR -302023. For more detail :- http://www.gurukpo.com TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Group C [HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT] M-311 STUDY MATERIAL IN THE FORM OF QUESTION & ANSWERS Objective: The purpose of this paper is to provide an in-depth under-standing of the role of training in the HRD and to enable the course participants to manage the Training system and processes. CONTENTS TOPIC 1. NO.OF QUESTIONS Page Introduction to Training & Development Performance Appraisal & Training Training Process Trainer & Training Institutions - 6 3 2. 3. 5 19 8 9 12 32 4. 5. Evaluation of Training 6. 15 12 37 49 Training Methods and Techniques Annexure References 60 For more detail :- http://www.gurukpo.com UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Q.1. What is training? Ans.Training can be defined as “The systematic acquisition of attitudes, concepts, knowledge, roles, or skills, that result in improved performance at work.” It refers to the process of teaching employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. Training refers to skill enhancement processes and activities designed to provide learners with the knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs. Q.2.What is training needs assessment? Ans. Training Needs Assessment consists of : Organizational Analysis :Examines systemwide factors...
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...The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www.emeraldinsight.com/0309-0590.htm PERSPECTIVE ON PRACTICE Evaluation of training in organisations: a proposal for an integrated model Pilar Pineda ´ Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain Abstract Purpose – Training is a key strategy for human resources development and in achieving organisational objectives. Organisations and public authorities invest large amounts of resources in training, but rarely have the data to show the results of that investment. Only a few organisations evaluate training in depth due to the difficulty involved and the lack of valid instruments and viable models. The purpose of this paper is to present an evaluation model that has been successfully applied in the Spanish context that integrates all training dimensions and effects, to act as a global tool for organisations. The model analyses satisfaction, learning, pedagogical aspects, transfer, impact and profitability of training, and is therefore a global model. Design/methodology/approach – The paper’s approach is theoretical, and the methodology used involves a review of previous evaluation models and their improvement by comparing their application in practice. Findings – An analysis of pedagogical aspects enables training professionals to improve training quality, as they are able to identify any weaknesses in elements, such as training design, needs analysis and training implementation, and improve on...
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...Module 6 Organizational leadership 3 marks 1) What do you mean by “charisma”? Ans: Charisma is a trait found in individuals whose personalities are characterized by powerful charm and magnetism (attractiveness) and superior capabilities of interpersonal communication and persuasion. According to Weber, charisma is a pure form of authority based on the gift of divine grace. The term charisma is applied to a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which he is considered extraordinary and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. 2) Who is a charismatic leadership? Ans: Charismatic leadership is a leadership based on the leader’s ability to communicate and behave in ways that reach followers on a basic, emotional way, to inspire and motivate. 3) Define the term “transactional leadership”. Ans: A transactional leader is one who guides and motivates his follows in the direction of establish goals by clarifying role and task requirements. It involves exchange relationship between leader and the followers. It is a perception for mediocrity and that transformational leadership leads to superior performance in organization facing demands for renewal and change. 4) Differentiate between transformational and transactional leadership...
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...Any component that is used as an instructional tool needs to be adjusted and improved based on the learners and how the material is presented. Evaluation of this project is focused on how to improve the actual instruction material and how to better teach the learners. The evaluation of the audience or learners is necessary to determine how affective the material is being understood and how the learners feel about how the material is presented. Evaluation can bridge the gap between how the instructor assumes or believes the material is coming across, and how the learners are actual grasping the material. In addition, learners that take the course or are administered the instruction can provide necessary unbiased feedback about how the information...
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