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Beowulf Good Vs Evil

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The Universal Theme of Beowulf: Good VS. Evil Dragons, witches, ghosts, aliens, or just ordinary folks: in most stories there’s a good force and an evil force that battle each other. This one of the most commons themes in literature and has been all throughout history. The universal theme Good versus Evil is presented in Beowulf, in which good always wins. “With envy and anger an evil spirit/endured the dole in his dark abode”(I, 35-36) Grendel, one of the main characters of Beowulf, is described as angry and jealous. This creates in him the spirit of evil. He is also described in, “till one(Grendel) began/ to fashion evils, that fiend of Hell./ Grendel this monster grim was called,/march-reiver mighty, in moorland living,/ in fen and

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