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Beowulf Modern Day Hero Essay

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Has anyone in your life made a life changing impact on you? perhaps a hero? There are many types of heroes, such as service members, story heroes, and also your average everyday citizens. Beowulf was a well known hero to the gates. He was to be known as the best, but times have changed. Most people today pay attention to the modern day heroes. Beowulf, a warrior and the main character of the epic, shows characteristics such as loyalty, generosity, and bravery which portray him as a hero. It is interesting how modern day heroes show not only similar, but also different qualities as Beowulf. One of the most appreciated heroes today in this modern time would be those who serve our country. In ways Beowulf could resemble a member of the U.S. military. “When we crossed the sea, my comrades/ And I, I already knew to win the good will/ of your people or die in battle, pressed/ In Grendel’s fierce grip.” (E.3; 7: 364-368) This passage compares Beowulf's promise to the people as a soldier would to serve his country. Both Beowulf and a soldier would risk their lives for the safety of others. Also both …show more content…
One of the biggest well known hero to children and adults would have to be the amazing Superman!Beowulf and superman are very different on how they are portrayed to be a hero. “Telling their sorrow, telling stories/ of their dead King and his greatness, his glory,/ Praising him for heroic deeds, for life/ As noble as his name.” (E.6; 17: 831-834) This example shows that Beowulf had died. As Beowulf was mortal and was able to die, Superman is not. Superman is immortal and is indestructible; he can't die. Another huge difference between the two known heroes is Beowulf is a human from Earth while Superman is inhuman and was exiled from the planet Krypton. Superman was from a whole different planet. These examples vividly prove that the two are very

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