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Beowulf's Actions: Heroism or Duty?


Submitted By JanaHartmanova
Words 1253
Pages 6
Beowulf’s Actions: Heroism or Duty? In a historical poem named Beowulf, we see people of Danes living in a fear of a powerful monster, Grendal. No one seems to be able to defeat him until a hero warrior named Beowulf sails from Geatland and kills Grendel. From the very beginning of the poem Beowulf stands out as a fearless, “the mightiest man on earth, highborn and powerful” (line 196). He is not afraid of anyone or anything and he is also not shy about showing off all his success. He mentions all the accomplishments he had when he was younger and he goes to a great detail describing his fight with the sea monster, Breca. At the moment when we can see Beowulf crosses path with Unferth, his character really stands out in comparison to Unferth’s coward and jealous nature. Even though Beowulf comes across as a brave and strong warrior who later becomes a beloved and well respected king, there is a part of the story that makes me question his motifs. I wonder: Were his actions an act of heroism or was it his duty?
After arriving in Danes, Beowulf meets with the king, Hrothgar. Based on their conversation, we can assume that they are not complete strangers. Hrothgar admits knowing Beowulf’s father, Ecgtheow. There is something Hrothgar said during their meeting that raises a question. Lines 470 - 473 read: “Finally I healed the feud by paying: I shipped a treasure-trove to the Wulfings, and Ecgtheow acknowledged me with oaths of allegiance”. In my opinion, the phrase “oaths of allegiance” puts a whole new meaning into Beowulf’s actions. It shows that there was a very close bond between Hrothgar and Ecgtheow. From previous lines, we learned that Hrothgar ended a feud that Ecgtheow started, ultimately saving his life. Why is it so important? I think the period during which this poem takes place, is characterized as a patriarchal society. The reason why I feel this way is

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