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Bereavement Meeting Observation Paper

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VITAS Hospice Bereavement Meeting Observation
VITAS Healthcare is a for profit organization providing hospice and palliative care services in 14 states and the District of Columbia in the United States (VITAS hospice and palliative care, n.d.). The 14 states are California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin (Hospice locations, n.d.). The goal of the services is to provide comfort measures and support to patients who are in the end of life stage. VITAS also provides bereavement services to families after their loved ones decease. VITAS staff, including chaplains or social workers, leads bereavement support groups in multiple locations (Grief and grieving: VITAS offers support after a death, n.d.). This paper is going to introduce one of the bereavement …show more content…
The family nurse practitioner student chose the bereavement group in Sunrise Senior Center is because of the convenience of the location and the time of the meeting. The student has been working for VITAS Healthcare as a telephonic triage registered nurse since March this year. She knows the bereavement support groups by working with the staff from the department that supports families after their loved ones decease. The bereavement groups meet the criteria for the assignment in this course. Losing a loved one is a family crisis. The family members often need time to grieve and adequate sources to support one another. Any VITAS patients and families are eligible for these services. When a VITAS patient deceases, the company automatically offers one year of bereavement services to the family. A weekly meeting is one of many ways to support them. Other bereavement services include home visits, telephone support, memorial services, quarterly bereavement letters of support, and community resources referrals (Grief and grieving: VITAS offers support after a death,

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