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Thanksgiving Conflict

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The film took place in New York during the 90’s.Nelson Wright, Dr. Rachel Manus, David Labraccio, Dr. Joe Hurley, Randy Steckel, are the main characters in the movie. The story is about five people who are willing to die to see whats out there after death. Then coming back alive to tell and explain the story of their experience.The conflict of the story is the protagonist trying to face the antagonist, which are the sins they have committed throughout their lives. Another conflict may include them having trouble bringing people back when they were dead.Dave and Nelson paid for their sins in their own ways, which solved the conflict between the protagonist and antagonist of the story. First, the story shows Nelson saying,”It’s a good day to die”.Then the film introduces the character …show more content…
Joe's fiance, Anne breaks their engagement when she sees his videotapes. Labracio apologized to Winnie Hicks for bullying her when they were in elementary, and she forgives him. Billy Mahony continued to beat up Nelson, so David suggests that he apologize. Nelson then runs to Mahoney's grave and explains how he killed Billy Mahoney with his friends, even though it was an accident. Rachel sees her father again and sees him saying sorry to her after he was injecting a needle with drugs into his arm. She cries and they hug, and she finally understands what really happened. Nelson flatlines himself in order to justify Billy Mahoney’s death. Everyone rushes to bring him back, while Nelson is on the tree instead and bill Mahoney is throwing rocks at him. After a while, young Nelson falls off the tree and dies, but comes back to life and sees Billy smiling at him. He hears his friends calling him and runs towards their voice. They think Nelson is dead, but after some time he came back to life. His end phrase is,”It wasn’t such a good day to

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