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Condominium Bylaws Case Study

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1) Here are the rules (for the handbook) that we crafted regarding parking. Please review and let us know if they are acceptable.
Article VI, Section 7 of the Condominium Bylaws allows for the Association to allocate or assign parking if there is a shortage or parking spaces. At the beginning of the rules, I would indicate that the parking rules are enacted to implement Article VI, Sections 5, 7 and 10 of the Condominium Bylaws and Article XI of the Condominium Bylaws. If you believe there is a parking shortage, I would also indicate that as well. With respect to the specific issues, my comments are as follows:
#2 – I would clarify this to indicate that if the co-owner does not have a vehicle, the entire garage can be used for storage. If the co-owner only have 1 vehicle, they must park in the garage. If the co-owner has 2 vehicles, 1 must be parked in the garage and the other can be parked as provided in #3.
#5 – I would indicate that only vehicles that are permitted under Article VI, Section 7 of the Condominium Bylaws may be parked in a garage or driveway. I would also define commercial vehicles as follows:
Commercial vehicles will include vehicles or trucks with a curb weight of more than 10,000 pounds, overall length in excess of 21 feet, with more than two axles, vehicles with commercial license plates, vehicles with any commercial …show more content…
It does indicates that a condominium can adopt reasonable restrictions regarding the time, place and manner for flying a flag. The Michigan Condominium Act also has separate regulations regarding flying the flag of the United States. MCL 559.156a states that an Association “ shall not prohibit a co-owner from displaying a single United States flag of a size not greater than 3 feet by 5 feet anywhere on the exterior of the co-owner’s condominium

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