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Personal Narrative: My Name Kierstyn

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It’s K-I-E-R-S-T-Y-N “I have told you this already,” I said with obvious annoyance. “It’s Kierstyn, not Kristen. The I comes before the R. And no, it is not Kirsten either, KIERSTYN!” Mr. Bailey persisted, and continued to tell me I was saying my own name wrong. “No, that is not right. You don’t say it Kierstyn, it’s Kirsten.” “I am eleven years old… He can’t tell me I am wrong for saying my name Kierstyn,” I said under my breath as I walked away. Over the 16 years that I have been alive, I have been called so many names that somewhat resemble my name, but aren’t my name. I have grown to hate the names Kirsten, and Kristen, and I have a strong disliking for my own name. From the day I was born, my own Grandpa could not remember my name. I think I was five when he finally was able to call me “Kierstyn” without his little trick. He would start to say my name, pause, and then say “Okay, it’s Pierston with a K.” Then he would finish saying my name, and whatever else he had to say. My grandma called me Kirsten for the longest time, and finally got it when my mom said “Mom, it’s K-ear-styn.” I was about 4 then. After that, none of my family had problems with pronouncing my name. If they …show more content…
All of my friends, and teachers could easily pronounce “Kierstyn”. I remember my principal saying my name on the overhead speakers, and I would be filled with joy. It never really crossed my mind that my name was hard to pronounce. I enjoyed my name when I was younger, everyone knew who I was, and how to say my name. If I was not called Kierstyn, I was called Krouser, a nickname given to me by a few of my close friends. We all had funny nicknames for each other, and that is one of the nicknames that stuck for a while. Now living where I do, I have friends that call me weird names like Curtain. Nicknames don’t bother me, it’s just the purposeful or lack of paying attention Kristen or Kirsten that bugs

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