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Partial Glossectomy

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Plastic surgery is a branch of medicine that is used to reconstruct deformities, repair parts of the body and treat injury, as well as to enhance natural beauty. Ethical issues or dilemmas, as will all branches of medicine, continually and increasingly plague plastic surgery. One such ethical dilemma is the recent trend of performing plastic surgery on patients with disabilities, specifically those with Down syndrome. There are many reasons why people undergo plastic or cosmetic surgery. For children with Down’s syndrome, they may have complications or medical conditions commonly attributed with Down syndrome that can be alleviated or even eradicated by reconstructive plastic surgery. Differences in facial features, such as an up slanted palpebral fissure or slanted eyes, extra skin in …show more content…
These physical differences also come with complications that can make life more difficult.
For instance, a tongue reduction or partial glossectomy is a surgery commonly used to mend the open mouth and protruding tongue. The surgery involves removing a segment of the tongue in order to make it smaller and/or shorter. A partial glossectomy is commonly recommended for aesthetic reasons, as it helps the child close their mouth whilst they are eating or breathing. Mouth breathing can also be damaging, as it contributes to pushing the lower jaw and teeth forward and causes an increase in drooling. In some instances, the surgery can help increase the quality of life of children with Down syndrome,

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