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School Shootings In America

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Violence at school is a very common thing nowadays. It seems as though bullying is becoming more of an issue now than it has ever been in the past. It may start with name-calling, even if the two people are joking around. It may be taken as a joke in the beginning, but it can quickly turn to bullying. The person being bullied doesn’t think that an adult would help them if they were to ask for help. He feels absolutely hopeless. He can’t find a way out. Then it clicks. He finally found the “only” way to end the problem. He comes to school the next day with a gun. Bang! He finally got back at the bully. School shootings in America are a serious problem and this problem needs to be resolved. In many cases of school shootings, students have been …show more content…
For starters, the shooters aren’t loners. They may be socially awkward. They may also struggle to fit in. In a big town such as Chicago or New York, there are many different ethnicities and groups for one to find a bond with. Smaller towns are usually a more stable place to grow up, but they will not have as much of a variety when it comes to different types of people. Many times, it is more difficult to find a place where one can fit in and feel socially comfortable (Plumer). In large cities, shooters usually open fire while outside on busy, populated streets. That is where they feel they can make the biggest impact. In smaller towns, there aren’t as many highly populated streets. They can’t make a big impact by shooting one person walking down the street. School is one of the only places that can have a big impact on a town or city. Schools are the biggest stage in a small town. By opening fire on school grounds, the shooter thinks that they will no longer be seen as the reject - they will be seen as the one to be feared …show more content…
Someone may be bullying them at school. Bullying has been a problem for many children for a very long time. Bullying can leave a person feeling hopeless or like they don’t belong. Bullying is much worse now than it has been in the past. Bullying can now be done over the internet, along with in person. Staff writer for Social Justice Solutions, Justin Nutt, says, “In the digital age a bully has the ability to torture and humiliate someone while in their presence as they always have, but in the modern era a bully can also do so over Facebook and Twitter for the world to see (Nutt).” Bullying can lead to mental health issues such as paranoia. The shooter may think that people are constantly talking about them behind their back, and the only way to stop the comments is to cause harm to themselves or others. Access to school counselors or social workers could help the shooter get his or her mind in a better place, so that they do not feel the need to open fire upon classmates. Although school counselors do provide a trustworthy person to talk to, many schools are forced to cut them due to budget cuts. School counselors could immensely help the shooter to express themselves in a more healthy way than shooting everyone they believe has been talking about them or bullying them. Bullying is a problem that is not going to go away. People are always getting bullied. Adults need to make

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