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Personal Narrative: Coming To College

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Coming to college was definitely a massive change for me, while I was still living at home, I was having to adjust to more than I thought I would. I am a really easy-going person which made me think the transition to college would be a simple one. However, I was wrong, I never thought I would miss my friends as much, miss the routine schedule high school has and figuring out how to study. I think coming to college has really opened my eyes as to who I am as a person and what works best for me doesn’t work for others. Throughout high school I took a few AP courses, some dual credit, and the rest honors. Looking back my AP classes were definitely not as helpful as the dual credit. The dual credit classes were actually set up like real college …show more content…
The first 8 weeks of school were stressful because I was in an American History class that I just did not understand. I ended up dropping it and my life has never been better. When I dropped that class I picked up an 8-week online Western Civilizations class that is a lot of tedious work but is going well. Aside from history, my classes are going amazing right now. I have over a 94% in all of them, for which I am very proud about. I am loving my Math 136 course right now and truly do not want it to end in a few short weeks. I have made some great friends in there and I find the subject so interesting, as it is focused on elementary education majors. Speaking of friends, the TLC has been such a blessing in my first semester of college. It gives me built-in friends where I can ask questions, collaborate with each other, and talk about …show more content…
I have started using my planner religiously, I write everything in it so I never lose track of a test, quiz, or assignment. I also have learned how to be a pro at canvas, this helps tremendously because you can really see exactly what’s due. One thing I need to be better at is reading ahead of class. Most times I have other assignments due, so the reading slips my mind, but I know that in order to succeed throughout college, reading before class is much more beneficial than after. College is going really well right now and I am feeling good about the rest of the semester. With only about five weeks left in the semester, I think what I am doing right now is working great. I think I am staying on top of things greatly and not slacking on assignments. One thing I think I could be better at is doing assignments when they are given to me, rather than a night or two before its due. It’s not that I am procrastinating, it’s just don’t seem to worry about because it’s not due but doing it would relive a lot of stress. Also as finals are approaching I think I could start studying earlier than a few days before the

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