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Guns, Schools and Mental Illness


Submitted By Bkrbb11
Words 809
Pages 4
Betty Waltermire
Critical Issues in Criminal Justice JUS-250
April 11, 2014

Guns, Schools and Mental Illness
The above five words should never be placed into or used in a sentence together, yet, these five words are almost constantly in the news. The Second Amendment has been getting its share of attention during the last fifty years and specifically in the last twenty years. Here is where the arguments begin and end. No one can agree on the meaning of or what was intended when the amendment was actually written.
The Second Amendment states, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” (Second Amendment) . This specific amendment dates back to England before Magna Carta when the Protestants were allowed to possess and carry guns although Catholics were not allowed. The interpretation of this depends on who is doing the interpreting (Second Amendment (1791)).
The first school shooting happened in Greencastle, Pennsylvania in July of 1764, which killed the headmaster and either nine or ten children (School Shootings in the U.S. 1900-Present). Throughout the eighteen hundreds there were numerous school shootings.

Also in the nineteen hundreds there were school shootings and America did not start the upheavals about guns and shooting children in schools until the late 1980’s or early 1990’s. In an eighteen year period from 1992 to 2010 there were a total of 240 homicides and 373 deaths attributed to school shootings (List of school shootings from 1700 to 2010).
Looking through history of mass killings around the world, there is plenty to go around. Starting in July 1914 and going through December 2012. This is for all mass killings that involve a gun. The one that still is the

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