...Violence in schools is a growing problem and depression is often used to explain why this rise in violence is happening. Abuse at home and bullying can be a root cause for depression which lead to a root cause of gun violence. The lack of help for depression can lead to worse things if not treated which could lead to gun violence. Many kids in high school especially deal with violence in school. According to Kann L, McManus T, Harris WA, et al. Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance, 7.8% students have been in a physical fight at school and 20.2% have been bullied on school property. (Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance) Because of this, in can be concluded that depression is a root cause of school violence. Does the lack of availability to help for depression lead to an increase in school violence. Depression can't be...
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...Imagine walking into school expecting to learn a new lesson, and that one day might change the rest of your life or end it. Gun violence in schools have impacted society in ways that parents start to question if their child’s school has safe protection for students. The impact of gun violence have lead people into deep depression physically, mentally, and emotionally. President Trump has come to the conclusion of allowing teachers that want to carry a gun on them throughout the day have that right to do so. Schools should not allow teachers to carry guns on them due to the amount of distractions and the lack of experience. To begin, schools allowing teachers to carry guns may cause students to feel unsafe. Firstly, schools should not allow...
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...Our nation’s schools are expected to keep students safe; however, many students and their parents believe that unintentional injuries and outbreaks of violence can occur, causing an interruption in the student’s learning environment. According to Paul Timm, a school security expert claims that “guns and shooters are not always the dangers of school safety, instead the lack of strategies to attack such threats is the greater risk.” Many schools are improving their security by having lockdown drills, checking in visitors from outside and assigning students with Identification cards (Ids). However, students are still not safe. Researchers from Education week, believe that “gun violence in schools has increased tremendously in the past 6 years.” Each year hundreds of kids...
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...Gun violence has always been around but in this day in age there are more school shootings than ever before. Gun control is being pushed more and more with every major shooting that happens. But here's the thing gun control will never work it will not lower the amount of gun violence in schools and here's why. Some schools inaticular have tried their own ways of avoiding gun violence like increadees security and even giving students clear backpacks. Clear backpacks have become a enforced rule now at parkland high school where a school shooting killing 17 people had occured. Even though most students at parkland are for gun control considering they have experienced inappropriate use of gus in their very own school still are retaining against clear backpacks saying they and to personol for example a student named Cameron Kasky at parkland filled his backpack with tampons trying to say that clear backpacks are an invasion of privacy. On another note a different student at parkland high school said this “These backpacks don't protect us. We aren't any safer than we were before now it's just more complicated.” said Carly Novell....
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...A Modest Proposal: Gun Violence In Schools Over a hundred innocent lives are taken every year at the hands of shooters in school alone. National rifle association has already made the proposal to have armed officers in every American school. Makes sense right? They’ve even went so far as to request for trained teachers and administrators to be allowed carry their weapons. Something’s wrong here but I can't really … put my finger on it. To most this is a big no-no. In my opinion it just isn't enough. For some odd reason everyone refuses to acknowledge the obvious problem. Children are helpless and are completely incapable of helping themselves, well they could….. If they had their own weapons I say … let’s go all out. Give the kids guns. The youngest of our population should be the first to...
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..."It was the one time that year I stayed for lunch and when the shooting began. I hid under a table and started praying and just moments later the shooter was right behind me and shot me close range -- my shoulder, hand and across my neck. I pretended to be dead, hoping he’d move on, and he did." This is just one of the harrowing stories from a survivor of the 1999 Columbine massacre Kacey Johnson, Johnson was only 17 when she experienced up close just how bad gun violence in America can be. The Columbine High School massacre is a day that Littleton Colorado will remember forever; Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold open fired on students and teachers and left thirteen people dead before killing themselves. The Columbine tragedy and the reasons it...
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...GUN VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN AND TEENS Every year in this country, thousands of children and teens are killed by gun violence. Those who live in the lower class are in constant fear of being killed or maimed during acts of violence. Drug deals, gang wars, racial wars, and random school shootings such as Sandy Hook Elementary School, tells America there are no safe places in this country that does not have some kind of violence. According to the Children’s Defense Fund, there are more infants, toddlers, and preschool children killed than officers who are in the line of duty. Firearm deaths in the United States stated that in 2010, there were 2,711 infant, children, and teens killed by gun violence (CDC 2012). Between 1981 and 2010, gun violence killed 112.375 infants, children, and teens. This is 25,000 more deaths than the number of soldiers killed in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined (Children’s Defense Fund 2013). Of these deaths, 1,982 were murders by gun violence. Every state between 2000 and 2010 lost children to gun violence with the deadliest of these in Alaska with an 8.7 gun deaths for every 100,000 children (Children’s Defense Fund 2013). The deadliest state was Alaska with 8.7 gun deaths for every 100,000 children and teens each year, more than twice the nationwide rate of 3.6. While Alaska was 21 times more deadly for children and teens, the safest state in the nation is Hawaii. While all the states in this country has dealt with children’s’ death...
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...should be stricter regulations on guns in the United States. Politicians, in recent years especially, have had very hotly debated discussions about gun control in America. Both sides of the arguments are driven by fear. People who want easy accessibility to guns are afraid of being without protection, while people who want more regulations on guns are afraid of senseless gun violence. Many pro-gun people are immediately put off by gun reforms without consideration of how valuable the reforms could be to the overall violence problem in America. Australia, for example, has very strict gun laws but people still have guns, and there is hardly any gun violence. The current gun laws in the United States have been insufficient in controlling...
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...Gun Control in America Gun Control in America has led to many deaths nationwide. Every day we lose thousands of people lives that have been killed by guns. This whole gun control system that we have today in america has not seem to decrease the violence but increase it, since many criminals find a way to get a hold of a firearm. The gun violence we are having is created because of the lack of politics being careless for their people's safety, by the regulations on gun control, and how criminals have access to guns. The law was introduced back in 1934 when the federal government started its gun control policies in order to stop gang violence which was called the National Firearms Act of 1934. Ever since then it has not helped stop the violence and it seems that the issue has grown over the years and it is now a major problem. When the issue really struct the people was when there was school shootings, which really impacts america by making the school safety a failure since criminals enter heavily armed to a school campus.One major school shooting was “two high school teens Eric Harris, 18 and Dylan Klebolod, 17 had killed 13 people and wounded 20 more before commiting suicide on April 20, 1999 at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado” (History.com staff). The crime was...
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...Gun Control…Why Not? A few months back Obama stated at a mid-day announcement at the White House, "While there is no law or set of laws that can prevent every senseless act of violence completely, no piece of legislation that will prevent every tragedy, every act of evil, if there's even one thing we can do to reduce this violence, if there's even one life that can be saved, then we've got an obligation to try it." I absolutely agree with Obama that we, as Americans, have an obligation to protect our communities and children…what better place to start than placing a greater emphasis on not only gun control but security and mental health awareness as well. In recent years there has been a spike in gun violence and mass killings leaving a trail of broken people trying to make ends meet, why was it their child, brother, father, etc. who was shot. This increase in guns ending up in the hands of dangerous people must be addressed; something must be done in an attempt to reduce these horrific acts of violence such as the recent Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy. The argument has been made that those who own guns typically only use them for safety and are responsible law abiding citizens. Also, the Second Amendment guarantees an individual the right to bear arms. But in an attempt to protect ourselves, our communities, and our children from tragic mass shootings Obama has devised a Gun Control Act that includes four steps that will reduce the gun violence uproar. 1....
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...Gun related incidents have become a huge problem in America, and too many US citizens are losing their lives to guns. Guns take the lives of American citizens every day, from shooting massacres, to a child playing with a gun he had access to in his house. More people in America are killed by guns than terrorists. In fact over 30,000 people are killed by guns each year. Last year, only 17 people were killed by terrorist attacks (Terror). You can see that correlation on a daily basis as well. 3 people died in the Boston Marathon because of the terrorist attack staged there, that same day, in the U.S., 11 people were killed by guns (Terror). More American citizens are being killed by other American citizens armed to the tee, than by America’s common enemy. If you look at it that way it’s like we are doing the terrorist’s work for them. Every time there is a push to end gun violence there is an equal push back to keep things the same which...
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...Gun are one of the top items bought in stores that are easily accessible, but little do the people know is that most of the time guns are used on people to create a crime, other than protection. Maybe the best idea to keep this problem from going on is make gun laws stricter make it to where you need to pass a test to register for a gun, or maybe better yet stop supplying so many guns at one time. Gun laws are something every country needs in order to keep stable economy, because selling guns to easily will help the american citizens commit crimes that could ruin many people lives. About 96 lives are lost per year just from shootings that occur from buying guns easily or illegally that can be stopped because the government can make the process more difficult and crack down on the dark part of the internet where you can also order guns illegally without having to go through the little process the U.S. has of now. On average about 220 million guns are purchased every year because the easy process that has been...
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...School safety is a major issue right now. Some say that Schools need to have better safety measures, some say the violence that has occurred in schools would wide is due that mental health illnesses and some say it is because of gun control. These violent acts would have never happened if there wasn’t a gun involved. Guns are dangerously powerful weapons of mass destruction that take lives. Lives are not something you can get back, once your dead your dead and that’s why America need gun control. The lives taken everyday by that act of gun violence are hideous. School shootings are becoming more and more common today. School shootings are horrible and shouldn’t be happening. School shootings would not be happening if there wasn’t a gun involved. According to German Lopez, who wrote the article “I’ve covered gun violence for years. The solutions aren’t a big mystery.” “The US makes up less that 5% of the world’s population, but hold 31% of global mass shooters”. That is unacceptable and inconsolable, such a small portion of the world shouldn’t hold that high of a percentage of global mass shootings. Lopez also states, “The Marjory...
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...Skills, Period 1 Research Paper Final Draft 17 March 2015 School Violence in Southern Florida Gun violence has led to more shootings in schools in Southern Florida and in order to help diminish the numbers in casualties more of the gun laws should be reinforced and strengthened. School reputations are being affected tremendously. Students that experience extremely traumatizing events, specifically a school shooting, will be driven toward lower academic levels and will have their behavior altered as well; such events have brought families closer together for the wrong reasons. Violence in schools is not dealt with appropriately, thus why it has reached a point where it endangers students of all ages. Parents, teachers and the school staff should try to do everything in their power to prevent school violence, this can ruin the children’s future. A school’s reputation is very important, especially to the incoming students and their parents. A parent is more likely to not send their child to a school with a record, especially when it has to do with violence. Violent students have the possibility to influence and harm the lives of others. Violent students most likely do not do their work and or participate, the more students with low academic levels, the worse it is for the school, resulting in the schools grade going from a higher grade level for example an A school to a C school. Students will never be able to walk those hallways the same, there will not be...
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...Topic: Gun Control Purpose: Stricter Laws on Gun control Specific purpose: Gun Control Controversy Thesis: Most gun owners are responsible and law-abiding, and they use their guns safely. The President strongly believes that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. But to better protect our children and our communities from tragic mass shootings like those in Newtown, Aurora, Oak Creek, and Tucson, there are four common-sense steps we can take right now based of the President’s Plan for Gun control. Introduction: I. While no law or set of laws will end gun violence, it is clear that the American people want action. If even one child’s life can be saved, then we need to act. Now is the time to do the right thing for our children, our communities, and the country we love. II. Congress must also do its part. To prevent mass shootings and other gun violence, Congress should take critical steps through new legislation, including: requiring Background checks for all gun sales; reinstating the prohibition on high-capacity Magazines; renewing and strengthening the ban on assault weapons; and creating Serious penalties for gun traffickers who help put guns into the hands of criminals. III. These actions will: help make sure information about potentially dangerous people who are barred from having guns is available to the national background check system; lift the ban on research into the causes...
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