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How To Avoid Gun Violence In Schools

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Gun violence has always been around but in this day in age there are more school shootings than ever before. Gun control is being pushed more and more with every major shooting that happens. But here's the thing gun control will never work it will not lower the amount of gun violence in schools and here's why. Some schools inaticular have tried their own ways of avoiding gun violence like increadees security and even giving students clear backpacks. Clear backpacks have become a enforced rule now at parkland high school where a school shooting killing 17 people had occured. Even though most students at parkland are for gun control considering they have experienced inappropriate use of gus in their very own school still are retaining against clear backpacks saying they and to personol for example a student named Cameron Kasky at parkland filled his backpack with tampons trying to say that clear backpacks are an invasion of privacy. On another note a different student at parkland high school said this “These backpacks don't protect us. We aren't any safer than we were before now it's just more complicated.” said Carly Novell. …show more content…
And some stores have acted upon this these stores have either got rid of automatic weapons in general, upped the minimum age and or selling captivity magazines These store include Dicks Sporting Goods, Fred Myers, Walmart and Kroger and the list is still growing. But yet people are still not completely satisfied and want the government to do something and take action on this topic. Just those stores trying to make a difference will not change anything “A man who is determined to kill and who is proactive in finding the means to kill will find

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