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Informative Essay About Going To California

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Rylynn Lakosky
My topic is going to be about going to California. The reasons I have are because of the warm air, beautiful ocean waters, and the lovely seashells they have there. But the most important one to me to making me want to go even more is that my real brother lives there because he was adopted. Plus, I know a lot of things about him like he is in the 5th grade, he’s 10 years old which is a year younger than me, and looks a lot like me from our real dad. But I don’t live with either of them (brother and dad.) My dad doesn’t live with my brother either just in case you were wondering. He knows nothing about his other family (me and my mom and all them) because he lives with adopted parents . And I know all these things about him, but he knows nothing about me he don’t even know l am alive. …show more content…
And that he can’t know until he is old enough to understand well enough so he won’t be so confused on why he has another family besides the one he lives with now. His mom Fancis is real nice because before school started back up again after Christmas break she gave us $250.00. We got $25.00 each to spend which was… (me, my step sister, step brother, real mom and step dad.) and all together we ended up using $200.00 of it leaving us with $50.00 left. His mother is one of the nicest people I have ever met in my family so far. And I am very happy for him and her side of the

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