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Stars Life Cycle

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Life cycle of a star by Taris Bonner

Stars begin as nebulae. Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that have went through gravitational collapse, under their own gravity, then begin to stick or clump together to become thicker and more dense. Stars then begin to form in the center of the collapsing material. Which then allows its ultraviolet rays to glow or shine making them visible to the eye in color. Nebulae can have a variety of size. They can even be hundreds of light years in diameter, though they are less dense than the space surrounding them.
An average star is formed when a cloud of dust or nebulae begins to collapse on itself, then a star is born. An average is a star with average mass or intermediate mass. It can be yellow, orange, …show more content…
They are born from nebulae just as average stars are. They go through the same process where they collapse under their own gravity and a nuclear fusion begins which creates a star. Massive stars are bigger and brighter than average stars, but last for a short amount of time. Because they are bigger which means they burn their fuel faster than a smaller star, lasting about one million years in total.
Red supergiants come after massive stars. When a massive star runs out of hydrogen in its core, collapses, and its outer layers become hot enough to fusion a red supergiant is formed. Red supergiants are very similar to red giants but they are bigger and about 10 solar masses, while a red giant is about 0.3 to 8 solar masses. They appear red but have orange spots on them. Red supergiant are the largest stars in the universe.
After a red supergiants death a supernova is born because of the explosion the star experiences. A supernova is the largest explosion that occurs in outer space. Supernovae are hard to see in our own galaxy due to dust and other particles. Supernovae can come from two different situations. The first is a in a binary situation, where there is two stars and one is a white dwarf basically stealing matter from the other star. Which will lead to the white dwarf taking too much and causing it to explode. In the other situation the star will reach the end of its life time and collapse under its own gravity, leading to an explosion

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