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Hearing Impaired Children Book Report

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Page 413

S: Page 413 is mainly about a story of a family's experience with their young child that has a hearing impairment.

E: I can only imagine how difficult it would be to have a child with a hearing impairment. The story talked about how it was so difficult to get the child to wear the hearing aids and how the child would have to turn them off around loud people or alarms because if she didn't it would give her a headache. It must also be difficult for a child to get used to because children can be so mean sometimes, and I am sure it was difficult for the child to finally embrace her hearing aids.

E: I don't have experience with any hearing impaired students, but the story that was told really informed me about how some students …show more content…
The page then goes on to talk about how the auditory system works, and how we use decibels and hertz to measure sound.

E: The book mentions how some children can be mistaken as being stubborn, disobedient, or even lazy before they are diagnosed with having a hearing impairment. I think it is important, as future teachers, that we are looking out for children who may be hearing impaired but not yet diagnosed because we wouldn't want mistake a hearing impaired child for a disobedient or lazy child.

E: I really liked reading this page because it made me think of the Pre-K students that I used to watch at the preschool I worked at. There were some students that really had a problem listening to what I had to say, and I used to get so annoyed that they wouldn't listen. After reading this page, I am now wondering if any of them may have had a hearing impairment or some other underlying issue that caused them to not listen as well as other students.

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The page then goes on to explain the difference between deafness and hearing impairment. Deafness is when a child's hearing is so impaired that they are not able to process linguistic information through hearing with or without an aid. While a child with a hearing impairment can be assisted with the use of aids.

E: As future teachers, we will most likely no have any children with deafness in out classroom, but we may have hearing impaired children. I think it is important to know the difference between children with deafness and a hearing impairment because we will be able to accommodate a student with a hearing impairment, and we need to know the best way to do that, as future teachers.

E: I think it is important, as a future teacher, that I am able to accommodate a child with a hearing an impairment, but that I do so in a way that does not offend the child. The story that I read on the first page of my part discussed how the little girl with the hearing impairment came home upset because her teacher used to asked her in front of the whole class if the volume was loud enough for her. I think it is important that we accommodate hearing impaired children, but I think it should be done very discretely, so they don't feel "special".


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