...the contents of the document.] | It can be easily argued that we are currently living in a culture of violence. As we watch, read or listen to the news; daily incidents of individuals becoming victims of gun violence trumps the headlines. With tragic incidents such as the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in Newtown, Connecticut that occurred in December of 2012, as well as the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado in July of 2012 occurring less than six months away from each other, prompted debate on a national level regarding the importance of gun control and mental illness. Other highly publicized mass shootings, such as the one that occurred in Tucson, Arizona in January of 2011, involving former US Representative Gabrielle Giffords and the mass shooting at Virginia Tech, along with the two events mentioned above, “all shared two common characteristics: all four shooters were mentally ill, and all four used guns with large capacity magazines, allowing them to fire multiple rounds of ammunition without reloading (Barry, 2013).” As the Second Amendment guarantees an individual’s right to bear arms, the issue at hand is: how can the government prevent guns from landing in the wrong hands, while at the same time, providing better mental health services for those in need. In this paper, I will explore and compare the agenda setting process regarding two landmark gun control legislations that were passed along with the agenda setting process today – proposed by President...
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...Importance The controversy over the store’s location demonstrates the impact and influence of guns on the community and the fear that they bring. With all the recent school shootings across the nation, having a gun shop in close proximity to elementary school age children puts them at higher risk to violence. Background Information Nova Firearms, a gun store in Mclean Virginia, has raised controversy about it's existence, and especially its location. The gun store is backed up to Franklin Sherman Elementary School. The store caused controversy and protests before it arrived in McLean, as well as after. NoVa Firearms was intended to be in the Cherrydale section of Arlington however after much protesting, the landlord dropped out. It then relocated to McLean, in the spot of a former photography studio, where it is located right next to the elementary school. A large protest against the store occurred on September 26th, protesting not as much the selling of guns, but its close proximity to the elementary school. NoVa firearms in completely legal and follows state guns zones (Trompeter). The federal states that there is a gun free zone within one thousand feet of a public or private school, however the store is exempt from this law because it is licensed...
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...SAFETY – School Age Children & Adolescents Accidents are a leading cause of death in this age group of 6-12 years. Impulsiveness, poor judgment, curiosity and incomplete control over motor coordination are some of the factors that increase the school-age child’s risk of accidents. Water safety training is highly advised at this age Television and video games often exerts a powerful influence on a child’s development. One concern about this media today is the increased amount of violence it portrays. Many believe that a good deal of available television and gaming content offers the child a potent model for aggressive behavior. Anticipatory guidance would suggest helping parents reduce the negative influence of television and video games Limit the amount of time children watch or play Screen programs for content and age appropriateness Watch programs with children and discuss the content Preventing school violence is another critical issue these days. School violence is defined as anything that physically or psychologically injures schoolchildren or damages school property. Encourage parents to ask questions about their child’s feelings and their school activities on a daily basis. Give children the guidance and encouragement they need to recognize and report the signs of troubled behavior if they notice them in a friend or classmate without feeling that they have deceived the other person or let that person down. Recognize behavioral tendencies...
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...Gun Control in America Alicia Buford COMM 215 Instructor Bruce Massis May 20, 2013 Did you know that in the United States that there are almost as many firearms as there are citizens (Wadman, 2013)? Consequently, the second amendment of the constitution gives each American citizen “The Right to Bear Arms.” The right to bear these arms is a just that, a right but, along with that right comes responsibility. Since the days of the pioneers, firearms have been an element of the American tradition as defense and a means of hunting or activity. However, as we progress through the 21st century the use of guns has changed significantly. Some of the reasons for the change are the steady increase in crime and the battle for the right to have possession of hand guns. Due to the number of gun owners in America, one might think that we have a strong affection for guns and gun ownership rights. This could not be further from the truth. Americans views towards guns have shifted significantly. In a 1998 Harris Poll taken a year before Columbine, shows that almost 70 percent of Americans favor “stricter gun control” (Contexts, Fall, 2003). So what should we do about this? I believe that stricter gun control legislation should be the solution to much of the gun violence that is plaguing our nation. Restricting the right to bear arms, especially assault weapons should make our communities safer. Granted, many people in community all across this country own guns. A large...
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...Introduction School shootings are an aspect of society in America that is almost seen as commonplace at this point. These are horrific events that take place due to a multitude of factors. Something that is seen as commonplace in a more modern society is not something that was typical of the early 2010s. One event in history changed this: the Sandy Hook shooting. The Sandy Hook shooting was an event that took place in Connecticut in 2012. In terms of modern-day tragedies, it ranks as one of the most horrific when people analyze them. Where does this leave society today? In society, there are always two different arguments for one topic. One of the main...
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...Internet Resources 1. Agresti, James D., and Reid K. Smith. "Gun Control Facts." 11 Feb. 2013 Web 18 Sept. 2014. http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp. This is a web document in which the authors cover pure statistics and facts. Graphs, tables, quotes, and statistics are all that this piece contains. This resource is useful since it was updated a little more than a year ago with the most recent data and continues to be updated as new stats and facts become available. It is also neutral in nature, giving just the facts and referencing both the affirmative and negative sides of the argument. 2. McEntee, Peg. “Utah Teacher Shoots Herself in Leg With Concealed Weapon.” Huffington Post 11 Sept. 2014 Web 18 Sept. 2014 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/11/teacher-shoots-self-concealed-weapon_n_5807826.html?utm_hp_ref=gun-control The Huffington Post is a news site with an entire section dedicated to news surrounding gun control, both recent and past. This article is helpful because it outlines the concealed carry laws in Utah schools, a state which has closely modeled it’s laws after Colorado’s. This article is useful because it describes some of the negative effect that concealed carry on campus has for the person carrying as well as the student population/their parents if they find out about the firearm. 3. Students for Concealed Carry. “Common Arguments Against Campus Carry.” Concealed Campus 2011-2012 Web Sept. 18 2014 http://concealedcampus.org/common-arguments/ ...
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...Regulations Act which prohibited guns at home from being functional firearms and also made it nearly impossible to own a gun. This created conflict with the second amendment in the constitution, which states “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” It can be seen this law D.C. passed violates the constitution due to citizens not being able to have a functional firearm at their home. This caused the case of District of Columbia v. Heller to arise. Dick Anthony Heller, a police officer in D.C., applied for a one-year license that he would use to own a handgun at his place of residence. He was then denied the license. Heller sued D.C. on the account of not upholding his second amendment right. The district court’s response was it was not valid and it was dismissed. It was appealed by Heller and The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia decided that making people have...
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...Introduction Violence in America's society is a major problem. This problem can be traced back as far as fetal development. Is not rocket science to realize that most angry violent acts are due to a disturbed child or individual that lacked attention, love or care? Violence is not a new problem and scientists are just finding out new facts about how it starts and how it can be prevented. Violence is a social problem that increases over the years. Violence is shown in magazines and books, on television and in the media. Violence on television is a major source for aggressive or violent behavior, but Children also pick up violence from a parent or guardian at an early age. It has been psychologically proven that males are more aggressive than females. Therefore, if a child's parents are being aggressive, their actions tend to be imitated. Children are affected very much in different ways from their families. That is why the families’ role in children's life is very important. Families are the key factor in youth violence. The early developmental stages of babies is key to starting a good lifelong learning experience. This is the certain time in which their brains and behavior patterns are significantly developing. Babies need that love and sense of closeness to obtain a healthy start. Obviously mothers who smoke, drink or do drugs while pregnant can cause serious health problems. Also, when they are young most of the time these problems persist. This...
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...On April 20, 1999 in a suburban town called Littleton, Colorado one high school was about to have one of the most tragic and deadly days in US history. Columbine High School was in the forefront of this tragedy. Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, opened fire on their fellow classmates and teacher. These two students cut the lives short of thirteen students and one teacher. They then turned their guns onto themselves leaving the nation with no answers as to why? They did leave videotape. This videotape contained Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold planning their attack on Columbine High School. This piece of evidence showed two students that were not part of the "in crowd". They were outsiders, losers, as some would consider them. They were taunted, humiliated, and disrespected by their classmates. But how can two intelligent students do something as deadly as they did. Was it because they had bad parents? Not at all, they even went out of their way to save their parents the blame by repeatedly saying that it was not their fault that they were about to do what they did. So what was the cause of all this tragedy and how can it be stopped so it can never happen again in our middle schools and high schools? Elliot Aronson a social psychologist wrote a book called Nobody Left to Hate, Teaching Compassion After Columbine. This book represents his ideas on how to use certain strategies to have a better school environment that teaches compassion, tolerance while putting education in...
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...Introduction Guns have been a part of this country’s society from its beginning. Throughout America’s history we have used guns for various different reasons. We use guns to protect this nation, protect our families, to participate in recreational activities and finally to hunt for food. The issue of Guns and gun control is and has been a huge issue that has been debated and will be debated as long as we keep having school shootings and mass murders. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a difficult balancing act. In America gun control is one of those issues that is filled with passion and emotion. Both sides are firmly entrenched in their positions. Those parties in favor of gun ownership and the freedom to use and keep arms, rely on the fact that the provision for such rights is enshrined in their constitution. In today’s society, with the growing violence rate, turmoil and crime, gun advocates feel their position has strengthened. As citizens of the “Land of the Free” possessing a gun is a right afforded to us by the constitution, and is probably a necessity. Gun control advocates point to the same growing violence and gun related crimes to strengthen their argument in a collective effort to entice change from our Nation’s Capital. They hope the Government will take action by enacting more laws and stricter control. Gun Control activists feel this would create society that is safer. ...
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...those who support the right to bear arms and those who detest the use of guns. The call of attention to recent school shootings has created attempts of exploitation of the pro-gun individuals of society. According to the Communities Digital News, the anti-gun portion of society attempts to exploit the innocent dead victims of school shooting for political gain. They resort to the same tactics that they use with just about everything, the white rich, privileged man stops society from taking any effective action. The Second Amendment states, “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The Second...
Words: 599 - Pages: 3
...Youth Violence Ever since the horrible tragedy at Columbine High School, there has been a number of recent school shootings in America. Youth violence is a main issue in today’s society. Many people fear what causes youngsters to be so violent, committing atrocious. There are many wonders that go around about why young adolescents commit such violent crimes. These questions vary from why kids take guns to school, or how do we know if they are putting others in danger, what signs are there, what should be looked at, and what can be done to stop these acts of violence. I remember watching the MTV special “Warning Signs”; it explained the violence in our society today. In the video they talked with young adolescents and asked them questions dealing with crimes they have been institutionalized for. The video also explained warning signs of someone who may be planning to commit an act of violence. Study has shown that anger plays a major role in ones behavior problem. Aggression is any form of behavior intended to harm or injure another living being. There are many reasons why someone acts in an aggressive way. First, many people have an instinct of being aggressive towards certain individuals, second genes are another factor that can develop from a complex interaction of biology, social experience, and each individuals behavior, t... The potential influence of violent video games on youth violence remains an issue of concern for psychologists, policymakers...
Words: 2395 - Pages: 10
...This paper will seek to determine why have school shootings become familiar media events. On April 20th 1999, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, two students of Columbine High School, equipped with multiple firearms including explosives went on a killing spree, before committing suicide (Kohn, 2001). Wounding more than 20 people and causing the death of 13 people, the Columbine High School shooting is considered as one of the most important school shootings in history. School shooting is the action in which ‘multiple intentional killings’ are carried out in ‘educational institutions’ by one or more perpetrators (Böckler et al., 2013, p.3). The devastating event not only appeared on newspapers but it has since been adapted into an Oscar-winning...
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...Contemporary Justice Review, Concealed carry bans and the America college Campus. Statistically numbers are down when looking back over the past couple decades. Since 1990 there have been 143 school shooting related instances and over 450 deaths and injuries. (2006) Norton Elia and Jennifer Ansier, USA Today, Behind the Bloodshed. The very fact any person could possibly be murdered or injured by another person at any moment in America has always been known and terrifies the majority of citizens. Like many Americans I have to ask, what we can do as a Nation, one unit, to better insure the public safety of every individual. To understand this problem we must go to the root. The American System and its five sets of institutions which ultimately control American way of life. The five institutions are legal, political, economic, educational and sociocultural. All of which too often combine to leave our efforts short of progression. Introduction The issue with gun laws and the legal system have to do with the loop holes and corruption among the producers, sellers and buyers of guns. There are no laws to stop people with mental illnesses from purchasing a weapon unless they involuntarily found themselves receiving psychiatric help. Gun laws are weak and often over looked in the screening process. The Gun stores can legally sell a fire arm without a back ground check being cleared if the FBI does not...
Words: 1842 - Pages: 8
...within the gaming industry, the forecast for global gaming market is expected increase from $ 67 billion in 2012 to $ 82 billion in 2017 (Gaudiosi, 2012). The gaming has negatively influenced the consumer which majority formed by the teenager and children. There are multiple research shown that gaming such as PC gaming can influenced the person behavior and addicted by playing it with non-stop without realized the time that person has been spent it. This incident has caused the parent which is the major buyer for the gaming industry started has negative impression towards the product that produced by gaming manufacturer. This is due to the parent worrying that the product that they bought maybe affected their children especially the gun violence that occurred at United States and the diseases due to game addiction. Addiction to games can affected the gamer from two perspectives which are physical health and psychological health that will explained at the bottom part (Silva, 2012). Due to the negative incident that arises caused the consumer decrease the amount of purchasing the gaming manufacturer products. Physical Health Addiction to games may impact to the physical health of...
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