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Gun Violence In Schools Essay

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Our nation’s schools are expected to keep students safe; however, many students and their parents believe that unintentional injuries and outbreaks of violence can occur, causing an interruption in the student’s learning environment.
According to Paul Timm, a school security expert claims that “guns and shooters are not always the dangers of school safety, instead the lack of strategies to attack such threats is the greater risk.” Many schools are improving their security by having lockdown drills, checking in visitors from outside and assigning students with Identification cards (Ids).
However, students are still not safe. Researchers from Education week, believe that “gun violence in schools has increased tremendously in the past 6 years.” Each year hundreds of kids …show more content…
In an email sent to the parents and students of Oswego High School, the assistant principal Mr. William Nunamaker said, “Students will need to bring their school ID card with them every day for lunch. Students who do not have their ID will need to wait as their information is looked up and entered manually. This may lead to longer wait times for students who do not have their ID.”
Some students expressed their opinion on whether students should be required to wear their picture IDs during the school or not. They’ve claimed that “picture IDs should be required for a better reason, if the only reason why we should have them is to get a lunch, then no,”
A majority of students agreed that drugs and Alcohol testing were the best ways to keep students safe from the dangers of drunk and drive, and as well many other injuries involved under the influence of

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