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Subscriber’s resolutions 发起人决议书
Resolutions of the First director 首席董事决议书
Resolutions of the Sole Director of the Compay 公司唯一董事决议书
Share transferr 股权转让书
Original copy of the Cerificate of Incorporate企业登记证原件
A stamped Memorandum and Articles of Association M&A :公司章程原件
Copies of M&A 公司章程复印件
Regist of Members ,Directors ,Officers,Transfer and Changes 公司成员/董事/职员登记册和股份转让
A booklet of share certifcates 股权证明
Compay seal and chop 公司钢印和图章
Copy of Filling Schedule of Cayman Islands Compaies 开曼公司文件登记时间表
Advance/ Decline Line A/D - Define meaning of the word Advance Decline Line A technical analysis market timing tool used as an indicator of market movement. The A/D line is derived from the total number of stocks that advanced versus the total number of stocks that declined in price each day on the New York Stock Exchange.
绝对幅度指标 absolute breadth index
累积/派发线 accumulation/distribution line
累积摆动指标 accumulation swing index
上涨/下跌线 advance/decline line
上涨/下跌比率 advance/decline ratio
上涨-下跌值 advancing-declining issues
价格上涨、价格下跌和价格不变的证券成交量 advancing,declining,unchanged volume
安德鲁斯干草叉 andrews s pitchfork
阿木思指标 arms index trin
阿隆指标 aroon
平均真实区域 average true range
布林带 bollinger bands
宽度突破 breadth thrust
牛/熊比率 bull/bear ratio
日本烛形图 又称蜡烛图 candlesticks,japanese
肯思里姆 canslim
蔡金货币流量 chaikin money flow
蔡金摆动指标 chaikin oscillator
钱德动量摆动指标 chande momentum oscillator
商品通道指标 commodity channel index
商品选择指标 commodity selection index
相关分析 correlation analysis
累积成交量指标 cumulative volume index
周期 cycles
需求指标 demand index
非趋势价格摆动指标 detrended price oscillator
动向指标 directional movement
双指数移动平均线 double exponential moving average
道氏理论 dow theory
动态动量指标 dynamic momentum index
轻松移动指标 ease of movement
有效市场理论 efficient market theory
爱略特波浪理论 elliott wave theory
轨道 交易带 envelopes trading bands
等成交量 equivolume
斐波纳契研究 fibonacci studies
预测摆动指标 forecast oscillator
百分之四模型 four percent model
傅立叶转换 fourier transform
基本分析 fundamental analysis
江恩角 gann angles
哈里克获利指标 herrick payoff index
惯性指标 inertia
利率 interest rates
日内动量指标 intraday momentum index
卡吉图 kagi
克林格成交量摆动指标 klinger oscillator
大宗交易比率 large block ratio
线性回归指标 linear regression indicator
线性回归斜率指标 linear regression slope
线性回归趋势线 linear regression trendlines
市场便利指标 market facilitation index
质量指标 mass index
迈克勒兰摆动指标 mcclellan oscillator
迈克勒兰和指标 mcclellan summation index
中间价格指标 median price
会员空头比率指标 member short ratio
山形正弦波指标 mesa sine wave
动量指标 momentum
货币流量指标 money flow index
平滑异同平均指标 moving average convergence/divergence
移动平均指标 moving averages
负量指标 negative volume index
新高-新低累积指标 new highs-lows cumulative
新高/新低比率 new highs/lows ratio
新高-新低指标 new highs-new lows
零股平衡指标 odd lot balance index
零股买入/卖出指标 odd lot purchases/sales
零股卖空比率 odd lot short ratio
欧得思概率锥形曲线 odds probability cones
平衡交易量 on balance volume
未平仓合约 open interest
公开-10交易指标 open-10 trin
期权分析 option analysis
超买/超卖指标 overbought/oversold
抛物线状的止损与反转 parabolic sar
形态 patterns
百分比回落 percent retracement
表现指标 performance
点值图 point and figure
极化分形效率指标 polarized fractal efficiency
正量指标 positive volume index
价量趋势指标 price and volume trend
价格通道 price channel
价格摆动指标 price oscillator
价格的变动率指标 price rate-of-change
投射带 projection bands
投射摆动指标 projection oscillator
公众空头比率 public short ratio
看跌/看涨比率 puts/calls ratio q棒指标 qstick
四等分线 quadrant lines
R的平方指标 r-squared
拉弗回归通道 raff regression channel
随机行走指标 random walk index
区域指标 range indicator
矩形 rectangle
相对动量指标 relative momentum index
比较相对强弱指标 relative strength,comparative
相对强弱指标 relative strength index
相对波动性指标 relative volatility index
忍蔻图 renko
速度阻力线 speed resistance lines
价差 spreads
标准离差 standard deviation
标准离差通道 standard deviation channel
标准误差 standard error
标准误差带 standard error bands
标准误差通道 standard error channel
斯蒂克斯 stix
随机动量指标 stochastic momentum index
随机摆动指标 stochastic oscillator
摆动指标 swing index
三重指数移动平均 tema
三线突破 three line break
时间系列预测 time series forecast
泰龙水平线 tirone levels
总卖空比率 total short ratio
交易量指标 trade volume index
趋势线 trendlines
契克斯 trix
典型价格 typical price
终极摆动指标 ultimate oscillator
上涨/下跌量比 upside/downside ratio
上涨/下跌量指标 upside/downside volume
垂直水平过滤指标 vertical horizontal filter
蔡金波动性指标 volatility,chaikin s
成交量指标 volume
成交量摆动指标 volume oscillator
成交量变动率 volume rate-of-change
加权收盘价 weighted close
威尔德平滑 wilder s smoothing
williams s accumulation/distribution
威廉姆斯%r williams s %r
之字形指标 zig zag
Short Interest 空头净额 The total number of shares of a security that have been sold short by customers and securities firms
Short Interest Ratio 空方比率 A sentiment indicator that is derived by dividing the short interest by the average daily volume for a stock. This indicator is used by both fundamental and technical traders to identify the prevailing sentiment the market has for a specific stock. Also known as the "short ratio".

Sell Side The retail brokers and research departments that sell securities and make ecommendations for brokerage firms' custoers

Road Show 路演
A presentation by an issuer of securities to potential buyers. It is intended to create interest in the securities.

flat fee 固定费用,统一费用;平价

fraught adj. [仅用作表语]1. 装着...的2. 充满...的; 隐藏...的; 伴随着...的 with a policy fraught with danger充满危险的政策 n. [苏] 船上的 货物, 装载物 pick up the tab 替人付帐 itinerary n. 旅程, 游记, 旅行指南 adj. 巡回的, 旅程的, 游历的 tour n. 旅行, 旅游, 游历 v. 旅行, 巡回, 周游; 周游, 游历, 观光 contingent n.1. 偶然的事, 意外的事2. 部分, 份儿3. 分遣队; 分舰队; 代表团 contingent of students学生名额contingents of the people's militia民兵师 The young heir's contingent of the estate was smaller than he had hoped for. 这位年轻的继承人所得的遗产份儿比他希望的要少。 adj.1. 临时的, 偶然的; 应急的2. 或有的, 不是逻辑上必然的3. 伴随的4. 视情况而发生的a contingent event意外事件a contingent fund应急费用contingent fee成功后才给的报酬(如胜诉后付给律师的酬金) Whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather. 我们是否按时到达要视天气情况而定。 contingently adv. 偶然, 意外, 相应地, 看情况 contingent on/upon 视...而定 be contingent to 依/视…而定 plagiarism n.1. 文章、学说等的 剽窃, 抄袭2. 剽窃物 plagiaristn. 剽窃者, 抄袭者 –ristic adj. 剽窃的, 抄袭的 recognized adj. 公认的; 经过证明的; 普遍接受的 appropriate v. 拨出; 挪用, 盗用; 占用 adj. 适当的, 恰当的, 相称的 compromise n.1. 妥协, 和解2. 妥协[折衷]办法, 和解契约3. 中间物, 折衷物4. 损害; 连累; 危及make compromise with与...妥协compromise of principle原则上的让步vt.1. 和解, 对...妥协, 折衷处理2.危及, 连累3. 放弃(原则, 利益); 泄露(秘密)compromise a lawsuit和解诉讼compromise sb.'s reputation损害某人的名誉vi.1. 和解, 互让了事2. 姑息, 妥协, 退让 in the context of 在...情况下 ibidem adv. 同一个地方; 同前所述; 出处同上 abbr 缩写 ibid knowingly adv. 熟悉地; 故意地; 会意地;有意地 reference n.1. 参考, 查询[阅], 询问, 访问2. 提到, 涉[论]及, 有关系[联]3. 职[授]权范围4. 证明, 介绍; 证明[介绍]信[人] 有关某人品格或能力的)证明文书, 介绍信; 证明人;推荐函5. 参考文献[资料, 书目, 符号, 电源], 说明书, 附[旁]注, 引证[用], 出处6. 基准(点), 标准, 依据, 坐标, 标记7. 读数起点位置[条件] civil disobedience ph. 不合作主义;(以拒绝遵守政府法令,拒绝纳税等方式进行的)非暴力反抗 温和抵抗 和平抵抗 conference call ph.. 电话会议 unsolicited adj. 未经请求的; 主动提供的; 自发的; 无缘无故的; 多事的; 多余的
Secondary Offering 证券第二次发行
1. The issuance of new stock for public sale from a company that has already made its initial public offering (IPO). Usually, these kinds of public offerings are made by companies wishing to refinance, or raise capital for growth. Money raised from these kinds of secondary offerings goes to the company, through the investment bank that underwrites the offering. Investment banks are issued an allotment, and possibly an overallotment which they may choose to exercise if there is a strong possibility of making money on the spread between the allotment price and the selling price of the securities.
2. A sale of securities in which one or more major stockholders in a company sell all or a large portion of their holdings. The proceeds of this sale are paid to the stockholders that sell their shares. Often, the company that issued the shares holds a large percentage of the stocks it issues.
Allotment 配股 首次公开上市中向各承销机构分配,容许其出售的股份。其余股份会分给其他取得上市股份出售权的证券公司 During an IPO, this is the number of shares granted to each participating underwriting firm that they are permitted to sell. Remaining surpluses are then given to other firms which have won the bid for the right to sell the IPO. buy out 买下全部产权,购入全部股权 买下...的全部股份 Buy out the exclusive selling right 独家经销权 aving bought out all his partners he now owns the whole company. 他买下合伙人的全部股份,现在整个公司是他的了。 quiet period 静默期 静止期
In terms of an IPO, the period where an issuer is subject to a SEC ban on promotional publicity. The quiet period usually lasts either 40 or 90 days from the IPO. 在首次公开上市的过程中,静止期指美国证监会禁止发行人进行公开推销活动的时期。静止期一般为发行后的40至90日 refute vt.驳斥, 驳倒, 反驳
Ballot (尤指无记名的)投票
The documentation representing a shareholder's decision when a company's ownership group votes on corporate issues. Ballots are usually dispersed at annual meetings, when shareholders vote in the board of directors. custody n.1. 监督; 监视; 保护2. 监护, 看守; 拘留, 监禁3保管, 照顾, 保护 child custody儿童保护 safe custody保管(文件、财物密封后交银行保管) A father has the custody of his children when they are young. 孩子年幼时, 做父亲的有监护的责任。 His car was held in the custody of the police. 他的汽车被警察扣压。
Takeover Bid 收购出价 A type of corporate action in which an acquiring company makes an offer to the target company's shareholders to buy the target company's shares in order to gain control of the business. Takeover bids can either be friendly or hostile. 指一家公司为收购另一家公司而开出的收购条件。出价可以是现金,也可以是股票,或两者混合的方式。收购条件通常会设定有效期。收购可以是敌意的(即没有获得收购目标的同意或合作),也可以是善意的(即已获收购目标接受)。 take-over offer purchasing order 收购要约
Tender Offer 股权收购要约 收购一家企业部分或所有股东股份的建议。收购建议的价值一般高于市场价格 An offer to purchase some or all of shareholders' shares in a corporation. The price offered is usually at a premium to the market price. perpetuate vt. 使永存, 使不朽, 保持 pro rata 按比例
Risk tolerance 风险容忍度 投资者对于投资组合价值负面变化方面的不明朗因素的可接受程度 The degree of uncertainty that an investor can handle in regard to a negative change in the value of his or her portfolio. casualty insurance 意外保险,伤害保险,灾害保险 property insurance 财产保险 whistleblowing 告密 揭发 contract worker n.合同工 intern vt.1. (尤指战时)拘留2. 软禁vi.1. 做实习医师(或实习教师、实习生)n.1. 实习医师;实习教师;实习生 unpaid intern I worked as an intern in that firm last summer. 去年夏天我在那家商行实习。 Xinhua News Agency, Hangzhou, September 1st, by reporter Guoxian Zhu and intern Zhehui Guan 新华社杭州九月一日电(记者朱国贤、实习生管哲晖)
Condominium n. 【美】各户有独立产权的公寓(大厦) contingent n.1. 偶然的事, 意外的事2. 部分, 份儿 3. 分遣队; 分舰队; 代表团contingent of students学生名额contingents of the people's militia民兵师
The young heir's contingent of the estate was smaller than he had hoped for.
adj.1. 临时的, 偶然的; 应急的2. 或有的, 不是逻辑上必然的3. 伴随的4. 视情况而发生的a contingent event意外事件a contingent fund应急费用contingent fee成功后才给的报酬(如胜诉后付给律师的酬金)
Whether or not we arrive on time is contingent on the weather.
contingently adv. 偶然, 意外, 相应地, 看情况 contingent on 视...而定contingent upon 视...而定 compliance system 合规制度
Compliance Department 合规部 稽核部 The department within a brokerage firm that oversees the trading and market-making activities of the firm. compliance procedure 合规性程序 符合程序 system of checks and balances 制约和平衡的体制 监督制衡体系 权力制衡机制 reminder n.1. 提醒者[物], 令人回忆的东西, 纪念品2. 提[暗]示, 信号, 通知3. 【商】催单a reminder slip催询单a reminder tray意见箱a gentle reminder暗示
Co. ,Ltd =Company Limited 有限公司 inc. n.股份有限公司 Incorporated accountable a. 负有责任的, 可说明的, 可解释的[经] 负有责任的 be accountable to sb for sth memo n.便笺 备忘录 thoroughness n. 完全, 十分 彻底性 精确 The main credit for the success of the test attaches to the thoroughness in their work.这次试验之所以成功,主要归功于他们工作中一丝不苟的精神。 philosophy n.1. 哲学2. 哲理3. 人生观4. (某一学科)基本原理5. (除医学、法律、神学外的)所有学科; [古]自然科学6. 伦理学7. 哲人态度, 达观, 冷静8. 对知识的热爱 adhere to1. 粘附Mud adhered to our shoes.我们的鞋上沾着泥。 2. 坚持She adhered to what she had said at the meeting.她坚持她在会议上说过的话。 3. 拥护;支持 pretext n.1. 借口, 托词2. 假象, 掩饰(for)He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school.他以喉痛作为不去学校的借口。 vt. 以...为借口, 假托pretext an early appointment in town next morning以第二天早晨镇上有约会为借口 find a pretext for为...找口实make a pretext of 以...作口实 on some pretext or other 用某种借口under[on, upon] the pretext of 以...为借口 identify vt.1. 确认;识别;鉴定,验明[(+as)]She identified him as her attacker.她认出他就是袭击她的人。I cannot identify this signature.我识别不出这是谁的签字。
2. 视...(与...)为同一事物[(+with)]
Never identify wealth with happiness.
3. 使参与;使合作[(+with)];支持
The politician refused to identify himself with the Administration's foreign policy.
4. 发现,确定 vi.1. (与...)认同;一致;感同身受[(+with)]
I identified with the heroine of the novel.
decline vt.1. 谢绝, 拒绝, 推辞2.使下降; 倾斜; 使(头)低垂3. 【语】使变化(名词、代词、形容词等的)词尾 decline an offer 拒绝请求 decline an invitation谢绝邀请 decline to answer a question 拒绝回答问题 vi.1. 谢绝, 拒绝2.下倾, 下降, 下垂3. 倾斜, 偏斜4. 衰落, 衰退, 减退5. 跌落, 减低; 降落6. 降格; 屈尊7.接近结束, 接近尾声8. 【天】沉没 substantiate vt. 使具体[实体]化; 证实[证明]某事有根据 substantiation n. 1. 具体化; 证实 substantiator 2. 证明人,证人 prowess n.[U]1. 英勇,勇敢;无畏2. 非凡的能力;高超的本领,超凡技术 prominent adj.1. 突出的; 突起的, 凸起的2. 杰出的; 著名的; 显著的; 主要的,重要的
Write-Up 增记 提高帐面价值 (提高资产的账面价值,因为相对市场价值估值过低
An increase made to the book value of an asset because it is undervalued compared to market values. stake n. 桩, stakes (a) [pl]奖金(尤指赛马的) the stake(旧时的)火刑柱 投资; 投放的本钱 at stake 在胜败关头; 冒风险 v. 把...押下打赌, 拿...冒险; 以桩支撑; 系...于桩上; 用桩标出的界限 资助, 支持(某人/某事物) close out 平仓 referrall fees 介绍费 consideration n.1. 考虑, 思考; 顾虑2. (为别人)着想; 体谅3. 考虑的因素, 原因; 考虑的结果4. 重要性5. 报酬,酬金 in consideration of sth 作为对...的回报; 考虑到 compromise n. 妥协, 折衷案, 折衷v. 互让解决;放弃;连累,危及/害; 泄露; 妥协, 让步 undermine v. 渐渐破坏, 暗地里破坏, 挖掘地基 proprietary product 专有/利产品 tip off 向...泄露, 告诫 exposure 暴露风险,承受风险,风险 discretionary adj. 任意的, 无条件的 discretion n.1. 判断(力), 辨别(力)2. 慎重, 谨慎3. [古]离散,分立;不连续4. 自行处理,【律】任意决定权act at [on] one's discretion 自行决断
Non-discretionary funds 非任意基金
Discretionary Fund Management 代客操作业务( discretionary income 自由支配收入;自由支配所得 sub- pref 前缀 [pic]( 与名词和形容词结合) 在...之下; 低於...: [pic]( 与名词结合) 级别较低的; 次於...的: [pic]与形容词结合) 不完全的; 近似的:[pic](与动词和名词结合)(形成)...之较小的或次要的部分: subadvisor 次/副/子顾问 evergreen 长年信用 A contract provision that automatically renews the length of the agreement after a predetermined period, unless notice for termination is given. Evergreens are often used for long term agreements such as memberships or maintenance contracts mezzanine n. 夹楼; 戏院最底层楼厅; 中层楼; 舞台下房间
Mezzanine Financing 夹层融资 1. 收购项目采用的股本融资方式,利用优先股及可转换证券扩大目标公司的规模 2. 结合债务及股票的融资活动 A hybrid of debt and equity financing that is is typically used to finance the expansion of existing companies. Mezzanine financing is basically debt capital that gives the lender the rights to convert to an ownership or equity interest in the company if the loan is not paid back in time and in full. It is generally subordinated to debt provided by senior lenders such as banks and venture capital companies. Since mezzanine financing is usually provided to the borrower very quickly with little due diligence on the part of the lender and little or no collateral on the part of the borrower, this type of financing is aggressively priced with the lender seeking a return in the 20-30% range. fund of funds 综合基金 A mutual fund that invests in other mutual funds. This method is sometimes known as "multi-management". registration statement n.有价证券申请上市登记表 outside director 不参与管理的董事 外部董事--并非公司员工或权益方的董事会成员 Any member of a company's board of directors who is not an employee or stakeholder in the company.
Independent Directors 独立董事 a general manager secretary 总经理秘书 emerging market 新兴市场 token n. 标记, 标志; 纪念品; 象征; 代价券, 筹码 adj. 作为标记的; 意思意思的; 象征性的; 充场面的 original adj.1. 最初的; 最早的; 原始的; 固有的, 本来的2. 正本的, 原作品的 3. 新颖的; 新奇的; 崭新的4. 有独创见解的; 有独创性的5. 原作者的 n.1. 原物; 原作品; 原文; 正本2. 有独创性的人; 有独到见解的人3. 原型(依据真人[事]形象地描绘); 原形图[像]4. 古怪的人 tax evasion 逃税; 漏税
Local society 当地社会 乡土社会 基层社会 cold call 主动与准客户接触 意外访问 round up 清盘 综述;总结; 摘要 集中 把...聚集在一起; 包围; 兜扑; 把...(按回舍五入法)调高为整数/向上舍入 (人﹑ 动物或事物的)聚集; 聚拢 credential n.1. 凭证2. [pl.]信任状, 证书; 国书3. (学历, 资历, 资格或成就等)背景 present one's credentials呈递国书credentials committee资格审查委员会 be in good standing with sb. 得到某人的好感或欢心 in good standing 遵守规章的[地]; 交清费用的[地]; 声誉良好的[地] social standing社会地位business standing营业状况commercial standing商业信用 securityn.1. 平安; 安全(感);安全性2. 确信; 安心3. 保护, 防御; 防御物; 保护物(against; from)4. 治安防卫(措施); [常Security ]治安防卫当局5. 【律】保证; 抵押6. 担保品, 保证人7. [常用复]证券, 债券8. 疏忽; 过度自信 capital appreciation 资本增值 资本升值 capital depreciate 资本贬值 anonymous adj.1.匿名的; 无名的; 假名的; 不具名的2. 无个性特征的 anonymously adv. 不具名地; 化名地 furtive adj.1. 偷偷摸摸的, 鬼鬼祟祟的2. 狡猾的 be furtive in one's action 行动鬼祟 3.私下的, 隐密的, 秘密的 liaison n.联络 联系 私通 组织内单位间的交流与合作 a liaison officer 联络官
Boutique 精品店 A small investment firm specializing in offering specific, but limited services to a select number of individuals. penny stock n.价格低下的普通股 A stock that trades at a relatively low price and market capitalization, usually outside of the major market exchanges. These types of stocks are generally considered to be highly speculative and high risk because of their lack of liquidity, large bid-ask spreads, small capitalization and limited following and disclosure. They will often trade over the counter through the OTCBB and pink sheets. labor union 工会 rock the boat 把事情打乱搞糟 make waves 掀起风波、打乱现状 hold water “滴水不漏” 比喻确实可靠经得起严密审查 high and dry 处于一筹莫展的困境的 recreation n. 消遣; 休养; 娱乐, 游戏 windsurfer n. 风帆冲浪板; 风帆冲浪运动员 avid adj.1. 渴望的; 贪婪的 ~ (for sth) 2. 热心的 be avid for (praise) 渴望(得到表扬) be avid of (money)贪(财) in trust 被托管 ambiguous adj.1. 有两种或 多种意思的2. 含糊的, 模棱两可的, 暧昧的3. 多重性的; 可疑的; 分歧的4. 二价的; 双原子价的 ambiguity n.含糊,模糊点,分岐 retroactive adj. 反动的, 有追溯力的, 追溯的 equitable adj. 公平的, 公正的, 合理的 stifle vt.1. 使窒息2. 镇压, 阻止(反叛等)3. 藏匿(up)4. [美俚]打垮 vi.1. 憋闷; 窒息(而死)2. 抑制 n. (马、狗的)后膝关节 entrant n.1. 进入者2. 新加入者; 新会员; (刚入大学的)新生; 新就业者3. 参加竞赛[赛跑]者 viable adj.1. 能维持下去的2. 有生存能力的3. 可行的4. (胎儿等)能活的; 子宫外能活的5. (种子等)能萌发的6. 实际的; 可实施的 generic adj. (=generical)1. 一般的, 普通的2. 【生】属的, 类的3. (商品)未注册的4.
【语】全称的, 总称的n. (=a generic drug)未注册的药品 grind out . 费力地做出 by all means 尽一切办法,务必 无论如何 forgo vt. (-went; -gone)摒绝, 放弃; 对...断念; 谢绝 strike 执行价 preamble n.1. 序言, 绪论; (条约等的)前言; 开场白2. 预兆性事件; 开端 vi. 作序言[绪论] without preamble 开门见山地, 直截了当地 histogram 柱状图 tree diagram 树形图 polygon 多边形 多角形 quartile 四分位数 quintile 五分位数 decile十分位数 percentile百分位数 the lognormal distribution 对数正态分布 quantile n.【统】分位数 fractile n. 分位数值(分位点) embark v1. 搭载(飞机), 上船(on)2. 开始, 从事, 着手搞; 投资(in, on, upon) be grounded in 以...为基础,以...为根据 scenario(s) n. 情节, 剧情,情景,方案, 剧本 erratum n. (pl.-ta [-tE])(书写或印刷中的)错误; [pl. ]勘误表 errata erratum 的复数 toolkit 工具包 工具箱; 一套程序改良工具, 一组用作特别装置程序或用新式方法程序基础的程序或过程 (计算机用语) tenure n.1. (财产、职位等的)占有(期, 权, 条件),职位保有权,任期,保有权(期) 2. (土地的)使用(权, 期), 所有权3. 保有, 享有 comprehensive adj.1. 广泛的, 全面的, 综合的; 综合教育的 2. 有理解力的; 容易了解的 ethical adj.1. 伦理的, 伦理学的2. (合乎职业)道德的; (药品)合乎规格的; 凭处方出售的 grapple v 1. 抓紧[住],钩住2. 扭打, 徒手格斗(with)3. 设法解决 with effectively grapple with problems 有效地解决问题 reassure v. 使放心, 使消除疑虑; 给...再保险; 向...再保证 instill vt.1. 徐徐滴入[(+into)]2. 逐渐灌输;徐徐地教导[(+in/into)] 逐渐培养 tandem n. 两匹马拉的双轮马车, 双座脚踏车 双人或多人骑的)串联式自行车. in tandem 一前一后地; 排成纵列: 协力地in tandem with 同...串联, 同...合作 fiduciary n.受托人,受托者,受信托人adj. 基于信用的; 受信托的; 信托的 substantive n. 实词, 独立存在的实体, 名词adj. 表示实在的, 独立的, 有实质的,本质的, 坚固的,大量的,真正的 imperative n. 命令; 需要; 诫命adj. 命令式的, 势在必行的, 急需的 go well 进展顺利 cosmetic adj.1. 化妆用的; 美容的, 2. 装点门面的;装饰性的;表面的n.化装品 legitimate v. 认为正当, 使合法, 立为嫡嗣 adj. 合法的, 合理的,正当的,婚生的 contingency n. 偶然; 意外事故; 可能性【统】列联【数】相切; 偶然误差, 偶然错误 bylaw n. 地方法规; 细则, 附则; 内部章程 proceeding n.1. 程序, 进行; 进程2. 行为, 行动; 做法3. [pl. ]【律】诉讼程序
4. [pl. ]事项, 项目5. [pl. ] 记录, 会议录; 年[学]报; (科学文献)汇编,会议议程 oversight n.1. 监督, 监视; 看管2. 疏忽, 漏失, 失察, 失错 sanction n.1. 批准; 承认, 同意2. (使法律得到遵守的)赏罚; 处罚;【律】惩罚 proctor n. 代理人, 代诉人,[美]监考人,[英]校/学监 ramification n分枝, 分叉; 分歧, 分裂; 分枝状; 分枝法2. 支流, 支派; 区分, 门类 3. 衍生物,派生影响; 结果, 后果, peer n. 同等的人; 贵族; 同辈, 同事; 上院议员 v. 凝视, 盯着看; 出现; 隐约出现 construe v. 解释, 逐字翻译, 分析; 作句法分析 imminent adj. 即将来临的; 逼近的 perpetrate vt.1. 犯(罪, 错误), 荒谬的事2. 开玩笑, 胡说, 行诈3. 笨拙地实施或表演 perpetrator n.犯罪者/罪犯 dilemma n.1. 左右为难的状况,进退两难的困境,窘境energy dilemma 能源危机 2. 【逻】双关论法, 两刀论法, 二难推论 protocol n.1. (外交的)议定书; 会谈记录[备忘录]2. (条约等的)草案; 草约; (罗马教皇诏书等的)首尾程式3. 礼仪, 礼节4. [the Protocol ]法国外交部的礼宾司 vt., vi.1. (把...)记入议定书2. 打(草稿), 拟(草案) prospect n. 景色, 展望,希望v. 勘探, 寻找;勘探,有前途in prospect可期待;在考虑中 prospectus 招股章程;发行章程 公开说明书 absolve v. 使免除; 赦免...的罪; 宽恕 sever vt.1. 切割; 割断2. 断绝, 隔离, 终止; 离间; 使...分离3. 【律】分割(产业等); 分别处理4. 区别 refrain vi., vt.1. 忍住;抑制, 制止2. 戒除(from)3. 避免[开] punitive adj.(=punitory)给予惩罚的; 惩罚(性)的; 刑罚的 jeopardize (Amer.) v. 危害, 使陷危地, 使受危困 coerce 胁迫,强迫,强制 symbion n. 共生体; 共生生物 symbiotic adj. 共栖的, 共生的 remuneration 酬金;薪酬;报酬 seminar n.会议,会议; (大学)研究班,研讨会,研究班讨论会[课程]; [美]专家讨论会 proxy statement n.委托书 conference call 电话会议 venue n. 犯罪地点, 集合地点, 审判地 retaliate vi.(向某人)报仇, 反击(upon, against); 为某事进行反击; 倒算(for) vt. 回报, 报复; 征收报复关税 -ation n. 报复; 反击; 倒算-ative, -atory retaliatory adj. 报复的; 回敬的; 报复性的 reprisal n.1. (指国家间的)暴力性报复, 报复行为; 报复性劫掠[拘押]2. [常用复]赔偿[款] perception n. 知觉, 领悟力, 感觉,觉察 soft dollar practice 收取非金钱利益的做法 stock warrant 认股证;认股权证 warrant 认股权证;拨款令;支款授权书;保证 investment decision n.投资方案 universe n.1. 宇宙; 天地万物2. 世界; 全人类3. 【天】恒星 与星辰系; 银河系
4. 思想等的体系、范围,领域等 gratuity n.1,退伍金, 抚恤金, 养老金,2 小费; 赏金,赠物,酬金 corporate adj. 法人的; 公司的; 团体的; 共同的, 全体的 private placement n.直接转销,自售证券,私人配售,私募 通过非公开证券配售(相对于公开配售)筹集资金。一般的结果是买入证券的投资者数目较小。 Raising of capital via private rather than public placement. The result is the sale of securities to a relatively small number of investors. Investors involved in private placements are usually large banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, and pension funds. impinge vi.1. 冲击, 撞击, 影响(on, upon, against)2. 抵触, 冲突; 侵犯3. (密切)接触 sales force n.销售人员 limousine n. 大型豪华轿车(尤指有玻璃将司机座位隔开的); 小型巴士; 大轿车 taint n. 污染/点, 感染, 耻辱,败坏 v. 污染, 沾染, 使腐败; 腐坏, 败坏; 被污染 myriad n.无数, 极大数量adj. 无数的; 众多方面的, 形形色色的myriad-minded adj. 才气纵横的, 多才多艺的 flagrant adj.罪恶昭彰的, 公然的,明目张胆的; 臭名远扬的; 穷凶极恶的 excerpt n. v. 摘录; 引用 verbatim adv. 逐字地(的) verb n. 动词 verbal noun 动名词 verbal n. 准动词adj. 言语的, 逐字的, 口头的 verbalize (Amer.) v. 以言语表现, 使变成动词; 累赘, 唠叨 caveat 防止误解的说明,保护发明特许权的请求书(美国),中止诉讼的申请,停止支付的通知(商业),警告 outsourcing n. 外包, 使用外界力量, 大公司雇佣合同工人来完成某项工作而不是公司自己做 algorithm n. 【数】算法; 规则系统; 演段; 编码 egregious adj. 异乎寻常的; 惊人的; 过分的,突出的; 显著的 compile v. 编译; 汇编; 编辑compilation n 编辑; 编纂; 编制; 编写; 编译. undocumented adj. 无正式文件的, 无事实证明的 correspondence n. 对应,相符,符合; 信件, 通信
Asset Allocation 资产分配/配置 typographical adj. 排字上的; 印刷上的 triple v. 使成三倍, 三倍于; 增至三倍adj. 三倍的; 由三部分构成的; 三重的; 三方的 municipality n. 自治市/区; 市政当局 subscribe 签署(文件),认购(股票),订阅(报刊),捐助(款项) infraction n. (对规则﹑ 法律等的)违背, 违犯; 侵害 fraction n. 分数, 破片,片段,小部分 affluent adj. 富裕的; 富饶的; 丰富的; 流畅的 reference n.1. 参考, 查询[阅], 询问, 访问2. 提到, 涉[论]及, 有关系[联]3. 职[授]权范围4. 证明, 介绍; 证明[介绍]信[人],证明文件5. 参考文献[资料, 书目, 符号, 电源], 说明书, 附[旁]注, 引证[用], 出处6. 基准(点), 标准, 依据, 坐标, 标记 trustworthiness n. 可信赖; 可靠;值得信任 due n. 应得之物; 应付款; 应得权益; 税金adj. 应得的;应支付的; 正当的; 应付的
Surcharge 附加费 超载 trespass vi.1. 未经许可进入私人土地; 非法侵入(私地), 侵犯(on, upon)2. 打扰, 妨碍(on,upon)3. 冒犯,违犯(against)trespassupon sb.'s property非法侵入某人的土地
n.1. 侵入, 侵犯, 侵害2. 罪过3. 【律】非法侵害4. 【律】侵害诉讼 transgression n.1. 侵越, 超过2. 违背, 犯罪, 违犯; 犯规 senior securities 优先证券 一级证券 redemption 赎回,偿还 additional security 追加保证金 the passage of time 时间的推移 release vt.1. 释放; 免除, 赦免; 解除(痛苦等)2. 投, 扔3. 放出, 放松4. 发表(消息); 发行(影片),发表,出版 as opposed to in contrast to 与...对比/照;而不是…… oppose M against N 把M与N相对照或相比 oppose M to N 把M与N相对照或相比 oppose oneself to 反对 briefing n. 简报,摘要(书),情况介绍v. 作简报, 节录, 摘要adj. 简短的; 短暂的 go beyond vt.超过,胜过 facilitate v. 使容易; 帮助; 促进 premise n.1.【逻】前提2. [pl. ]房产; 房屋(及其附属建筑, 地基等),(pl)生产/经营场所 initiative adj.起始的; 初步的; 自发的,主动的 perceptive adj.1. 知觉的2. 感觉(敏锐)的; 有理解力的,理解的
Proprietary Trading 自由资金交易 解释:公司为赚取直接收益,而不是佣金的交易。具体来说,指公司决定通过直接市场交易,而不是通过赚取处理买卖的佣金而获利 personal trading 个人交易 equitable adj. 公平的; 公正的 blackball v. 投票反对, 排斥,抵制,取消会员资格[入场权] vice versa 反之亦然 discriminate v. 区别, 辨别; 有差别地对待,差别待遇; 区别, 辨别; 使有区别, 区别于 enforcement n.实施,执行; 强制 counterproductive adj. 产生不良后果的,起反作用的 overlap n. 重叠, 重复v. 重叠, 重复,[与...]部分相一致[巧合] preclude v. 排除; 阻止, 妨碍; 防止, 杜绝 reactive adj. 反动的, 反作用的,反冲的, 反应性的; 活性的, 化学反应的 impetus n. 推动, 促进; 刺激; 推动力,动力; 冲力 stringent adj 1(指法律﹑ 规则等)严格的,必须遵守的,严厉的,2(指财务状况)因缺钱而困难的, 银根紧的3紧迫的 secondary offering n.证券的二次发行,解释:公司一名或以上主要股东出售证券所有或大部分持有量。承销收益由股东,而不是企业收取 foreman n.工头,领班,工长 首席陪审员 workforce 工作人口,(全厂的)劳动力 fill in n. 1填充; 填满; 填写 2临时工,(暂时)代替之人或物,暂代,临时填补物 adj. 临时补缺的 misappropriation n. 侵吞; 滥用,占用,盗/挪用 appropriate adj合适的v拨出; 挪用, 盗用; 占用 n指拨,预算拨款 cripple n. 跛子; 残废的人 v. 1使残废/跛, 使成残废2严重损坏或削弱(某事物)
He that lives with cripples learns to limp. 近朱者赤, 近墨者黑。 conglomerate n.跨业经营大公司,综合企业(集合多个独立业务线的企业),通过合并若干企业而组建的)大公司 labour leader n.劳工/工会领袖 depreciation 折旧;贬值;(机器)损耗,磨损
Underperform 表现落后大市,表现不佳
Outperform 表现超越大市,(机器等)性能比...好, 在使用上胜过; 超额完成 plunge 大跌;急挫;盲目投资,负责v. 使投入, 使陷入, 使插入; 投入, 陷入, 跳进 derivate n. 导数; 衍生物 market power n.市场支配力 optimistic adj 乐观的 pessimistic a. 悲观的 guise n.[C]1. 外观,装束2. 伪装,假装 in a certain guise 穿(某种)外衣 in/under the guise of 假借; 以...为幌子 ownership interest n.所有者权益 controlling interest [pic]多数股权 控股权益 orchestrate v. 精心安排; 把...编成管弦乐曲 orchestra n. 管弦乐队 sensationalize vt. 使引起轰动 以耸人听闻的手法处理
Hedge Fund 对冲基金 进行安全及投机性高投资的积极管理投资组合。大部分对冲基金包含的投资者数目限于最多100名。对冲基金大多不受监管,因为投资对冲基金的投资者大多经验丰富,财力雄厚 An aggressively managed portfolio of investments that uses advanced investment strategies such as leverage, long, short and derivative positions in both domestic and international markets with the goal of generating high returns (either in an absolute sense or over a specified market benchmark).
Legally, hedge funds are most often set up as private investment partnerships that are open to a limited number of investors and require a very large initial minimum investment. Investments in hedge funds are illiquid as they often require investors keep their money in the fund for at least one year. short position 空仓;淡仓;空头;短盘 account for 说明; 证明;对...负有责任
Bid-Ask Spread 买卖差价 (叫价高于出价的金额) The amount by which the ask price exceeds the bid. This is essentially the difference in price between the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for an asset and the lowest price for which a seller is willing to sell it. pump priming n.刺激经济的政府投资 reiterate v. 重申,反复地说, 反复地做 decline v/n1. 下降,下跌;减少;衰退,衰落2. 婉拒;谢绝 [+to-v] She declined their invitation.她婉拒了他们的邀请。 She declined to have lunch with her friend, saying that she wasn't feeling well. 她说她身体不舒服,婉拒了与她的朋友共进午餐。 meanwhile ad. 同时 n. 其时,其间 by virtue of 由于;依靠;凭借 caution 谨慎 discretion 慎重,谨慎, 自行处理,【律】任意决定权 at discretion 1. 随意, 任意2. 无条件地 at the discretion of sb. 随某人的意思, 叫某人自行处理 discretionary adj. 任意的, 无条件的 in the context of 在...情况下 judicious adj.明智的, 贤明的, 深思远虑的, 头脑精明的 with respect to n.关于,就...而论,相对于 disparity n.不均衡,不一致,不对称 vulnerable adj. 易受伤害的, 易受攻击的, 有弱点的 custody n.1.保管2. 监护; 拘留, 监禁 hostile adj. 怀敌意的, 敌对的 ward off 避开; 挡住 precedence n.优先,居先 consummate v. 完成; 使达到极点 adj. 圆满的; 完美的; 至上的 favoritism n. 偏爱; 偏袒; facsimile n. 复写,传真v. 传真 general distribution 一般分配法,公开发行 block allocation 整体拨款;整笔拨款 round lot 交易单位,“一手”;整批,整数成批股票;
Odd Lot 零星股、散股(数目不足正常交易单位的证券),证券交易中低于单位交易额的零星交易量 forgo v. 摒绝, 放弃 originator n.创办人,创始人,发起人 override v. 不管,不顾/理(某人的意见等);拒绝,无视;使...无效;藐视n.【美】销售酬金 bona fide adj.真实(的); 真诚(的); 合法(的): n.善意 privy n. 有利害关系的人adj. 个人的, 私人的; 私下的; 隐蔽的, 秘密的; time frame n.时限,时间范围 follow up 采取进一步行动,跟进, 把...探究到底 timeliness n. 及时, 适时
Pro Rata 按比例 franchise 专营权;特许权 cut back 削减 clout n. 破布 敲打 v权力,力量影响力
Mortgage Backed Securities 按揭证券 以房地产抵押作担保的证券(代表一组房地产抵押不可分割权益的投资工具,该组房地产抵押的本金及利息将用以支付这种投资工具的本金及利息) cross-transaction 交叉交易 presumably [pic]ad. 推测上,假定上,大概 unsolicited adj.未经请求的,主力提供的 in case of 假如,如果发生,要是,万一 the passage of time 时间推移 current income 本期收入/益,经常收入 unfunded liabilities 无资金准备的负债 contemplate v. 注视, 打算, 沉思;深思熟虑 covered call 备兑认购期权 An options strategy whereby an investor holds a long position in an asset and writes (sells) call options on that same asset in an attempt to generate increased income from the asset. This is often employed when an investor has a short-term neutral view on the asset and for this reason hold the asset long and simultaneously have a short position via the option to generate income from the option premium. venture capital 创业资金;风险资本(向具有巨大增长潜力的初始企业及小型业务提供的资金及资源) pooled fund 集合基金 common trust fund n.共同信托基金 retro- pref. 前缀 表示“ 向后”, “倒退”, “追溯”, retroactively adv. 追溯地 promote n.创立,推销,促进 promotional a. 推销的 abstain from 戒绝 放弃 避开 whistleblowing 告密 揭发 justify v. 替...辩护, 验证,证明; 证明合法 contradict v. 反驳/对,矛盾 与...矛盾, 与...抵触, 与...相反 languish v. 憔悴, 苦思, 凋萎 1变得衰弱无力; 失去活力; 失去兴趣2. 憔悴, 潦倒; (植物等)凋萎3. 焦思, 因渴望而苦恼(for)4. 松弛, 放松 close [pred 作表语] ~ (to sb/sth); ~ (together)(在空间或时间上)接近: 将要
Buyout 收购(入一家公司或一家公司的控股股权。负债收购指通过借贷或发行更多股票完成收购)
Rest ~ on sb/sth 依靠或依赖某人[某事物 指目光等)停留在某人[某物]上 associate 有联系的人;合伙人;联系人 exclusive adj. 独占的, 排外的, 唯一的;精选的 n.专营 wavie 放弃 免除 intern n. 实习(医师); 被拘留者 v. 做实习(医师); 拘留 misappropriate v. 侵占, 盗用, 霸占 condominium n.住户所有公寓式住房 partiality n.1. 偏袒, 偏见2. 偏爱; 癖好(for, to) partial adj. 部分的, 偏爱的, 偏袒的
Facility 信贷额度 设备 [常用复]便利 discharge 破产解除;清偿〔债务〕;尽职,尽(义务), 履行 解雇 delegate n. 代表v. 委派...为代表,委任;授权,委托 enact v. 制定; 颁布; 扮演 industry standard 行业标准 the chain of command 指挥系统 enumerate v. 列举, 枚举, 计算 stand alone 独立 encumber v n. 妨碍 阻塞 塞满(with) ~ sb/sth (with sth) 阻碍或妨碍某人[某物]自由活动 unencumbered adj. 不受妨碍的,没有阻碍的; 没有(抵押等)负担的 无产权负担 deter v. 制止, 威慑, 使断念, 使踌躇 deter ...from 阻拦, 妨碍 boilerplate n. 标准文本(报纸用的); 样板文件;可以直接打印的抄本 锅炉钢板 tailor n. 裁缝师; 服装店v. 裁制; 使合适; 修改; 做裁缝 [尤用於被动语态] ~ sth for/to sb/sth (为某目的)做某事物或适应某事物 prospectus 招股章程;发行章程 公开说明书 计划书 简介 futures commission merchant n.期货佣金商 sound adj. 健全的; 合理的; 可靠的 screening 筛选 vendor 卖方;出售人;售卖人 小贩 consensus n.集体意 一致; 舆论; 合意; 共识 substantiate vt.证明/实,使...具体化 substantial adj. 实质上的, 有内容的, 物质的 loophole n.漏洞 枪眼,小窗,换气孔 望孔 exuberance n.繁荣 茂盛; 健康; 丰富 subscribe v.1. 订购[阅], 预订2. 签名, 署名3. 捐助, 认捐 basic format 基本格式 general principles 一般原则 well –informed 消息灵通的,博识的 capsule n. 胶囊 v. 概括, 简述; 使浓缩 stipulate v. 规定; 约定 outlook n. 观点,见解;展望,前景;景色;形势 conjecture v n. 推测,臆测 after the fact 事后 hitch n.延迟 v钩住,套住 scenario n. 情节, 方案, 剧本 prowess n. 英勇,勇敢;超凡技术,高超的技艺/本领; 非凡的才能; 专长: emulate v. 效法, 同...竞争, 尽力赶上 redirect v. 重寄;使改变方向, 使改道 track record 记录 工作履历,业绩档案 err on the side of 过分表现(通常指好的),宁可 on one's behalf on sb.'s behalf 以某人的名义; 为了某人; 代表某人 market making n.证券市场制造兴旺气象 证券市场为调整供求或价格而进行的买卖 prevalent adj. 普遍的, 流行的 prevalence n. 传播,流行,普及 burdensome adj. 累赘的, 艰难的, 恼人的 pecuniary adj.金钱(上)的, 应罚款的* inadvertently ad. 不注意地,不经意地,非故意地 advertent adj. 注意的; 留意的 outstanding adj.未付的 未偿还;尚未支付
Board Of Directors 董事会
Commercial Paper 商业票据
Equity-Linked Note 股票关联票据(回报率取决于一种证券、一组证券或一个股票指数表现的投资工具) replicate v. 折叠; 复制 align v. 使结盟; 使成一行; 排列 bestow v. 授予 把...赠与,把...给予[(+on/upon)];使用,花费[(+on)] oversubscription n. 认购超额
Private Placement 私募 私人配售 发行债券时的直接销售 surrounding adj. 周围的; 附近的 beneficial ownership 实益拥有权 实际所有权 infusion n. 注入,灌输,激励 legitimate v. 认为正当, 使合法, 立为嫡嗣adj. 合理的,合法的, 婚生的, 正当的 close out 平仓 vt. 抛售(停止,停业) assimilate n.v 1消化,吸收,同化2使相似, 使相同, 使成一样3把...比作(to, with) in kind 以实物(偿付),以同样的方法 soft dollar 非金钱 on a regular basis 定期地 reassess n.重新估价 对...再摊派;再课(税) undermine v. 渐渐破坏/削弱, 暗地里破坏 circumvent v. 围绕; 智取; 包围;规/回避 advocate v. 拥护; 主张; 提倡; 鼓吹n. 提倡者; 辩护者; 拥护者; 律师 smudge n. 污点,渍痕v. 弄脏,模糊 heed n. 注意, 留心 v. 留心, 注意 tip off 向...泄露 向...透露消息 affiliate vt.1. 使紧密联系(+with)2. 接纳...为成员(或分支机构);使隶属于(+to/with)
Principal 本金、[企业]主要负责人、[交易]当事人 alumnus n. 男毕业生, 男校友 alumna n. 女校友,女毕业生 (pl.alumnae) vote down (以投票)否决 lobby n. 大厅;休息室;游说议员者; v. 游说议员; ; 游说;经常出入休息室 lobbying n. 游说 slate n石板, 石片, 蓝色,候选人名单adj. 暗蓝灰色的, 含板岩的v. 铺石板;提名...为候选人(+for) preview n. 预看; 预习; 预先审查; 试演v. 事先查看, 预演, 预展 endorse v. 支持,赞同,背书于 competitive bids n.公开招标 ex ante n.事先* adhere to 坚持;依附,粘附;拥护,支持
Private Equity 私人股本 指没有在股票市场挂牌,但企业或投资者可参与的股本资金。筹集的资金可用作开发新产品或科技、增加周转资金、进行收购或强化公司的资产负债表 equal footing n.平等地位 convergence 会聚,聚焦,集中 【数】收敛 in addition to 除...之外(还) envision v. 想像; 预想 arena n. 竞技场, 舞台; 活动场所 dual adj.双的; 二重的; 二元的; 二体的, 二联的; 孪生的; 复式的; 加倍的 degree of confidence n.置信度 critical issue 重大问题 attribution n.1. 归属, 归因2. 属性 reciprocity 互惠措施;互惠条件 相互性; 对等; 相互作用
Carveout 分拆上市,分享资产 解释:1. 即一家母公司出售一家子公司的少数权益(一般为20%或以下),以进行子公司的首次公开上市或供股发行2. 一家非网络实业公司与创业投资者与新的管理队伍联合实行互联网业务分拆上市 compliance check 合规检查/监督 council n.理事会 equal footing n.平等地位 elaborate v. 精心制作; 详细阐述; 详细说明;adj. 精细的, 精心的, 详尽的 the level of control 控制程度
Trade Date Accounting 交易日会计原则 accrual accounting n.权责发生制会计 segregate v. 使分离, 使隔离; reclaimable adj. 可收回的,可返还的 nonreclaimable 不可返还的 reclaim n.抵偿,回收,恢复 开垦, 开拓; on request n.根据买方通知发货;n.函索 on request when asked for 一经要求 Catalogues are available on request. 备有目录供索取 remain with vt. 属于(归于,在...的权内) hybrid n. 混血儿,杂种,混合物 a. 混合的,杂种的,混合语的 up to a. 正在做,直到,相当于,胜任,该由...决定 measure of dispersion 离散度 intact adj.未经触动的, 原封不动的, 完整无损的 custom n. 习惯; 风俗; 海关adj. 订做的, 订制的 administrative fee 托管费 appreciation 增值,货币升值 tranche n. 国际货币基金贷款划分的“部分” automatic IMF tranche货币基金组织中自动份额 gold tranche (国际储备的)黄金部分; (国际货币基金组织会员国缴纳基金的) 黄金部分; 黄金存值 higher credit tranche 高档信贷份额 super gold tranche 国际货币基金会员国超黄金缴存额信贷部分 paid-in capital 实缴/收资本;实缴股本 appraiser n. 评价人; 估价人; 鉴定人 closed end n.固定金额 封闭的 carried interest 附带权益,附股权益
Private Equity 私人股本 非上市公司权益
Vintage Year 最早时期
A slang term used by mortgage-backed securities (MBS) traders and investors to refer to an MBS that is seasoned over some time period. MBSs typically have maturities around 30 years, and a particular issue's 'vintage' will expose the holder to less prepayment and default risk, although this decreased risk also limits price appreciation. vintage n.1. 葡萄收获(期量); (当年)葡萄酒产量2. 酒; (=vintage wine)(特指某年某地所产的)美酒3. (同年代的)一批产品; 同期产生的人物4. 制造的时期; 开始存在的时期; 年龄; 寿命adj.1. 酒的; 酿造的2. 属于某一时期制造的3. 优良的4. 古老的; 过时的(尤指曾经一度为最佳的) The year in which the first influx of investment capital is delivered to a project or company. This marks when capital is contributed by venture capital, private equity fund or a partnership drawing down from its investors. authorized capital 法定资本, 认可资本 auxiliary capital 辅助资本 bank credit capital 银行信贷资金 bureaucrat capital 官僚资本 immaterial capital 无形资本 incorporeal capital 无形资本 registered capital 注册资本 commited capital 认缴资本?
Turnaround 转亏为盈、市道转好
Fair Value 公允/平价值 carrying value 帐面结存价值[等于总资产 - 无形资产及负债(例如债务)] An accounting measure of value, where the value of an asset or a company is based on the figures in the company's balance sheet. For assets, the value is based on the original cost of the asset less any depreciation, amortization or impairment costs made against the asset. For a company, carrying value is a company's total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities such as debt. Also known as "book value". generalist n.多面手,通才 period-end 期末 drawdown 减少,下降 strike a balance (between A and B) find a sensible middle point between two demands, extremes, etc; compromise 找到折衷办法; 妥协: It was difficult to strike the right balance between justice and expediency. 在公正与私利之间很难两全 mandatory adj.1. 命令的, 委托的(upon)2 指示的3 强制性的; [美]强迫的,义务性质的 clarify n.v澄清;(使某事物)清楚易懂; 使明晰 required verifyication procedure 认证必备程序 fully discretionary 全权委托 discretionary trust n.全权托管/信托 discretionary manager 全权管理人 investment discretion 投资决策 give rise to n.引起,导致,产生 reclaim v. 使改过, 纠正; 回收; 开垦, 开拓 tax reclaim 返税 in place 在适当的位置; 适当 assert v. 清楚而有力地表明(某事物)为事实; 声称; 断言; 坚持, 维护; 显示 custodial adj. 保管的; 保管人的 custody n. 监护, 监禁, 拘留;保管,保护 disposition 产权处置 财产转让
Free Cash Flow 自由现金流 if any 若有的话 amortize v. 摊销, 分期偿还 slang n.俚语,行话 unitize vt.1使成为一单位或一整体. 2统一化, 规格化3. 成组, 成套 in addition to n.除...以外,除...外又 metric adj. (公制长度单位)米的, 以米为基础的 公制的; 十进制的; 米制的 metricate v convert (sth) to the metric system 将(某物)改为公制metrication n margin of error n.误差界限 underpin v. 从下头支持, 加固,支持, 支撑 underpinning n.1. 支柱, 支承结构, 支承基础; 支持物; 墙基2. 基础材料; 基础结构
3. [常用复](学说、理论等的)基础4. [常用复]腿 interim n. 中间时期; 暂定; 过渡时期adj. 中间的, 临时的, 暂时的,中期的 at interim 暂时的; 临时代理的in the interim 在这期间; 在过渡期间 cohesive adj. 粘性的,有粘着力的;凝聚性的;内聚性的,有结合力的 garner n. 谷仓, 积蓄v. 储存, 贮藏; 取得, 获得,收藏 at arm's length n.按市价进行交易 n.在伸臂可及之外,一臂之长 无关联 疏远 intellectual property rights
智力财产权, 对智力材料的财产权 (比如文学著作, 音乐, 专利, 牌子, 商标等等) adj挂牌的,上市的 v报价 quoted company 上市公司 quoted share 上市股票;挂牌股票 quoted subsidiary 上市附属公司 quote vt.1. 摘引; 引用; 复述2. 提到, 举出(例子)3. 把...放进引号内, 用引号把...括起来4. 【商】报(价); 开(价); 开盘; (向...)提出(价格) elementary statistics 基础统计学,初等统计学 performance measurement n.性能测定,业绩评估 realizable value 可变现价值 last resort最后手段,最后一招;最后的解决办法 终审/最高法庭without resort 无计可施 loan stock 债权股额;贷款债券;公司信用债 entry n. 登录; 进入; 条目,分录,帐目 roll up 卷起, 包起来, 卷成球状; (乘车)到达;渐次增加; 积累成 provision 1拨款;预留款项;备付款项;准备金2规定,条款3准[预、防]备, (预防)措施4 [pl. ]供应品(特指粮食与副食品); 杂货vt. 向... 供应粮食 [必需品] toolkit n. 工具包; 工具箱; descriptive statistic n.描述性统计 inferential statistics n.推论统计学 descriptor n.(数据处理中表示某一项目的)标码, 描述符, 解说符, 叙词 quasi pref 前缀adj. 类似的; 半的; 准的; 外表的 conj. 宛如, 就象, 就是说 adv. 类似地, 准地 mode 众数 meidan 中间值,中位数 kurtosis n.. 【数】峭度;峰态 dispersion 离差
Skewness 偏斜性,不对称性 lopsided adj. 倾向一方的, 不平衡的 harmonic mean n.调和平均数,倒数平均数 subset 子集 random variable n.随机变量 variance 方差 exhaustive events 穷举事件 exclusive events n.互斥事件 prior probability 先验概率 事前概率 conditional probability 条件概率 unconditional probability 无条件概率 joint probability n.连接概率,结合概率,联合概率 factorial n.1. 【数】阶乘;【统】阶乘积,阶乘因子 combination 组合 permutation n.排列 covariance 协方差 correlateion 相关性 notation n.标记法 【数】记数法 bayes’ formula 贝叶斯公式 junior mortgage n.低次抵押权,次级抵押 mechanics 1力学, 机械学 2技术;技巧 in turn 依次; 轮到 course of action n.行动过程,行动步骤,做法 time preference n.时间偏好 full faith and credit 十足信用 gilt-edged 金边的,最上等的 ~bond 金边债券 gilt-edged securities 金边证券 gilt-edged investment 稳当投资 negotiable adj. 可转让的, 可流通的; 可谈判的, 可协商的 lump sum 一次付款额; 总金额 interest-bearing 有息 interest bearing bank debosit n.银行有息存款 interest bearing securities n.有息证券 interest bearing note n.附息票据 formalize (Amer.) v. 正式化; 使形式化; 定形 glimpse n. 一瞥, 一闪 v. 瞥见; 投以一瞥, 闪烁不定 lottery n. 奖券,彩票 certificate of deposit 存款单 round up 向上舍入 decimal a. 十进位的,小数的 n十进制,小数 convention n. 会议, 大会; 习俗; 协定,约定,规则,公约,召集,集合[U] limiting value 极限值 transcendental 【数】超越数 【数】超越的 raise 【数】使自乘 power 幂,次方 natural logarithm 自然对数 a logarithm in which the base is the irrational number irrational number ph【数】无理数(e=2.71828……)㏑10=㏒e10 annuity due n.期初应付年金即付年金 space interval 时间间隔 increment 增量 multiple n.倍数
A term that measures some aspect of a company's financial well-being, determined by dividing one metric by another metric. The metric in the numerator is typically larger than the one in the denominator, because the top metric is usually supposed to be many times larger than the bottom metric. Calculated as:

[pic] multiply v. 乘, 使相乘

bracket [pl. ]括号({ }, ( ), [ ])

parenthesis n.圆括号 ( ) parentheses pl in parenthesis 在(圆)括号里: square brackets 方括号 [ ] angular bracket 尖括号 < > point bracket angle brackets brace 【刷】用大括号括 ﹛﹜ shortcut n. 捷径 vantage-point (观看某事物的)有利地点,优势 keep track of n.记住,记录,留意 calendar time n.日历时间 payoff 1收益;2发薪;发薪时间;3清偿,清算 down payment 分期付款的头款 首期付款 level sequential 等值连续 set aside 留出/留置 放在一边 keystone n.[C]1. 【建】(拱门的)拱心石,楔石2. 主旨;基本原则;基础[(+of)] working capital 流动资本;营运资金;周转资金 sunk cost 沉入成本, 已支付成本( 或称非相关成本、历史成本。指在过去已经发生已经不能改变的成本,因而不适于作当前的决策,如机器的原始购置成本属于沉入成本,它不适用于决定机器是否应该更新) tangible cost 可回收成本,有形成本 denominator n.【数】分母 numerator n.【数】(分数的)分子 fraction 【数】分数 decision rule n.决策规则
Hurdle rate 最低预期回报率:投资者进行投资要求的最低回报率 capital charges 资本支出;资本费用 interpret as 把…理解为 crossover discount rate n.交叉贴现率 synonym n.同义词 quadratic equation 二次方程式 placeholder 位置标志符,占位符 bank discount basis 银行贴现标法 redeem n v.偿还,赎回 accrued interest n.应计利息 full price n.足价,十足价格
Certificate Of Deposit (CD) 存款证 set-off 1抵销;对销2出发,动身3扣除 measurement scales 衡量尺度 nominal scales 名义量标度 ordinal scales 顺序量标度 interval scales 等距/区间量/标度 ratio scales 比例量量/标度 natural number 自然数 gauge n. 标准度量, 计量器v. 精确计量, 估计 collapse 1.n/v. 倒塌,崩溃,瓦解 2(价格)暴跌,跌价3 折叠4(健康等)垮掉;衰退;累倒 price inflation 1价格上涨;物价上涨2物价膨胀 bell shaped n.钟形的 line graph n.线形图 slope n.1. 倾斜;坡度2. 坡;斜面[C]3【军】托枪姿势[U]4. 【数】斜率vt.1. 使倾斜, 使成斜坡2. 掮(枪)Slope arms!(口令)掮枪!3. 倾斜, 成斜坡4. 闲荡(about); 逃离(off) bulk sale n.大宗销售 ; 整批销售 cross sectional data n.剖面数据 cross sectional datum n.横断面资料 cross sectional analysis n.同业比较分析 cross comparison 横向比较 longitudinal profile——纵断面,纵剖面(图) longitudinal section——纵剖面,纵截面,纵断面 horizontal section——横断面 transverse section——横剖面,横断面 liken vt.把.比喻成(to);比喻,比拟;使象Life is often likened to a dream人生常被喻为一场梦。 outlier n.1门外汉,局外人2异化值,异常值 fulcrum n. 杠杆的支点,支点,叶之附属物 trim n. 整齐, 修剪, 装饰v. 整理, 装饰, 修剪; 消减; 修正方向; 调整; 获得平衡adj. 整齐的, 整洁的; 平衡的
Trimmed Mean 平衡均值 method of averaging that removes a small percentage of the largest and smallest values before calculating the mean. After removing the specified observations, the trimmed mean is found using an arithmetic averaging formula.
Investopedia Says:
The trimmed mean looks to reduce the effects of outliers on the calculated average. This method is best suited for data with large, erratic deviations or extremely skewed distributions. A trimmed mean is stated as a mean trimmed by X%, where X is the sum of the percentage of observations removed from both the upper and lower bounds.
For example, a figure skating competition produces the following scores: 6.0, 8.1, 8.3, 9.1, 9.9. A mean trimmed 40% would equal 8.5 ( (8.1+8.3+9.1)/3 ), which is larger than the arithmetic mean of 8.28. To trim the mean by 40%, we remove the lowest 20% and highest 20% of values, eliminating the scores of 6.0 and 9.1. As shown by this example, trimming the mean can reduce the effects of outlier bias in a sample.
Winsorized Mean 缩尾均值
A method of averaging that initially replaces the smallest and largest values with the observations closest to them. After replacing the values, a simple arithmetic averaging formula is used to calculate the winsorized mean.
Winsorized means are expressed in two ways. A "kth" winsorized mean refers to the replacement of the 'k' smallest and largest observations, where 'k' is an integer. A "X%" winsorized mean involves replacing a given percentage of values from both ends of the data.
Investopedia Says:
The winsorized mean is less sensitive to outliers because it replaces them with less influential values. This method of averaging is similar to the trimmed mean; however, instead of eliminating data, observations are altered, allowing for a degree of influence.
Let's calculate the first winsorized mean for the following data set: 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14. Because the winsorized mean is in the first order, we replace the smallest and largest values with their nearest observations. The data set now appears as follows: 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10. Taking an arithmetic average of the new set produces a winsorized mean of 7.71 ( (5+5+7+8+9+10+10) / 7 ).
Even 偶数 odd 奇数
Mode 众数
A statistical term referring to the most frequently occurring term in a set of numbers.
Investopedia Says:
For example, in the following set of data--32, 34, 34, 34, 45, 67, 71, 43--the mode is 34 because it is the most common number in the set . unimodal adj. 【统】(曲线)单峰的 modal interval 众区间 department store 百货公司 radical sign n. [数]根号
1.11% or 111 basis points
A basis point is one-hundredth of 1 percent(0.01 percent) concave adj. 凹的 convex adj .凸的 amount per unit 单位数量
Euro n.欧元(欧洲经济共同体的统一货币单位) harmonic mean n. 调和平均值 harmonic series n.调和级数 array n.数组,排列 whole number n. [数]整数 integer n.【数】整数 linear interpolation 线性内插法 线性插值 interpolatevt., vi.1. 窜改(文稿, 书等)2. 插入, 增添(字句等)3. 【数】插值, 内插, 内推 et al abbr. 以及其他人或事物 range 【数】值域 mean absolute deviation 平均绝对偏差 identity n.1. 同一(性); 一致2. 身分; 本身; 本体; 个性; 特性3. 【数】恒等(式) the identity of interests 利益的一致 an identity card身分证 reach (an) identity of views 取得一致看法 honor roll (美)光荣榜 divisor n. 【数】除数, 除子, 约数, 因子 downside n. 消极面,负面下[低]侧, 向下的走向[趋势] a- pref. 表示“not”的意思, 如:amoral, asexual,asysmmetric Derivative 衍生工具(价值取决于相关证券表现的证券,例如期权或期货合约等) 【数】导数 stem from vt.源于,基于,出于 depict v. 描述; 描写 mnemonic adj. 有助于记忆的; 记忆的 cube n.1. 立方体, 立方形物, 正六面体; [pl. ] [美俚]骰子2. 立方, 三次幂; reprint 再版; 重印; 翻印; 转载 algebra n.代数(学) algebraic adj. 代数的; 代数上的; 代数学的 kurtosis n. 【数】峰度,峰态;峭度 leptokurtic n. 频率分配曲线的尖顶峰度 尖峰 platykurtic n.平顶峰度,低峰态的 平峰 mesokurtic 常峰态的 intervene v. 插入,调停,干涉 intervening n.插入 中介 a.1. 介于中间的;发生于其间的 semilogarithmic adj.半对数的 logarithm n.对数
Trailing A term used to describe the most recent time period.
Investopedia Says:
Most often you will hear the term "trailing 12 months", and, from time to time, "trailing three months" or "trailing six months". The term may also modify a reported metric. For example, the earnings in a trailing price-to-earnings ratio refers to the past earnings per share over a certain period - usually 12 months. Trailing 12 months is denoted by the acronym "TTM". come under 归入, 受到1. 被包括在...之内;可在...下(或后)查到2. 遭受 option pricing model 期权定价模式 italic n. 斜体字 adj斜体的 [Italic ]古代意大利(人)的, 意大利语族的 empirical probability 经验概率 估计事件发生相对频率的概率 subjective probability 主观概率 一种以主观判断为基础的概率分配方法 objective probability 客观概率 指客观存在的不是因主观原因引起的概率 prior probability 先验概率 指事件的初始估计概率
The probability that an event will reflect established beliefs about the event before the arrival of new evidence or information. Prior probabilities are the original probabilities of an outcome, which be will updated with new information to create posterior probabilities odds n. 可能的机会; 优势; 成败的可能性 odds for E=** 发生E事件的概率(成功或发生的机率或可能性) odds against E=** 不发生E事件的概率(失败或不发生的机率或可能性) draw on 1. 穿上;戴上2. 利用3. 临近 deduce v. 推论,演绎出 well-defined 定义明确的; 清晰的 out of a. 来自(出自,从...当中,越出...范围外,失去) antitrust adj. 反垄断的; 反对垄断 discrepancy n.1. 差异, 不一致, 矛盾2. 偏差,误差accumulated discrepancy 累积差 price discrepancy 价格差异 statistical discrepancy 统计差异, 统计误差 inconsistent adj. 不一致的, 矛盾的, 不合理的;不相容的 inconsistent equation 【数】不相容方程, 矛盾方程 unconditional probability 无条件概率 conditional probability 条件概率 marginal probability 边缘概率 wager n. 赌, 赌物, 赌博 v. 下赌注, 保证; 打赌 None but fools and knaves lay wagers. [谚]只有傻瓜和骗子才同别人打赌。 A wager is a fool's argument. [谚]只有傻瓜才以打赌来解决争论。 wager on 1. 打赌, 押(赌注)2. 确信; 担保 stand alone 孤立 卓越 无与伦比 inclusive adj. 包含(首末)的; 包括的 limit order n.限价委托/指令 stringent adj. 迫切的; 严厉的; 银根紧的; 令人信服的 sequential comparison 顺序比较 regression analysis n.回归分析 regression coefficient n.回归系数 total probability 总概率, 全概率 各个相互独立的条件下事件的概率之和为一个事件发生的全概率 total probability rule 全概率法则 complement 【数】余角,余弧,余数,余集,余(子)式 【计】补数(事件的补集),补码; 反码 objective complement 宾语补足语 sample space 采样空间,取样空间 continuous random variables 连续随机变量 summation n. 总结; 总数, 总和;【数】加法; 求和;【律】(双方论据的)辩论总结 differential n微分analytic differential解析微分 quadratic/second differential二次微分 differentiation 【数】微分法, 求导数 integration 【数】积分(法) negligible a. 可以忽略的,很小的,微不足道的 node n.结点 intercept vt.【数】(在两点或两线间)截取n【数】截距 operating costs 生产费用 营业成本 in the event of 如果...发生 倘若(万一,如果发生,倘使) break-even 收支平衡;收支相抵 recover n.恢复,补偿 risk averse 风险反感 A description of an investor who, when faced with two investments with a similar expected return (but different risks), will prefer the one with the lower risk. recovery rate 恢复率,回收率 covary vi. [数]共变 follow from 是从...得...出的 clutter v. 弄乱,混乱 cross product n.交叉乘积 does not matter vi. 无关紧要 inverse relationship 逆相关 相反关系 outnumber vt. 数量上超过 qualifying a. 使具有资格的,限制的 covariance matrix 协方差矩阵 square format 正方形,方格 pure number 纯数 inverse probability 逆概率 逆机率
Earnings Surprise 收益差异 盈利不符合预测

When the earnings reported in a company's quarterly or annual report are above or below analysts' earnings estimates. posterior probability 后验概率 事后概率 The probability that an event will reflect established beliefs about the event before the arrival of new evidence or information. Prior probabilities are the original probabilities of an outcome, which be will updated with new information to create posterior probabilities.
Investopedia Says:
Prior probabilities represent what we originally believed before new evidence is uncovered. New information is used to produce updated probabilities and is a more accurate measure of a potential outcome. For example, three acres of land have the labels A, B and C. One acre has reserves of oil below its surface, while the other two do not. The probability of oil being on acre C is one third, or 0.333. A drilling test is conducted on acre B, and the results indicate that no oil is present at the location. Since acres A and C are the only candidates for oil reserves, the prior probability of 0.333 becomes 0.5, as each acre has one out of two chances.
Binomial Option Pricing Model 二项/分期权定价模型
An options valuation method developed by Cox, et al, in 1979. The binomial option pricing model uses an iterative procedure, allowing for the specification of nodes, or points in time, during the time span between the valuation date and the option's expiration date.
The model reduces possibilities of price changes, removes the possibility for arbitrage, assumes a perfectly efficient market, and shortens the duration of the option. Under these simplifications, it is able to provide a mathematical valuation of the option at each point in time specified.
Investopedia Says:
The binomial model takes a risk-neutral approach to valuation. It assumes that underlying security prices can only either increase or decrease with time until the option expires worthless. A simplified example of a binomial tree might look something like this:

Due to its simple and iterative structure, the model presents certain unique advantages. For example, since it provides a stream of valuations for a derivative for each node in a span of time, it is useful for valuing derivatives such as American options which allow the owner to exercise the option at any point in time until expiration (unlike European options which are exercisable only at expiration). The model is also somewhat simple mathematically when compared to counterparts such as the Black-Scholes model, and is therefore relatively easy to build and implement with a computer spreadsheet. enumeration n. 计数/算,列举,细目, 【统】点查 by convention n.按照惯例 出于习俗 multinomial a. 多项的 n. 多项式 shorthand n. 速记, 速记法 binomial formula 二项式定理 二项式公式 sequence 【数】序列 hypothesis test 假设检验 null hypothesis n.零假设 A type of hypothesis used in statistics that proposes that no statistical significance exists in a set of given observations. The null hypothesis attempts to show that no variation exists between variables, or that a single variable is no different than zero. It is presumed to be true until statistical evidence nullifies it for an alternative hypothesis.
Investopedia Says:
The null hypothesis assumes that any kind of difference or significance you see in a set of data is due to chance.
For example, Chuck sees that his investment strategy produces higher average returns than simply buying and holding a stock. The null hypothesis claims that there is no difference between the two average returns, and Chuck has to believe this until he proves otherwise. Refuting the null hypothesis would require showing statistical significance, which can be found using a variety of tests. If Chuck conducts one of these tests and proves that the difference between his returns and the buy-and-hold returns is significant, he can then refute the null hypothesis. 是指在假设检验的程序中,最初假定为真的假设:如审计人员在抽查企业会计记录时,假定某一资产项目的实际价值等于帐面价值。如通过抽查接受这项假设,但它并不符合实际情况时,即发生第二种错误(type Ⅱ error)。如通过检查拒绝这项假设,但它符合实际情意时,即发生第一种错误(type Ⅰ error) alternative hypothesis 备择假设:是指当原假设被拒绝时,被认为是真的假设。 nullify [nul·li·fy || 'nʌlɪfaɪ] v. 使无效, 取消, 废弃 refute [re·fute || rɪ'fjuːt] v. 驳倒, 反驳 mis- pref. 表示“错, 错误 的, 坏, 误;不; 没; 无 proposition 提议, 建议; 主张;见解【逻】命题;【修】主题;待解的问题; (待证明的)定理 discrete uniform 离散均匀 binomial adj.1.二项(式)的2.双名的, 复名的n.1.二项式2.双名法 univariate adj. 单变量的, 一元的 multivariate adj. 多元, 多(重)变量, 有几个变值 (数学和统计学用语) confidence interval 置信区间 shortfall risk 空头风险 optimal portfolio 最优资产组合 lognormal adj. 【数】对数正态的 historical simulation 历史数据模拟 stratify vt.使成层, 使分层 stratum 层 central limit theorem 中心极限定理/律:统计学的一项基本原理。据此定理,统计抽样的样本量越大,则随机选择的样本平均值越接近于正态分布。 standard error n.标准误差校正过程 desirable property 合乎要求的性质 degree of freedom n.自由度 data mining/snooping 数据挖掘:在没有理论基础或先验支持的情况下,对同一数据进行反复研究和分析,直至找到有价值的发现 data-mining bias 数据挖掘偏差/好:不断重复演算或研究大量资料,直到获利令人满意的重要模型的一种偏好。
Sample Selection Bias 样本选择偏差:如果样本不是随机的,那么得到的结果就不能应用到总体分布,这时就会产生样本选择偏差。
A type of bias caused by choosing non-random data for statistical analysis. The bias exists due to a flaw in the sample selection process, where a subset of the data is systematically excluded due to a particular attribute. The exclusion of the subset can influence the statistical significance of the test, or produce distorted results.
Survivorship Bias 生存偏差:当业绩较差经理退出经营,从基础数据中剔除,只保留业绩较好经理,产生于这种情况下的数据的偏好程度;当既定日期的数据只反映那一日期仍存在的实体的情况时
The tendency for mutual funds with poor performance to be dropped by mutual fund companies, generally because of poor results or low asset accumulation. This phenomenon, which is widespread in the fund industry, results in an overestimation of the past returns of mutual funds. alternative hypothesis 备择/择一假设 test statistic 检验 测试统计 paired comparison test n.一对一比较试验 paired comparisons method n.成对比较法 indicator n.指标 monte carlo simulation n.孟特卡罗模拟法 A problem solving technique used to approximate the probability of certain outcomes by running multiple trial runs, called simulations, using random variables. at most n.至多 quantity n.定量,数量大量多批,量,大量;值;n.数量 tick 记号, 勾号 uppercase adj. 大写字母的 subscript adj. 标在字母[符号]下角的, 写在下角的 n. 脚码[号, 标, 注], 添标, 下标, 下角数码(如H2O的2)
Embedded Option 隐含期权(为其他金融工具不可分割部分的期权安排,与此相反的是与相关证券分开买卖的一般(或单纯)期) 嵌入期权 An option that is an inseparable part of another instrument. Compare this to a normal (or bare) option, which trades separately from the underlying security. cut off v. 切掉, 切断, 删去adj. 切掉, 切断, 删去 retire 1收回(纸币, 债券, 股票等); 付清(证券的本息);2退休 posterior probability 后验概率, 事后概率 prior probability 先验概率, 事前概率 probability mass function 概率质量函数 finite adj.有限的;【语】限定的;【数】有穷的, 有尽的 twofold adj.两倍的,双重的;adv.有两个方面地 dynamics n.动态,动力学,动力
Trading Desk 交易柜台 mirror image 镜像; 映像; 反映; 翻版
Tracking Error 跟踪误差
A divergence between the price behavior of a position or a portfolio and the price behavior of a benchmark. This is often in the context of a hedge or mutual fund that did not work as effectively as intended, creating an unexpected profit or loss instead.
Investopedia Says:
Tracking errors are reported as a "standard deviation percentage" difference. This measure reports the difference between the return you received and that of the benchmark you were trying to imit
Success rate 成功/通过率 critique n.1.批评,批判, 评论; 审定; 检阅;鉴定(on)2.评论文, 短评3. 批评术, 批评法 unmanaged flexibility n.自由浮动 unmanaged 非托管的,不可控的,自由的 transition probability n.转化/蜕变/跃迁 概率up transition probability 上升概率 survival probability 残存几率, 存活率
Binomial Tree 二叉树图
A graphical representation of possible intrinsic values that an option may take at different nodes or time periods. The value of the option depends on the underlying stock or bond, and the value of the option at any node depends on the probability that the price of the underlying asset will either decrease or increase at any given node. potential value 潜在价值 take care to n.一定,务必
Call Option 买入期权(一种协议,给与投资者以特定的价格在特定的时间内购买一种股票、债券、商品或其他金融工具的权力(但并非义务));看涨期权
Ex-Dividend 除息、不带息 recursive n.循环的,递归的, real number n.实数 real line 实线 curve graph n.曲线图 middle line 中线 interest coverage ratio n.盈利对利息之倍数 A ratio used to determine how easily a company can pay interest on outstanding debt. The interest coverage ratio is calculated by dividing a company's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) of one period by the company's interest expenses of the same period: statistical inference n.统计推论/理/断 joint normal distribution 联合正态分布 unit normal distribution 单位正态分布 literally adv. 逐字地, 照字面地; 实在地, 不加夸张地; 正确地; 简直 common stock portfolio 普通股投资组合 mean variance analysis 均值方差分析 expected utility 期望效益/用 utility function 效用函数 quadratic utility function 二次效用函数 quadratic a. 二次的 n. 二次方程式 downside risk 下跌风险 负面风险(对个别证券在市场环境转坏的情况下价格可能下跌幅度的预测)An estimation of a security's potential to suffer a decline in price if the market conditions turn bad. shortfall risk 空头风险 threshold n.临界(值),阈值,门槛 constraint 约束,约束条件, 强制 value at risk 风险价值 analytical method 分析法 分析方法 noteworthy adj.值得注意的, 显著的 taking log 取对数 opposite operation 对立的/反向运算 price relative 相对价格;比价;价格比 unbroken adj. 完整的; 继续的;不间断的,
Investment Horizon 投资期限 The total length of time that an investor will expect to hold any particular security or portfolio. The investment horizon is used to determine the income needs and desired risk exposure of the investor, which is then used to aid in security selection independently and identically distributed 独立相同分布 stationarity n. 固定性, 平稳性, 稳态 michelin 米其林(财富500强公司之一,总部所在地法国,主要经营轮胎橡胶) instantaneous adj. 立即的; 即时的, 同时发生的, 瞬间的 time horizon 时间范围 定期性
The length of time over which an investment is made or held before it is liquidated. Time horizons can range from seconds, in the case of a day trader, all the way up to decades for a buy-and-hold investor. There is no "right" time frame - it depends on the investor's individual objectives. iterative adj. 反复的,重复的,迭代的 adv. iteratively
Iteration 迭代(法),循环,重复 recipen.1. 烹饪法;食谱;配方;制法2【医】处方;照处方配成的药3秘方,秘诀,诀窍,方法
European Option 欧洲式期权
An option that can only be exercised at the end of its life.
American Option 美式期权
An option that can be exercised anytime during its life. The majority of exchange-traded options are American. running tabulation 连续表格 random number generator n.随机号码产生器,随机数发生器 evaluate vt.1. 对...估价, 对...作评价2. 【数】求...的值, 以数目表示
Market Timing 市场时机 market timing ability 市场择时能力 buy-and-hold strategy 买入并持有策略 outline n.提纲,要点,轮廓 cause and effect 因果 有因果关系的 equally likely outcomes 等可能结果 pairwise ad. 对偶地(成对地) unbroken adj. 完整的; 继续的;不间断的,未破的 what if 假设分析
Tick 最小波动幅度
The minimum upward or downward movement in the price of a security. marking to market 以市值计价 stratified random sampling 分层随机抽样 point estimate n.点估计:用作总体参数估计量的值 estimator n.估计量 statistical estimation n.统计估计 pitfall n. 1. 陷阱, 圈套, 诱惑2. 隐蔽的危险, 易犯的错误 simple random sampling 简单随机抽样 sampling plan n.抽样方案 systematic sampling 系统抽样 replication n. 复制 quantifiable a. 可以计量的
Credit Quality 信用质量 cross sectional data n.剖面数据 homogeneous adj.1. 同种的, 同类的, 相似的2. 纯一的, 均质的; 均匀的3. 【数】齐性的, 齐次的 array 数组 阵列 matrix n.矩阵 panel data 固定样本数据 latitude n.纬度 longitude n.经度, 经线 hypothesis n. 假设;前提 pl. -ses shrinkage factor 收缩系/因数;收缩率 practitioner 从业者 lower bound n.下界 integraladj.1. 构成整体所必需的,主要的, 必备的2. 完整的, 整体的; 综合的3. 【数】整的; 积分的; calculus n.微积分 asymptotic a. 渐近线的 asymptote n. 渐近线 degree of confidence 置信度 confidence limit n.置信界限 the level of significance 显著性水平 endpoint n. 端点, 终点 reliability factor 可靠性因子 literature n. 著作; 文学; 文艺 standpoint n. 立场, 看法, 观点 peakedness n.峰度 resemble vt.象; 类似 reprise v重复,重奏n年金,租金 critical value 临界值 outweigh v. 比...为重,比...重要,比...有价值 correction factor n.校正系数,修正系数 out-of-sample test 样本外检验 snoop n. 到处窥视, 私家侦探v. 探听, 偷窃, 调查 snooping n. 窥探者v. 窥伺,打听 plausible adj. 貌似真实的, 貌似有理的; 花言巧语的; 貌似可信的 intergenerational adj. 存在于两代[数代]人之间的 crucial adj. 关键的,决定性的, 重要的,严厉的 cogent a 有说服力的,使人信服的;切实的;有力的 cogency (指论据﹑ 道理等的)说服力; 中肯 dow dividend strategy 道琼斯红利策略 fractured 断裂的 synonym n.同义词 partake v1参与;分享,分担;陪同(吃饭)2 [口]吃光, 喝光3 带有某种性质[特征]等of/ in rationale n.理由,基本原理 income statement n.收益表
Market Failure 市场失灵
An economic term that encompasses a situation where, in any given market, the quantity of a product demanded by consumers does not equate to the quantity supplied by suppliers. This is a direct result of a lack of certain economically ideal factors, which prevents equilibrium. hyper- pref. 表示 “超出”, “过于”, “极度”,
Hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀 hetero- 构词成分 异的,杂的 heterogeneous adj. 驳杂的; 异种的, 异质的; 非均匀的 defunct adj.1. 死了的; (公司)倒闭了的, 已不存在的2. 已废止的, 已失效的3. [the defunct]【律】死人
The condition of a company, whether publicly traded or private, that has gone bankrupt and ceased to exist. If the company was publicly traded, it will be delisted from the exchange where it was listed, and its stock will be worth nothing. financial times 金融时报
Market Capitalization 总市值 anomaly n. 异常,反常;异常的人或物; 不规则 be meant to 应该是,希望是 null hypothesis n.零假设 alternative hypothesis 备择假设 decision rule 决策规则 the power of a test 假设检验的正确性 parametric and nonparametrc test 参与和非参数检验 term stucture of interest rate n.利率的期限结构 gauge n.1. 标准尺寸,标准规格[U][C]2. 测量仪器;规,表,计[C] 3. 大小,程度;范围;容量[U]4. 估计(或判断)方法[C]5. (枪管)的口径;(铁道的)轨距[U][C] 6. (金属板等的)厚度;(钢丝等的)直径[U][C] vt.1. 量,测2. 估计,判断3. 给...定规格 bid and asked n.喊价和要价 rigorous a. 精准的,严厉的,严酷的,严格的 assertion n.1. 主张, 要求, 断言2. 维护, 坚持3. 【数】断定, 命题 focal point 焦点 analogy n. 类似, 相似; 类推, 类比; 比拟; 模拟 trade off n. 权衡(折衷,换位,比较评定,放弃,交换) detract from 减损; 降低 rejection point 拒绝点 抑制点 critical value n.临界值 critical region 判别区域 临界区域 pertinent adj. 相关的, 切题的, 中肯的 statistically significant 统计上显著的 统计性显著 agnostic adj. 【哲】不可知论的n. 不可知论者 chi square n.卡方 x检验法 file away 把...归档(+away)She filed all her letters carefully她把她所有的信件仔细归档。 analysis of variance n.方差分析 robust adj. 强健的; 健全的; 茁壮的; 结实的, 坚固耐用的 稳定性 稳健性 outlier n.门外汉 异常值
Equity Fund 股票资金(投资于范围广泛、多元化股票的共同基金) A mutual fund that invests principally in stocks. It can be actively or passively (index fund) managed. Also known as a "stock fund". verbal n. 准动词adj. 言语的, 逐字的, 口头的 casual clothing 休闲服饰 retail chain n.零售联营 commercial paper 商业本票,商业票据(企业发行的无抵押、短期债务,经常用来筹集应收账款及库存的资金,利率一般低于当时市场利率) An unsecured, short-term debt instrument issued by a corporation, typically for the financing of accounts receivable, inventories and meeting short-term liabilities. Maturities on commercial paper rarely range any longer than 270 days. The debt is usually issued at a discount, reflecting prevailing market interest rates. pooled estimate 合并估计 tip 技巧 seniority n.1. 年长2. 老资格; 资历深; 职位高3服务年限 preponderance n. 重量的优势, 优越, 优势 ponder v. 仔细考虑; 反思, 回想; 衡量; 沉思, 默想; 仔细考虑 mean difference n.平均差 paired observations 对比观察 paired comparisons test 成对比较检验 paired comparisons method n.成对比较法 paired comparison test n.一对一比较试验 triple witching days 三重巫法日 singed-rank test 符号秩次检验
Runs Test 连续检验
A statistical procedure that examines whether a string of data is occurring randomly given a specific distribution. The runs test analyzes the occurrence of similar events that are separated by events that are different. spearman rank correlation 斯皮尔曼等级相关 bivariate adj. 二元的, 二变量的n. 双变数 depart from 1. 离开; 从...出发2. 违反; 背离 in place of 代替 power of a test 假设检验的正确性 检定的功效 检验的势 indices n.目录,指数,符号,索引 indices index 的复数

index n. 索引, 指数, 指针 v. 编入索引中; 指出 in contrast with/to 和...形成对比[对照] contend v. 奋斗, 竞争, 斗争; 为...斗争; 坚决主张, 声称 philosophy n. 哲学, 原理, 人生观
Fundamental Analysis 基本面分析(通过计算股票的内在价值评估其价值的方法。基本面分析员研究的范围从总体经济和行业环境以至公司本身的财务状况及管理) A method of evaluating a security by attempting to measure its intrinsic value by examining related economic, financial and other qualitative and quantitative factors. Fundamental analysts attempt to study everything that can affect the security's value, including macroeconomic factors (like the overall economy and industry conditions) and individually specific factors (like the financial condition and management of companies). The end goal of performing fundamental analysis is to produce a value that an investor can compare with the security's current price in hopes of figuring out what sort of position to take with that security (underpriced = buy, overpriced = sell or short).
This method of security analysis is considered to be the opposite of technical analysis. intrinsic value 内在价值;固有价值 1. The actual value of a company or an asset based on an underlying perception of its true value including all aspects of the business, in terms of both tangible and intangible factors. This value may or may not be the same as the current market value. Value investors use a variety of analytical techniques in order to estimate the intrinsic value of securities in hopes of finding investments where the true value of the investment exceeds its current market value. 2. For call options, this is the difference between the underlying stock's price and the strike price. For put options, it is the difference between the strike price and the underlying stock's price. In the case of both puts and calls, if the respective difference value is negative, the instrinsic value is given as zero.
1. 一家公司或一种资产根据隐含价值概念评估的价值
2. 对于买入期权,相等于相关股票价格与行使价格之间的差额。对于出售期权,相等于行使价格与相关股票价格之间的差额。若相关股票价格与行使价格的差额为负数,则内在价值为零,这适用于买回及出售期权 whereas conj. 然而; 鉴于; 反之
Insider 内幕人士 Any person who has knowledge of, or access to, valuable nonpublic information about a corporation. 拥有或可接触公司有价值的非公开信息的任何人士 bandwagon n. 乐队花车; 流行 wherein adv. 在何处, 在其中 espouse v. 支持, 赞成, 嫁娶 generally accepted accounting principles n.公认会计原理;n.公认会计原则 much less n.更不用说,何况; 更少; 不及 psychological factor 心理因素
Goodwill 商誉 An account that can be found in the assets portion of a company's balance sheet. Goodwill can often arise when one company is purchased by another company. In an acquisition, the amount paid for the company over book value usually accounts for the target firm's intangible assets. quantifiable adj. 可以计量的 nonquantifiable adj不可能计量的 better off 景况较佳; 更有余裕 be tied up 被缠住的, 有要务在身的, 对某事有责任的 tie up 阻碍 n.用来捆扎的东西,停泊处,停止活动 reticent adj.沉默寡言的, 缄默的, 有保留的, 含蓄的(of, about, on) be reticent about [on] the matter对该问题保持沉默 be reticent of one's opinion有保留意见 random walk n.随机漫步/步行法 empirical test 经验检验 self-fulfilling 自我实现的/(预言)等本身自然会实现的 technical trading 技术交易规则
Trough 波谷
The stage of the economy's business cycle that marks the end of a period of declining business activity and the transition to expansion. break through 突破 astute adj. 机敏的; 狡猾的 contrary opinion rules 反市场操作观点 cash position 现金头寸 impending adj.(常指不快之事)逼近的, 即将发生的, 紧急的
Put-Call Ratio 买入-出售比率 A ratio of the trading volume of put options to call options. It is used to gauge investor sentiment. 出售期权与买入期权交易量的比率,用作评估市场的投资气氛 pervasive adj. 普遍的; 遍布的;渗透的; 弥漫的; 无处不在的 the smart money 聪明资金 confidence index 信心指数
Yield Spread 收益率差额/价 The difference between yields on differing debt instruments, calculated by deducting the yield of one instrument from another. The higher the yield spread, the greater the difference between the yields offered by each instrument. The spread can be measured between debt instruments of differing maturities, credit ratings and risk. momentum indicator 动量指标 general trend n.总趋势 overhang vt. (-hung)1. 悬于...之上; 突出于...之上2.(危险、灾难等)逼近; 威胁 rebound 回升;反弹 speculate vi.1. 沉思, 思索, 揣想, 设想, 推测(about, on, upon)2. 投机(in) vt. 对(有风险的事业)投资
Polarized Fractal Efficiency (PFE) 极化分形效率指标 A technical indicator developed by Hans Hannula that was invented to determine price efficiency over a user-defined time period. This indicator fluctuates between -100 and +100 with 0 as the center line. Securities with a PFE greater than zero are deemed to be trending up, while a reading of less than zero indicates the trend is down. group charts 行业级别 point and figure charts 圈叉图 period of consolidation 盘整期 巩固期
Nikkei 日经指数 roller-coaster 过山车
Intraday 当天的 Another way of saying "within the day". Intraday price movements are particularly important to short-term traders looking to make many trades over the course of a single trading session. The term intraday is occasionally used to describe securities that trade on the markets during regular business hours, such as stocks and ETFs, as opposed to mutual funds, which must be bought from a dealer. commensurate adj.1. 同量的,同大的,同单位的(with)2. 相称的,相当的;成(适当)比例的(to; with); 能通约的3. 匹配的,配比的 yield to vt.服从,弯曲,凹进 exacerbate vt.1. 使(病等)加重[恶化], 使(痛苦等)加深2. 激怒; 使烦恼 necessitate vt.1. 使成为必需; 使需要2. [主要用于被动式]迫使 -tation n. 迫使,被迫 tangential adj. 切线的, 正切的, 相切的 tangency n. 接触;【数】正切, 切线 algorithm n. 【数】算法; 运算法则; (数学用语) 算题的每步过程 (通常包括重复步骤)
Hurdle Rate 最低预期回报率 The minimum amount of return that a person requires before they will make an investment in something. 投资者进行投资要求的最低回报率 bimodal adj.【统】(分布曲线)双峰的; 双模态的bimodal distribution【统】双峰分布 trait n. 特色, 特性, 品质 magnitude n [U] 1(通常指大的)量, 大小:2重要; 重要性; 重要程度 crunch vt.发嘎吱嘎吱声,摩擦,压过;n.嘎吱嘎吱声,摩擦 mechanics n. 力学; 机械学; 技术; (制做的或操作的)过程, 手法, 技巧 the nominal(stated) rate 名义利率 compound value 复利本利和,复利终值
Good money 好钱 Bad money 坏钱 All bad 全部一团糟 every lesson learned by the hard way 每一个教训都是以很痛苦的方式获得 wishful thinking 一厢情愿的想法 Breakeven point盈亏平衡点

Collapse 崩盘 sophisticated investors 理性的投资者 Cut loss 止损 grind out 用功做出
The Impact of Investment Horizon on the Optimal Portfolio Selection
~ (sth) (into sth) (使事物)联合或合并 pertain [pə(ː)ˈtein]vi.1. 属于, 附属(to)2. 关于, 有关(to)3. 适合, 相配(to) n.附属 cross section 横截面,横断面 weighted mean n.加权平均数
a.k.a.=also known as 又名,亦称 over and over 再三 bullet 一次还本贷款
Semivariance 半方差
A measure of the dispersion of all observations that fall below the mean or target value of a data set. Semivariance is an average of the squared deviations of values that are less than the mean. The formula for semivariance is as follows:


Where: n = the total number of observations below the mean rt = the observed value average = the mean or target value of the data set
die [dai]vi. 死亡, 消逝, 平息, 熄灭, 漠然, 渴望vt. 死n. 骰子, 冲模 dice [dais]n. [die的复数, 在口语中亦可用作单数] (pl. dice, dices)骰子;掷骰子游戏 vt.切成丁 cumbersome [ˈkʌmbəsəm]adj.1. 麻烦的2. 不方便的, 笨重的 obscure [əbˈskjuə] a.不著名的;费解的 vt.使变模糊,掩盖 flip [flip] vt.快速翻动;轻抛;轻拍 n.轻抛 a.轻浮的 toss [tɔs] v./ n.扔;猛抬(头);掷钱币决定 contingent upon 视...而定 put option 认沽期权;看跌期权 An option contract giving the owner the right, but not the obligation, to sell a specified amount of an underlying security at a specified price within a specified time. This is the opposite of a call option, which gives the holder the right to buy shares. boldface ['bәuldfeis] n. 黑体字, 粗体铅字 correlation coefficient n.相关系数 correlation 相关 tedious [ˈti:diəs] a.乏味的,单调的,冗长的 redundant [ri'dʌndәnt] a. 多余的, 过剩的, 过多的, 冗长的 sprinter n.短跑运动员 短跑选手
Roy’s safety-first criterion Roy安全第一原则
Binomial Distribution 二项式分布
A probability distribution that summarizes the likelihood that a value will take one of two independent values under a given set of parameters or assumptions. The underlying assumptions of the binomial distribution are that there is only one outcome for each trial, that each trial has the same probability of success and that each trial is mutually exclusive. pairwise disjoint set n.两两不相交集 pairwise independence n.两两独立 pairwise orthogonal n.两两正交 orthogonal [ɔːˈθɔɡənl]adj.1. 直角的; 互相垂直的; 正交的2. (统计数学)互不相关的3.
矩形的an orthogonal section正(交)剖面 n. 波向线
-wise suff 后缀 (with ns forming adjs and advs 与名词结合构成形容词和副词)
[pic]in the manner or direction of 以某方式﹑ 方法或沿某方向: likewise * clockwise * anti-clockwise * lengthwise.
[pic](infml 口) with reference to; as far as sth is concerned 关於; 在某方面: businesswise * weatherwise * profitwise. spike [spaik] n. 长钉, 鞋钉, 钉状物, 尖峰状物, 穗vt. 以大钉钉牢, 用尖物刺穿, 阻止, 弃置不用计] 尖峰信号[医] 峰, 峰形(示波图中); 穗状花序spiked a. 有穗的adj. 短粗刺状(的) hypothesis testing n.假设测算 perspective [pəˈspektiv] n.视角,观点;远景;透视画法,透视图 resulting [计] 结果的, 合成的 commit [kəˈmit] vt.犯(错误等),干(蠢事等);调拨…供使用; 对...作出保证; 承诺; 把...提交给; 把...押交[拘留, 判处]. commit oneself on 对...表态 commit oneself to 委身于, 专心致志于 turn out [ˌtə:n ˈaut] 结果是;关掉,旋熄;制造;驱逐
Value Stock 价值股票
A stock that tends to trade at a lower price relative to it's fundamentals (i.e. dividends, earnings, sales, etc.) and thus considered undervalued by a value investor. Common characteristics of such stocks include a high dividend yield, low price-to-book ratio and/or low price-to-earnings ratio.
stumble [stum·ble || 'stʌmbl]n. 绊倒, 失策v. 绊倒, 失策, 失足; 使绊倒, 使困惑 stumble upon [on, across] 偶然找到, 无意中发现, 偶然碰见[发现] systematically adv. 有系统地; 有计划地; 有组织地; 有条不紊地 finite variance 有限方差 allow for 考虑到

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Working Students

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