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Dred Scott Case Essay

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Born into a family of slaves in Virginia, Dred Scott eventually became the slave of Dr. Emerson in Missouri. Emerson later took Scott to Illinois, which was a free state prohibiting slavery. In 1836, Emerson was reassigned to the Wisconsin territory, another free part of the United States. When filing the case of illegally being kept enslaved in free land according to the still-valid Missouri Compromise, Scott ultimately lost at the Missouri Supreme Court Level, since access to free land didn't symbolize freedom to slaves (“Dred Scott Case”). As a result of this outcome, Scott decided to then take his case to the United States Supreme Court, where he lost again. The Supreme Court further stated how Scott shouldn’t have been permitted to file this case as they weren’t citizens and also deemed the Missouri Compromise as unconstitutional (“Dred Scott Case”). The court said Scott wasn’t a citizen of Missouri because according to the Declaration of Independence, people imported as slaves or their descendants, whether they were free or not, were not intended to be included (Taney 1857). In other words, slaves were considered inferior and property that can’t be taken away from citizens under the terms of the …show more content…
This ruling further divided the nation and fueled the fierce of Northerners who argued that “it was both a violation of the principles of liberty that are the foundation of the United States and a victory of slave states over free states” (Taney 1857). To Northerners, the ruling was unfair and unconstitutional in taking away blacks’ citizenship, as to clearly display defeat of abolitionists. The case was distinguished as it evidently proved the view of the federal government on the issue of slavery, and inflamed contradiction surrounding this divisive

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