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Social Impact In Hidden City

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AHGR610 - Veronica Scarpellino August 7, 2014 “Hidden City: A Study in Social Impact and a Living City”
Over the past few decades the concept of social impact has continued to gained traction as the new imperative across all industries. Artists and art organizations, too, seek to affect their communities in positive ways. How this is achieved is being experimented with daily, and an interesting endeavor takes shape in Philadelphia in the form of Hidden City, an organization that puts a spotlight on forgotten or neglected places. I will explore examples of this organization that bridge the past and present, examine why Hidden City’s approach resonates in Philadelphia, identify what impact it has on the community, ponder evidence of success, and consider whether it can be categorized as art.
Philadelphia is a city of living history in a manner that does not necessitate reference to historic reenactments, but in a way …show more content…
Recent posts examine archaic and intriguing insignia on old buildings, touch on racial strife, revisit significant and former Philadelphians, feature architectural preservation and break other redevelopment news throughout the city.
At the inception of Hidden City in 2009, the inaugural festival was held in nine heritage sites, where over 100 artists participated in exposing the public to long-forgotten places using visual arts, music and performance. Locations included The Armory, Metropolitan Opera House, Founder's Hall at Girard College and Disston Saw Works, amongst others.
Philadelphia City Paper recognized Hidden City Festival with the Paper Choice Award, saying, "Hidden City... has produced a new monument to the Philadelphia art scene, indeed, one that deserves credit on a far wider scale... It is hard to recall an artistic endeavor in Philadelphia that has generated as much stimulation and buzz as Hidden

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