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Best Practice Appraisal

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1. Antonio, T Conrad, K 2013, ‘Clinical and economic improvements in pressure injury care at Ballarat Health Services’, Wound Practice and Research, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 4-10.
·Aim: This article was with the purpose of investigating the prevalence of pressure injury at Ballarat Health Services (BHS) and examining the following changes in clinical and economic outcomes associated to pressure injuries as a result of utilizing the Wound Care Improvement (WCI) program.
·Research design and method: This research used a qusi-experimental design. Firstly, a baseline assessment was done in August 2009 at BHS to collect the data of pressure injury point prevalence, knowledge and abilities of the staff, demographics of patients and the condition of pressure …show more content…
Barker, A Kamar, J Tyndall, T White, L Hutchinson, A Klopfer, N & Weller, C 2013, ‘Implementation of pressure ulcer prevention best practice recommendations in acute care: an observational study’, International Wound Journal, vol. 10, pp. 313-320.
·Aim: The aim of this article was to determine whether application of an evidence-based pressure ulcer prevention program has trimmed the prevalence of hospital-acquired pressure injuries and to decide if best protocol guideline are being applied as part of regular nursing jobs at The Northern Hospital (TNH) which is an acute hospital in Melbourne.
·Research design and method: This research is an observational cohort study. 1045 adult inpatients of TNH were collected as samples to get the data of hospital-acquired pressure ulcer prevalence in 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 and 2011. While, for the implementation of best practice guideline recommendations, it was evaluated by three practice standards include (1) nurse compliance with pressure ulcer prevention documentation, (2) accuracy of pressure ulcer risk assessment scoring and (3) use of prevention strategies. For the standard 1, data were collected from 4368 patient medical record between 2003 and 2011. While, for the standard 2 and 3, data were collected from a consecutive sample of 270 patients admitted to TNH over a 3-week period in December 2008. Moreover, 2 professional nurses were selected to do the risk assessment of pressure injury and the determination of strategies with the usual-care nurses. Furthermore, the comparisons was made by using Cohen’s kappa statistic (κ) as a statistic measure to analyze the accuracy of the usual-care nurses’

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