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Best Practices for Online Teaching


Submitted By castrom180
Words 1367
Pages 6
Based on the course readings and discussions as well as other sources, present best practices for online teaching.

Use a Web 2.0 tool of your choice to address best practices for online teaching. You are welcome to write a 2-3 page paper instead of using a Web 2.0 tool. Your presentation/product should address 2-3 key points. You should focus on methods for engaging students in complex content as well as guiding students to higher order thinking skills. Use Rubrics B-E and J-K of iNACOL National Standards of Quality for Online Teaching as criteria of effective teaching. Use specific examples to illustrate each key point (these may be examples with real technologies and real content). Cite and reference all sources using APA.
Standard B - The online teacher understands and is able to use a range of technologies, both existing and emerging, that effectively support student learning and engagement in the online environment.
Standard E - The online teacher models, guides, and encourages legal, ethical, and safe behavior related to technology use.
Standard J - The online teacher interacts in a professional, effective manner with colleagues, parents, and other members of the community to support students’ success.
Standard K- The online teacher arranges media and content to help students and teachers transfer knowledge most effectively in the online environment
The use of web 2.0 tools appeals to instructors and teachers on a regular brick-and-mortar classroom and also in an online environment. Millions of lesson plans are developed every day around the world that aims to incorporate technology to instruction not only as a medium but also as a focus. In this class, long lists of web 2.0 tools were shared aimed to educate k-12 teachers on the wonders of online teaching and the incorporation of technology to the practice.
There is no

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