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Swot Analysis 5.1

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Assignment 5 - "The 'Secondary Understand how to evaluate your own inclusive practice.

5.1 Review the effectiveness of inclusive practice. A (400 words minimum) SWOT analysis will allow me to identify gaps in my own practice in regard to ensuring inclusive practice. SWOT analysis highlights strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (Teoli, Sanvictores and An, 2024). In turn, conducting my own analysis, has allowed me to identify weaknesses that can be transformed into strengths and threats into opportunities. For example, I am effective in identifying and ensuring the individual needs of the students in the class are met. For example, I was able to identify that a student with ASD was finding writing activities anxiety inducing, which …show more content…
In addition, I introduced additional technology-based learning, such as allowing the student to use a laptop, enrolling them on a touch-typing course and utilising online learning platforms, such as My Maths and Minecraft Education. A weakness I identified includes highlighting multi-cultural examples within the content of sessions. In turn, when developing resources, I ensured to include names of people from different countries, photographs of a range of individuals from different ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs and disabilities, and explained further that others from different backgrounds may have differing opinions than our own. Engaging learners in formal and informal evaluation processes aids the development of inclusive practice. This is because students are the focus of any learning programme; their input and review about the level of inclusive practice is most valuable. Involving more students would benefit the overall evaluation, so ensuring the evaluations are adapted to the individual student needs allows for increased input. Therefore, I implemented a survey of the pupils I teach, asking them to identify their individual needs and what strategies would support their learning in the

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