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Describe How Practices That Support Equality And Diversity Analysis

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1.1 Explain what is meant by diversity, equality, inclusion and discrimination. Diversity means that no two people are the same, and everyone is unique. It means that everyone’s differences need to be recognised and celebrated, including their beliefs, abilities, backgrounds, preferences and values. Equality means treating everyone with the same respect, offering them the same rights and opportunities, no matter who they are or what they believe. Inclusion means that everyone regardless of their differences/ diversity are included and respected. Discrimination is a prejudicial and unfair practice, especially against people who are protected by the 9 characteristics of the Equality Act. For example, race, disability, sexual orientation are a few.

1.2 Describe ways in which …show more content…
Other forms of discrimination may include stereotyping, labelling or prejudice about a group of people. These actions can lead to unequal treatment and negatively impact the well-being and trust of clients." 1.3 Explain how practices that support equality and inclusion reduce the likelihood of discrimination. By respecting and observing the correct practices in the workplace, everyone should be treated with the same respect and rights as others. Being aware of every client’s belief, religion and preferences and reading each individual care plan shows good practice. Using a person-centred approach can reduce the likelihood of discrimination. 2.3 Describe how to challenge discrimination in a way that encourages change. Prevention is always better than the cure, by delivering effective training to new carers we can ensure carers have the correct approach to the care we provide. Continuous training and updates on policies and procedures is important to keep the quality of care high and therefore reduces the likelihood of discrimination. Offering suggestions and asking questions can be a

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