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Mkt Plan


Submitted By hanchaolaogong
Words 4434
Pages 18
1.0 Introduction: the background of Youngcare

“Youngcare was established in 2005 following the inspirational story of one woman’s battle to find relevant and dignified care” (youngcare, 2010)Youngcare is a not-for-profit sector in Australia, youngcare is a charity which takes care of young adults who have no choices and who is disable to take care of themselves. There are 7,500 young adults lived in Youngcare, however, 700,000 young adults are being cared at home. (Youngcare, 2010)
Youngcare’s work is try to improve people’s awareness of high-care needs, looking for donations for the funds as well as manpower, lobbying to government for policy change and system update, and try to provide better and high quality services. (Youngcare, 2010)
The Youngcare provide care, apartment, and services for the disable young people. Nowadays, youngcare try to expand their services, they decide to build sets of department for young people in different places in Australia. Thus, Youngcare need more donations, funds as well as manpower which can help them to realize their goals. On the other hand, the funds and manpower is still a big problem. How to attract consumers donate to Youngcare, is still need to do more analysis and researches. (Youngcare, 2010)

2.0 SWOT analysis

2.1 Definition of SWOT:

SWOT analysis includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The internal factors to the organizations are the strengths and weaknesses, however, the external factors are the opportunities and threats. The internal factors the organization can control directly, on the other hand, external factors the organization cannot control directly. “The SWOT analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the firm’s resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates.” (QuickMBA, 2010) through analysis the SWOT, the companies try to enhance the strengths, overcome the weaknesses, utilize the opportunities and avoid the threats. (QuickMBA, 2010) “A firm’s strengths are its resources and capabilities that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage.” (QuickMBA, 2010) The strengths are the works that organization do well, which customer like it, and do better than competitors. “The absence of certain strengths may be viewed as a weakness” (QuickMBA, 2010) the weaknesses are the works that organization does not do well, which customer complain it. “Opportunities are factors that are potentially helpful to achieving the organization’s objectives.” (Elliott & Rundle-Thiele, 2012) Opportunities are the factors that organization cannot control directly, and it maybe become the strengths to organizations if put more efforts. “Threats are factors that are potentially harmful to the organization’s effort to achieve its objectives” (Elliott & Rundle-Thiele, 2012) threats are what the competitors do better than your organizations and the trend may emerging your organization’s development.

2.2 Youngcare’s SWOT The Youngcare is a not-for-profit organization, and do charity in Australia. According to the background of the Youngcare, Youngcare has several strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. In the following paragraph I will show the SWOT table and also to explain the SWOT for Youngcare.

Strengths 1. many volunteers 2. Award-one of the best charity in Australia 3. The aim of Yongcare is positive 4. Potential charity-double funds after 1 year | Weaknesses 1. Need more support (financial & manpower) 2. Lack of research-do not know customer 3. Limited marketing budget 4. Tight timeframe | Opportunities 1. Raise awareness for consumer 2. Tie up with corporate or industry ask them for support 3. Striving to meet their goals 4. Try to build sets of apartments in Australia other place. 5. Analysis consumers, do STP | Threats 1. Competitors: local charities, not-for-profit organizations not focus on charity. 2. Consumers’ purchasing decisions 3. The donation use for other need in Australia. |

A) Strengths:

1. Many volunteers.
Youngcare is a not-for-profit organization, do charity for young adults; therefore, they need many volunteers with unpaid work. Youngcare attract many volunteers without pay them, this means Youngcare is successful. Their advertising, branding, and spirits are accepted by the society. That is the reason many volunteers coming for help without any payable. (Youngcare, 2010)

2. Youngcare Award
Youngcare is one of the best charities in Australia; it helps and takes care of young people who cannot take care of themselves. Nowadays, 7,500 young people in Australia, who require high needs, living in the Youngcare. Furthermore, 700,000 young people were being cared at their home by their family and friends. (Youngcare, 2010) According to these facts, we can see that young people and their parents believe the Youngcare and want to require their services, the young people and their parents love there.

3. The aim of the Youngcare
According to the background of Youngcare, they try to “provide hope, possibility and dignity for injured/high-care Australia” (Youngcare, 2010) Youngcare is a not-for-profit organization, the works and things what Youngcare do is for charity. Youngcare provide apartments for the young people who really need high care, they provide professional care, services for them. Moreover, they take the responsibilities for the young people, who are disabling to take care of themselves. As we can see from their aims and purposes, Youngcare’s spirits and purposes are positive and meaningful, and other charities do not have these special cares and services.

4. Potential organization-funds double in two years
As we can see form the background of Youngcare, during the first year, the funds which Youngcare generated is only 2 million, for these funds it is less than 1% of the total funds for not-for-profit organization in Australia. However, in the following year, the total funds become 5.1 million, become double; it means the market growth becoming double in the two years. Thus, the youngcare’s marketing skills are improved in that two years and their spirits are accepted by more people, improve their popularity and attract more consumers as well as corporates donate for the Youngcare organization.

B) Weakness:

1. Need more supports (financial & manpower)
Youngcare established in the year 2005, during these 5-6 years, although they have many volunteers and many funds from society, they still need more volunteers and financial finds. It is because many young people in Australia need help, and the Youngcare need more volunteers to help them and to take care of them. Furthermore, Youngcare now is famous in Australia, and the Youngcare try to expend their helps and services in different place, because more and more people need their helps in different place in Australia. On the other hand, there are not enough donations to support their ideals.

2. Lack of doing research (customers)
The customers of the Youngcare are the persons or corporates who donate for them. Lack of financial funds is actually lack of doing research for customer. As we all know that if the organization want to attract the customer, first of all, they have to analysis their customer, the Youngcare organization do research for customers, but not enough.

3. Limited marketing budget
Youngcare organization is the not-for-profit organization, so it actually does not have any income. However, the Youngcare have to publicize their workings and spirits which used to attract their customer donate for them, let them have more funds to do their work. In these situations, the Youngcare have to spend some money for their marketing budgets. But the Youngcare is unaided organizations, not link with industry, other not-for-profit competitor who can help Youngcare share their marketing spend.

4. Tight timeframe
Youngcare try to provide best services and cares for young adults in Australia, 7,500 young people need high care, more young people need more care, however, the volunteers for Youngcare is not enough. Therefore, for the volunteers in Youngcare, their time is limited and the timeframe are tight for volunteers as well as for young people.

C) Opportunities:

1. Raise consumers’ awareness.
Nowadays, consumers prefer to buy the things can really touch it or spend for experience (like buy food, go shopping or travelling) rather than spend money for doing charity. The Youngcare try to raise awareness of consumers, to show them that doing charity is a very meaningful thing, and to publicize the Youngcare’s spirits. Raise consumers’ awareness can help Youngcare generate more funds as well as the manpower

2. Tie up with corporate/industry
The Youngcare try their best to tie up with the famous corporates or industries in Australia or other countries, which can do supports for them. If the Youngcare get their helps, they share marketing budget with the support corporates and industry, the problem of funds also solved. With the help of big and famous corporates and industries, the Youngcare can do every activity easily.

3. Striving to meet their goals
The Youngcare try their best to realize their goals, include raising awareness for people need more care, finding more supports (financial & manpower), lobbying with government policy and take care of young people. They try to preform best, to realize their goals. Therefore, can attract people’s eyes and realize more supports.

4. Build more apartments
“Youngcare has managed to build sets of apartments for young adults in Queensland; the organization is aiming to build more apartments in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane in upcoming years.” (Youngcare, 2010) Youngcare try to establish more aged care in different places in Australia, it is an opportunity for them to transmit their spirits and attracts more people doing charity, and can take care of more young people in different places.

5. Analysis customer-doing STP
According to analysis, women, wealthier people, and people without children do more charity than others. If the Youngcare focus on those people to attract them to donate for Youngcare, they can realize more funds

D) Threats:

1. Competitors
The Youngcare organization has many competitors, like the Red Cross, McGrath foundation; as well as the not-for-profit organization who do not focus on charity (school, sporting team). If the competitors put more efforts on marketing design, they will attract more customers and share the funds with Youngcare organization

2. Consumers’ purchasing decisions
According to research, consumers prefer to buy food, clothes, shoes, bag, fit for their physical needs as well as psychological needs (travelling, watch movie), rather than spend money making donations. That is the reason why the Youngcare still lack of funds.

3. External factors
Australia has many natural disasters, like rainstorm, drought, earthquake, revolving storm, and so on. Sometimes, the disasters are harmful. The government appropriates funds and the volunteers; moreover the customers will also make donations for the disaster people. With the influence of financial crisis, AUD devaluation, government has less money to appropriate for the charity.

The Youngcare organization have many strengths, opportunities, however, it still have many weaknesses and threats. The Youngcare organization should keep their strengths, solve their problems, do something to develop their opportunities, and consider their threats. On the following paragraph, I will focus on how to solve such problems.

3.0 Recommendations: The Youngcare is a not-for-profit organization, and it has many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. According to analysis the SWOT for Youngcare before, we have to keep their strengths, solve their problems, develop their opportunities, and avoid their threats. Therefore, the following paragraph, I will focus on how respond to the SWOT in Youngcare. Giving some recommendations for them, help the Youngcare organization realize their goals.

4.1 How to keep Strengths

The strengths of the Youngcare is that the organization established in the year 2005, during this 5, 6 years, the organization already accepted by the public, many volunteers coming for help and more funds. What the Youngcare needs to do is to keep their strengths, thus the Youngcare should to keep their exist volunteers and the customers, the Youngcare should always thanks for them, the Youngcare can hold the Thanks event, thanks for the people who support and help them. Furthermore, the Youngcare can publicize those persons’ or organizations’ helps and supports on their website, newspaper, radio, and TV, show to public what they are doing now are very meaningful. This is the way to keep the customers and volunteers, and let them feel that doing charity is a very meaningful thing. Furthermore, the Youngcare has to training their staff, because their marketing skills, they can get the donations doubly in years.

4.2 How to solve Weaknesses

According to the weaknesses which I summary from the background of the Youngcare, the main weakness is the Youngcare need more support, not only the funds but also the manpower. Furthermore, the Youngcare organization does less research about their customers.

A) Lack of support (funds & manpower)

Lack of support, it is because the Youngcare organization established in the year 2005, from now on it is only 6 year old, and the Youngcare only in Australia, thus not all people know the Youngcare. So the donations and manpower are not enough.
As far as I am concerned, the first thing Youngcare need to do is to publicize their spirits, to show persons that they are the not-for-profit organization which provide services and take care of disable young adults, provide hopes, possibilities for them. For example: the Youngcare can show some DVs to customers, let them see how volunteers help disable young people, and can cover the disable young people who lived in young care asking them show experience, or asking the volunteers show their experiences and so on. With the spirits publicized, the consumers will notice that doing donations for the Youngcare is very meaningful and very touching. Furthermore, more volunteers will come for help without any paying.
Secondly, sometimes the donations still not enough, the Youngcare need more donations for their public welfare undertaking. The Youngcare can publicize their spirits for the corporate (for profit) as well as the industry. Show them the spirits of the Youngcare, asking them making donations, or provide apartments, food, education, facilities. The Youngcare has to show the corporates and industry that they are one of the best not-for-profit organizations, and If the corporates and the industry make donations for the Youngcare, they realize the corporates’ responsibilities, and set a good example for other corporates as well as customers. Thus, the Youngcare has to tie up with the corporates or industry, which can provide those helps.
Last but not at least, the Youngcare can consult the ideas from their competitors, like Red Cross, McGrath Foundation. For example, the Red Cross has their own charity shops, which sells clothes, shoes, and so on designed and made by themselves. Moreover, the Red Cross members try to recycling the old phones. These are all the way to realize the fundraising and manpower coming.

B) Lack of marketing budget

The Youngcare also lack of marketing budget, the main reason is the Youngcare still lack of support which is for their marketing. Although the Youngcare has their own website as well as their own Facebook, their popularity stills not enough. According to this problem, the Youngcare organization needs to do some drumbeating to show people and get more supports; however, the marketing budget is not enough.
Therefore, the Youngcare organization has to tie up with media for free reports or tie up with the competitors like Red Cross share the spending with them. Furthermore, the Youngcare can hold some important evens which tie up with their support corporates or helpful media. Just like the Red Cross, they hold the events like: hungry for 10 hours for African people.

C) Lack of consumers’ research

The main reason for less support is the Youngcare organization did not do enough researches for the customers, the people who may make donations for them. According to the background, we already notice that the consumers prefer to buy the things what they can really touch, used and felt it rather than make donations. In my opinion, the Youngcare can do STP (segmentation, target market, and positioning). First, the Youngcare can segment the donation market by “demography”, like male & female, adults & children, western country & eastern country, family with children & DINK, wealthier people & poorer people and son on. According to the research, women do more donations than men, DINK families do more donations than family with children, and wealthier people do more donations than poorer people.
Therefore, the target marketing is the persons who are women, family without children, and wealthier people. The Youngcare have to focus on those people. Focus on publicize the spirits of Youngcare for them; publicize the young people’s stories who lived in the Youngcare, asking them look through their website and Facebook.
Lastly, the Youngcare have to do positioning, the Youngcare is a not-for-profit organization, so the positioning needs to do economically, and it can be the potato that the disable young people together with all volunteers. When the customers see it, they will feel very touching, meaningful, they will make more donations.

3.3 How to develop Opportunities:

A) Raise consumers’ awareness

The Youngcare organization tries to raise the consumers’ donation awareness, once the consumers’ awareness change and improve, thus there are more consumers make donations for the Youngcare. As far as I am concerned, raise the consumers is very important, it is the base for making donation. Publicize the spirits of Youngcare and the meaningful of making donations by using internet, newspaper, radio, television, and ext. Furthermore, the volunteers also can hold the presentations in public place, like in school, on the street, in the hospital and many places, where have many people.

B) Get the support from corporate or industry

The Youngcare organization tries their best to tie up with for-profit corporates as well as some industries. This is an opportunity for Youngcare, because the Youngcare need their help. According to the corporates and industry support, the Youngcare need to utilize their support to realize more funds as well as manpower. In my opinion, the Youngcare organization needs to hold a good-sized event, like bring into play young persons’ talent who lived in Youngcare. Some disable young people cannot take care of themselves, but they are genius, some may be well in painting, some may be well in designing, some may prefer DIY, come may prefer acting and so on. During that event the disable young people can show their masterpiece to the society, like painting, designing, DIY, maybe the potential customer like it and buy it, it is one way of fund-raising. On the other hand, the most important of holding this event is to raising making donation awareness and publicize the Youngcare to the public.

C) Try to realize their goals

The Youngcare try their best to realize their goals, and they put many efforts in it. This is also an opportunity for the Youngcare; their goals are to provide hopes, possibilities, cares and services for the young adults; realize more funds and manpower; lobbying with government for change policy; continuing to provide more facilities and keep doing research on young people with different care needs. In my opinion, Youngcare should keep on doing these goals, however, the Youngcare can put goal what they really achieved already online or on newspaper, show it to the public, to prove that they are responsible for the young people. The potential customers or the corporates can follow it and consider to giving donations for the Youngcare.

D) Try to build more apartments The Youngcare managed to build a set of buildings, apartments for young adults in Queensland, and aiming to build more apartments in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane in the future. The Youngcare try to provide more cares and services for the young adults in different place in Australia.
As far as I am concerned, firstly, before the Youngcare organization establish in these places, they have to analysis the macro-environment in those place, especially the percentage young adults who cannot take care of themselves, the potential consumers’ donation awareness and the education level (the higher the education, the more donation will make) Secondly, the Youngcare have to try to persuade the corporates and industry (for-profit), realize their supports, using their auspice to build more apartments and provide more facilities. Moreover, publicize the Youngcare purpose online, newspaper, magazine, on TV ask the public for raising funds as far as possible. Thirdly, the Youngcare have to see the young people who cannot take care of themselves, and talk to them, because some young people do not want come for help, the Youngcare need to some work to change their awareness.

E) Do research on customers The Youngcare organization did research on the potential customer, according the research they realized that women make more donations than men; wealthier people make more donations than poorer people; and DINK families make more donations than families who got children. From my point of view, the Youngcare organization has to focus on women, DINK families, and wealthier people. The Youngcare can publicize their purpose to the Women’s Federation, can do corporate with them, and holds the presentation to all members; also can publicized to the white collar, can published some Youngcare’s stories on the magazine which white collar prefer to buy.

3.4 How to avoid Threats

A) Many competitors

The Youngcare has many competitors, like Red Cross, McGrath Foundation ext. focus on doing charity, as well as the not-for-profit organization which not focus on charity, like schools, sporting team and so on. The government or the people do donations will also consider these organizations, the Youngcare share the donation with these organizations, and thus, the funds and manpower are still not enough. In order to get more donations from public, the Youngcare should put more efforts on publication. First of all the Youngcare should add itself to “Facebook, Gather, MySpace and other social networking sites to potentially inform thousands of people of your spirit and your fund-raising activities.” (Aaron Gifford, 2012) Next step, although the Youngcare organization has their own website, and having the component of donate online, the Youngcare need to “provide testimonials from people or groups of people who have benefited from your services, which may put visitors in a giving mood.”(Aaron Gifford, 2012) This is the way to show the public the things and services what the Youngcare do, the public will know more about Youngcare, and they will do donations for them.

B) Consumers’ purchasing decision

Nowadays, consumers prefer to buy things which they can get benefits from it, physical as well as psychological, rather than using the money making charity. According to this problem, firstly, the Youngcare organization should publicize their organizational stories, spirits, and service to the public. The channels of the publications are local newspaper, television, online, magazine, radio and so on. The Youngcare have to show public what they do for the young people.
Secondly, the Youngcare has to realize the supports by the corporates or industry (for profit), the Youngcare should “organize a community event like a walk-a-thon, marathon or rummage sale that does not require a lot of money to put on.” (Aaron Gifford, 2012) According to the events, try to change their mind.
Last but not at least, “it is important to be courteous, gracious and respectful to everyone you approach for donations, even if they decline. Making a good impression pays off, and some people may change their mind later or make a donation the next time” (Aaron Gifford, 2012)

C) External factors

Sometimes the government and the consumers will make donations to the people who suffer the disaster in Australia, thus, the Youngcare organization may cause less funds as well as the manpower. According to this situation, the Youngcare organization need to lobbying with the government, asking them whether can change the policy or not, appropriate funds or even manpower to them.

4.0 Conclusion

The Youngcare is the not-for-profit organization; they help the young people who cannot take care of themselves. They try to establish in different place in Australia, therefore they need more funds as well as the volunteers. According to the background of the Youngcare, only two years the organization raising the double funds, this means their market already growth. According to the background and the activities what Youngcare do, we can see that Youngcare have many strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The Youngcare is one of the best charity organizations in Australia, it already attracted many customers and volunteers, the purposes of the Youngcare are accepted by many customers and volunteers, moreover, their purposes are positive. On the other hand, the Youngcare still exist many limitations, still lack of funds and volunteers, lack of marketing budget, lack of doing research on customers. The Youngcare need to publicize their purposes and spirits to the potential consumers and volunteers, and also get the support from the corporates and the industry, furthermore do more researches on the consumers’ purchasing decisions. The Youngcare also have many opportunities, which the organization needs to develop them. The threats like the competitors, external factors, and the organization have to avoid it. The Youngcare can also do a lot of other things to develop their organization. Like to training their volunteers, the young adults prefer to experienced volunteers. Thus, the Youngcare has to training their volunteers include: first aid, psychology, patient, and some medicinal knowledge. The Youngcare will develop in the future, it they put more efforts.


1. QuickMBA (2010) SWOT Analysis [Online] Available at: (Accessed date: 20th Apr)

2. Youngcare Australia (2010) Yongcare’s benefits and functions.[Online] Available at: (Accessed date: 20th, Apr)

3. Youngcare (2010). The issue-care for young people with disability. [Online] Available at: (Accessed date: 21st, Apr)

4. American Red Cross (2012). Giving and getting involved. [Online] Available at: (Accessed date: 21st, Apr)

5. Volunteer Hub (2012). Attract More Donations With Attention-Getting Fundraising Materials. [Online] Available at: (Accessed date: 22nd, Apr)

6. FirstGiving (2012). Six out of the box ideas to attract more donations. [Online]
Available at: (Accessed date: 23rd, Apr)

7. Ehow (2012). How to Get Public & Private Donations. [Online]. Available at: (Accessed date: 24th, Apr)

8. Greg ELLIOTT; Sharyn RUNDLE-THIELE; David WALLER. (2012). Second edition). John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

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...Company G 3-Year Marketing Plan Assessment Code: MKT-VZT Student Name: xxx Student ID:xxx Date: 12/09/2014 Blend and Go Blend and Go Mentor Name: xxx Table of Contents Introduction 3 Mission Statement 3 The Product 3 Consumer Product Classification 3 Target Market 4 Competitive Situation Analysis 4 Analysis of Competition using Porter’s 5 Forces Model 4 SWOT Analysis 5 Strengths 5 Weaknesses 6 Opportunities 6 Threats 7 Market Objectives 7 Product Objective 7 Price Objective 7 Place Objective 7 Promotion Objective 7 Marketing Strategies 7 Product Strategies 8 Price Strategies 8 Place Strategies 8 Promotion Strategies 9 Tactics and Action Plan 9 Product Action Plan 9 Price Action Plan 9 Place Action Plan 10 Promotion Action Plan 10 Monitoring Procedures 10 Introduction Company G is a reputable electronics company that is well established. It has high research and development standards with extensive testing on products before release. Company G also boasts great relationships with suppliers and retailers. I am excited to announce the introduction of Company G’s first foray into the small electronics market with the Blend and Go, a revolutionary household blender that enables consumers to blend and go! Mission Statement “We enable consumers to improve the quality and convenience of their lives by providing high-quality, innovative electronic solutions.” The Product Company G’s Blend and Go is a dynamic...

Words: 3034 - Pages: 13

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A Marketing Plan-Mkt 500

...A Business Marketing Plan: Hunger Solution & Training Company MKT 500-Marketing Management John Garven Strayer University, Lower Bucks County Dr. Tony Muscia I n s t r u c t o r September 6, 2012 Contents Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 Market Segmentation and Product Positioning #1--------------------------------------------- 5 Marketing Product # 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Product Branding, Pricing, and Distribution # 3----------------------------------------------- 12 IMC and Customer Satisfaction # 4---------------------------------------------------------------16 Conclusion Introduction This paper contains a marketing plan of a small production company that is earmarked to be established in Gardnerville, the suburb of Monrovia, Liberia, West Africa, my country of origin. The business which is to be named “Hunger Solution & Training Company” derived its name from the decade-long civil war that existed in Liberia that resulted into most of the citizens and other nationals of this country being internally displaced. These people which comprise of men, women, children, and other nationals, moved into the small capital of the country and its suburbs, making it very congested in terms of population. Others fled into neighboring countries like Ghana, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Guinea, and Togo. Due to the high rate of unemployment...

Words: 5131 - Pages: 21

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Mkt 421 Personal Branding Plan

...Personal Branding Plan Xxxxxxx xxxxx MKT/421 October xx, xxxx I have been in the work force for over 20 years. I’ve worked in several different fields which include retail, law firm, postal service to insurance industry. I’ve been working in the insurance industry for the last seven years specializing in P&C claims with a focus on customer service. The environment I currently work in provides ample opportunity to deal directly with customers from all over the country. It is also a fast paced environment that is consistently changing which means adapting to the changes and quickly. Helping people each day work through their insurance claims takes patience, empathy and knowledge of the company and its policies. There are also licensing requirements that are required depending on what state the company wants me to work with. This is something done on my own time and depending on competitive I want to be within the company I could get licensed in each state. Companies I Would Like To Work For I’ve been working in customer service my entire career and intend to stay in that field to some extent. Since being in the insurance industry I have acquired licensees required to handle claims in various states. I company that I would interested in working for would be USAA. Outside of having a great customer rating they also have a good reputation from their employees. Already having insurance education and licensing is in my favor and means the company doesn’t...

Words: 762 - Pages: 4

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Sw Airlines Mkt Plan

...Ryan McHugh Marketing Plan Southwest Airlines Green Initiatives Executive Summary Southwest Airlines was formed in 1971 as a small airline in texas offering services between Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Its goal at the time was to provide to customers an airline that got passengers to their destinations on time, for a low price, while making it an enjoyable experience overall. By taking these simple goals and making them a reality for customers, Southwest has been able to expand into a well know and recognized domestic airline. Today the company is able to fly over 100 million passengers a year to 66 cities across the U.S. offering over 3,000 flights daily. Southwest is focused on serving its customers with respect and satisfying customer needs to the best of their ability while maintaining the highest quality service and lowest prices. The company has been able to take advantage of the gaps within the domestic travel market where competitor airlines have failed. These gap exists in low cost service, onboard amenities, excellence in customer service, and the realization of a need for more environmentally friendly airline services. Research and projections indicate that the use of the current business plan coupled with the introduction of Green Initiatives will be sufficient in maintaining the current success and increasing future revenues for the initiatives. In 2007, Southwest began reporting on their current and future environmental initiatives. They have stated...

Words: 6776 - Pages: 28

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Mkt 500 Pary a Business Plan

...“SNAPS” Marketing Plan Student: Ebony Muldrow Professor: Dr. Karen Mountain Course: Marketing Management (MKT 500) Date: February 2, 2015 Write an introduction to your company. Describe your company, its location, and the product it makes or the service it provides. Company Introduction Welcome to Snaps! Where all can come and show case their talent. Based in Washington DC, “Snaps” provides a place where adults can come, be entertained and showcase what there working with! We are a poetry café and lounge located in the heart of Georgetown. We believe in allowing our patrons the freedom of expression through spoken work, dance, rap, song and even portrait. Each night is a different occasion to celebrate the artist in each of you! Located 525 Old Georgetown Rd, Washington DC 20085, cover is 5 dollar to enter 10, to perform. Monday nights starts our sultry night, providing an atmosphere of peace and tranquilly. Allowing you to start your work week off right! Tuesday we come to watch poetry thought the eye of portraits. Wednesday, is dance that hump out your week Wednesdays, where we let loose and move our bodies to the rhythm of the beat. Thursday, we host our amateur rap battle night, (if you got rhymes, we let you shine). Friday is spoken word night. Come relax and tell us what’s on your mind. Saturday night, is come choose your poison night. We open up all art forms to be displayed. Would you like to sing, dance or just play and instrument? Choose wisely because after...

Words: 2099 - Pages: 9

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Mkt/421 – Marketing - Marketing Plan

...Marketing Plan Erik Wohler, Adnan Otovic, and Joshua Adamson MKT/421 – Marketing March 28, 2013 R. Scott Bluemel Marketing Plan: Phase I Overview of the Organization The entertainment industry is a vastly changing business, although the ideology has stayed the same throughout history. Since the earliest documented cases started appearing, stories and music were used to overcome and surpass dark times in cultures throughout the world. In more recent historical examples, during the great depression, the largest break through for the entertainment industry began to show by way of movies, musicals, radio and early television. Movies really began to dawn as a way to escape the realities of everyday life and live vicariously in a world of wonder and enchantment, or love and drama, for those who had more serious worries in the real world. With the progression of technology, movies have become a literal escape, with millions of followers across the globe. The movie industry has made such dramatic leaps in technology that the demand for movies and theaters has grown largely over the past 20 years. At Regal Cinemas, being one of the largest franchises across the globe, business has been remarkable. “Regal Entertainment Group (NYSE: RGC) operates the largest and most geographically diverse theatre circuit in the United States, consisting of 6,862 screens in 538 theatres in 38 states and the District of Columbia as of February 21, 2013, with over 211 million attendees for the...

Words: 6804 - Pages: 28

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Mkt 421 Final Marketing Plan

...Final Marketing Plan MKT 421 Final Marketing Plan There are many factors to consider when a company creates and launches a new product. Not only must the product itself exude quality and greatness, but it must also be backed by an outstanding marketing plan as well. Obtaining an exceptional understanding of the ways to effectively strategize, price, distribute, and promote a new product is necessary for the success of the new item. By implementing all of these factors within a marketing plan, any company or business may strive to be boundlessly prosperous in its given field. Business Overview Louis Vuitton, the brand, and the person, share humble beginnings. At the tender age of sixteen, Louis Vuitton began working as an apprentice in Paris, France in 1837. In a period when transportation occurred primarily by trains, boats, and carriages, luggage underwent a significant amount of wear. It was important for individuals to protect their belongings while traveling great distances and throughout long journeys. It was during his apprenticeship that Vuitton began building customized boxes and trunks tailored to meet the needs of clients. Seventeen years later, Vuitton embarked on the beginning of his own business. In 1859, the Louis Vuitton workshop began with merely twenty total employees, expanding later to one hundred workers in 1900, and again in 1914 to include 225 persons (Louis Vuitton, 2015). During the early 20th century...

Words: 6736 - Pages: 27

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Mkt 500 Marketing Plan Paper

...1+1 Tutoring Services: Marketing Plan Assignment 1: Part A 1+1 Tutoring Services is a tutoring service located in Rocky Mount, North Carolina that will offer tutoring assistance to student’s ages 5-18 years of age in all school subjects. These services will offer help to all students in the surrounding areas. The subjects consist of all math’s, all sciences, all English’s and foreign languages and precollege prep test. This tutoring service will evaluate and assess the needs of each student then prepare a customized plan to help them become successful students. This tutoring service will charge a fee for services and also accept federal funding through grants and vouchers. We will serve families with all types of backgrounds. Our motto is Education is worth the work. We will install that into all of our patrons and offer the greatest services at reasonable prices. Environmental Analysis 1+1 Tutoring Services is a small North Carolina base company located in Rocky Mount that will offer tutoring services in a wide variety of subjects. The company employs five tutors who are all college graduates who have degrees in a wide variety of subjects. The tutors are myself the owner and operator who has a degree in Business Management; Anthony Battle who has degree in English and Spanish and took several foreign language classes in college; Melissa Smith who has a degree in Mathematics; Angela Caudle and Russell Rouse who have teaching degrees and are certified to teach grades K-12th...

Words: 2644 - Pages: 11

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Mkt 500 Your Marketing Plan

...Your Marketing Plan, Part 1 January 26, 2015 Write an introduction to your company. Describe your company, its location, and the product it makes or the service it provides. The Magic Brush Janitorial Services, LLC mission is to become the recognized leader in its targeted market for outsourced janitorial and custodial services and is to “exceed customer expectations for high quality, professional janitorial services.” Services provided include general office cleaning, as well as specialized services such as floor stripping and carpet cleaning. The Magic Brush Janitorial Services, LLC originated in Richmond, Virginia and was founded by Yvonne Johnson and Irving Johnson with having more than twenty years of knowledge and experience in the commercial cleaning industry. Through their expertise, they will be able to bring the operations of the business to profitability within its first year of operations. 1. Develop an online presence by developing a website and placing the Company’s name and contact information with online directories. 2. Implement a local campaign with the Company’s targeted market via the use of flyers, local newspaper advertisements, and word of mouth advertising. 3. Establish relationships with commercial property management firms within the targeted market. As long as there are commercial buildings, office complexes, banks, retail shopping centers, industrial facilities and medical centers, there will always be a need for...

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