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Prolific Writer and Timely


Submitted By confidentwriter
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Reflection Paper
What do I Value? I value happiness in my life so much. Happiness gives me the inner strong power to venture and conquer the world with ease. With happiness I get the satisfaction. Am a strong contender of knowledge and wisdom. I value knowledge as it gives me the ability to understand the various phenomenon of life, gives me the technical know-how. With my wisdom I get to solve the various issues with a carefully thought. Nonetheless, I value peace and harmony in the world. Peace and harmony gives me that peace of mind to work harmoniously with other people. Prosperity and wealth is also my terminal value. I live to achieve more through my pride and wealth. Security gives me the solace to work without undivided attention, thus I value security especially being free from any kind of threat; able to do what is expected out of me without fear and favor. Lastly, I do value self respect my life is so important and with it I do find it crucial to be self respective and hid that inner of true self (Malik, 2015).
The main modes I do value is being assertive; having that ability to stand up against odds for my sake. Showing care and love towards other is a way I embrace in the quest of achieving more in life. Trustfulness and honesty are my pillars in life; I do value them with much attention.
What Rewards Do I Value Most?
In life we have different rewards for every personality. Good pay is one of my great value rewards in life. After a long a tiresome work, my heart would value that good pay as a reward to my efforts and time spent. Good pay gives me the strength to fight and even work better. Prestigious title, I give it a moderate value. I believe that no title comes without hard work, so I need to work hard to get that coveted title. I slightly value vacation time; this is because with mechanism put in place

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