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Best Practices in Performance Management


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Best Practices in Performance Management
Bre’Onda Scott
Capella University

Best Practices in Performance Management Charles Schwab, a famous American steel magnate and businessman, once said, “The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement” (Pace, 2002). Schwab apparently understood how to connect with employees on a level that would not only motivate their morale, but would also enhance their performance and production. Schwab was not the only one to make such a discovery, as many organizations now understand and implement strategies to manage the performance of their employees. One of the many organizations that have a performance management plan in place is Virginia Commonwealth University Health System (VCUHS).
Performance management is defined as “the process through which managers ensure that employees’ activities and outputs contribute to the organization’s goals” (Noe, 2016). VCUHS has put an entire department together to manage the performance of its 9,000+ employees. This team, known as the Department of Performance Improvement, has a focus of supporting the mission of VCUHS by guiding quality processes, remaining compliant with regulations, cost-effectively utilizing resources through internal and external benchmarking, collaborating with company leaders to identify process redesign opportunities , and much more (Mission Statement, n.d.). All of these are part of the current performance management system and is based on putting safety first and STAR Service.
STAR (Stop/Think/Act/Review) Service is the culture that the institution has created to provide the most superior service to patients, visitors, and team members (STAR Service, n.d.). The motto and sole purpose of STAR Service is “our caring service begins with me” (STAR Service, n.d.). Though each of the 9,000+ team members at VCUHS have different job

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