...Name Charles Brown CHMN 201- B05 - LUO September 28, 2015 Church Leadership and Ministry Evaluation Paper For this paper, I did a self evaluation. 1. Would you say that your congregation (or the people within your particular department or area of ministry) is “Thinking Like Jesus” (i.e. Unity, Humility, Selflessness) as they interact, serve, and minister to/with each other? How specifically do you as a ministry leader teach, cultivate, and maintain “The Mind of Christ” in your area of ministry? Yes, I think we, as a body of Christ, comes together in unity in serving the Lord in a Spiritual way. The Bible says, “Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the herd that rain down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirt of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountain of Zion: for there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore” (Psalms 133). As a Leader in order to teach, cultivate, and maintain we have to stay in the word of God, fasting and praying. If we don’t do these things then the church can’t grow in the areas that it needs to grow in. Farmers cultivate their crops in order to get a good harvest. We, as Pastors/Leaders, cultivate the mind and heart of the people with the word of God and with fasting and praying so that they can grow to a higher level in Christ. 2. Would you consider yourself a “Wounded Healer?” Also, would you...
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...Golden Rule for Sexual Behaviour (Matthew 7:12) -------9 5.1 Agenda for Enjoyable, Successful, Wonderful Sex Therapy--9 6.0 Paying the Price for Passion (Dangers for Having Sex Outside Marriage) ---------------------------------------------------------------------12 6.0 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------13 7.0 Conclusion -------------------------------------------------------------------14 8.0 Bibliography ----------------------------------------------------------------15 1.0 INTRODUCTION This is a summary of a public presentation made to the Youth Fellowship group of The Church of Christ in Nigeria (COCIN) Gwagwalada, Abuja on the 15th September, 2010. The topic ‘’Biblical guideline for Sexual behaviour” became necessary considering the high lackadaisical attitudes of the youth of this generation regarding the issue of sex. The youths have abused and regarded the value of sexuality unimportant to an extent that they indulge in having sexual intercourse without considering the guidelines set by the creator of sexuality and having no fear of the side effects. The Bible has set some clear principles straight considering our sexual behaviours which we shall discuss in this sitting. These teachings are to safe-guard us against sexual...
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...Introduction The purpose of the paper is to analyze Jehovah’s Witnesses as a false religion. The history of Jehovah’s Witnesses will be discussed as well as the flaws in their religion. There will be a step by step method on how to approach Jehovah’s Witnesses with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Summary of Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses are a modern-day religious sect that is Gnostic in its belief and legalistic in its religious practice . They were founded by Charles Taze Russell. As a young boy, Russell was brought up in a Presbyterian home. At age 16, he moved his membership to a Congregational church and was heavily influence by an Adventist Christian preacher by the name of Jonas Wendell. Russell had a difficult time believing in eternal punishment, the Trinity, the deity of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. With these disbeliefs, he organized his own bible class in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. In 1872, this class became known as the International Bible Students Association. Shortly afterwards in 1879, Russell help co-publish The Herald of the Morning magazine with his financial help in which he renamed it The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom. In 1884, Russell founded the Zion's Watch Tower Tract Society. Today it is known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society where over two million pieces of literature are printed yearly. It was not until 1931 the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” became the official name of the Watch Tower Tract Society under the leadership...
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...African American Christianity Carol C. Ballon Dr. Tom McCloskey Religion in America April 7, 2015 African American Christianity African-American Christianity is a Christian church that minister to primarily African-Americans. Throughout this paper I will share my experience and how I see it through my eyes. I will compare and contrast African-American Christianity verse Christianity. I also will give reason to why we need African-American churches. African-American Christianity started during slavery. This was an outlet for slaves, it was hope, and it was the only faith they had to hold onto. I suspect, that slave owners look at this as a threat. African-Americans gathered together for any cause was frowned upon. This could mean power and a means of escaping. They didn’t even want African-Americans to read, let alone carry around a bible. So from the beginning African-American Christianity was not accepted by slave owners. Throughout the many decades of slavery, religion among African-Americans was a fear for slave owners. For slave owners, African-American religious meetings symbolized the ultimate threat to slavery. Once established African-Americans relied heavily on their belief system. Religion offered an outlet for African-Americans, helped strengthen their belief in God and it was a safe haven. Keep in mind, slave owners was not always willing to accept the involvement of slaves in Christianity. As of today numerous African-American churches exist and are...
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...Discrimination against Women Abstract This paper looks into the various forms of discrimination against women, which prevail in approximately all parts of the globe. Women usually bear the heaviest weight of exploitation and marginalization by society as a whole. In addition, women also often suffer from exploitation and oppression by men. Women are faced with discriminatory behavior in all stages of their adult life. Throughout history, women normally have had less career opportunities and legal rights and than men. In this paper, we look at how women are discriminated against based on their gender in public life, employment, politics, religion, education, marital status and family, social services, and before the law. Introduction Research data have revealed that discriminatory practices against women prevail in approximately all parts of the globe. Discrimination against women based on their gender occurs in public life, employment, politics, religion, education, marital status and family, social services, and before the law. Women make up half of the population of the world and carry out two-thirds of the globe’s labor hours. Women obtain a tenth of the income of the world and possess less than a hundredth of the world’s property. Women usually bear the heaviest weight of exploitation and marginalization by society as a whole. In addition, women also often suffer from exploitation and oppression by men. For example, women perform 50 to 70% of all agricultural...
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...Hannah Smith CHMN 201-[D06] 4/20/15 Church Leadership and Ministry Evaluation Paper For this paper, I did a self-evaluation. 1. Would you say that your congregation (or the people within your particular department or area of ministry) is “Living Out the Mind of Christ” (i.e. Unity, Humility, Selflessness) as they interact, serve, and minister to/with each other? How specifically do you as a ministry leader teach, cultivate, and maintain “The Mind of Christ” in your area of ministry? My area of ministry ranges from grades 6-12. At these young ages, students are still trying to find themselves. As they do so, they crave and desire a relationship with God. My team and I are very dedicated to teaching them that they are all united as one, and God loves each of them individually. This unity will hopefully teach them that they can lean on fellow believers their age and grow spiritually together. 2. Would you consider yourself a “Wounded Healer?” Also, would you please share an example where you have ministered to a person who is/was “wounded” in the same manner that you once were? (Cf. II Corinthians 1:3-5) Yes, I consider myself a wounded healer. I went through a physically and emotionally abusive relationship about three years ago. In going through this, I learned to find my self worth in God before I looked to others. I have been able to use my story to capture many girls in toxic relationships. One in particular was a girl my own age. She had been dating a guy...
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...4. Is your religion/spirituality important in your life? a. Yes because god is in control. 5. What type of influences does your spirituality have on the way you care for yourself? a. The bible says that your body is god’s temple, and we’re created in the image of god. I try my best to follow a healthy diet, good hygiene and pray daily. 6. How would you prefer for me, as your nurse, to handle issues during your care? a. Understand my wants that I have made obvious in my written paper work (i.e. Do not put me on the machine if I have been declared brain dead). Follow the golden rule, “treat me the way you want to be treated”. Keep my family updated on how I’m doing and don’t hold back if you know that my prognosis is not good. Be honest, treat me with respect and allow me quiet time to pray. Spiritual Needs Assessment This paper will discuss a spiritual assessment tool created by a nurse working on a stroke unit. A summary of the assessment made will be discussed along with discoveries made about the patient assessed, what went well during the assessment, what could have been done differently, barriers/challenges that inhibited the ability of the nurse to complete the assessment, and how the barriers could be addressed in future assessments. The assessing nurse will finish the paper by discussing the spiritual experience she had with her patient and how using...
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...The Amish Instructor Bruce Carruthers ANT 101 Cultural Anthropology Aug 6, 2012 Outline I. Introduction II. History of the Amish a. School b. Church c. Rumspringa III. Social organization d. Children e. Teenage years f. Church membership IV. Beliefs and values g. Church h. Chores i. Socialization V. Kinship j. Nuclear family k. Bands l. Large families VI. Conclusion m. Summary n. Amish throughout time The Amish live a very interesting life involving very hard work and strict religious beliefs. In this essay I will first tell you about the history of the Amish, how they became the Amish we know today, and then tell you what a day in the life of an Amish person is like. I will tell you about their education, church, and the teenage Rumspringa. I will also tell you about how the Amish spend their childhood years, teenage years and when they become an official member of the church. The next subject I will cover is beliefs and values. This will then lead me into telling you about kinship. The Amish get there name from Jakob Ammann, who believed in stronger ties to the church and faster shunning in those not using the church with everyday life. The Amish also known as plane people began to come to America in the eighteenth century. Most Amish settled in Berks County...
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...My Philosophy of Life 1 Final Paper: My Philosophy of Life Amber DeNooy Colorado Christian University HUM 425 Professor: David Mullaney June 7, 2003 My Philosophy of Life 2 Over the past 13 months that I have been attending CCU, I have learned a great deal about myself. This has been especially true during the past five weeks while in the Personal and Social Ethics course. Our philosophy of life greatly influences our ethical decision- making. This paper will discuss several areas related to my philosophy of life, including my character traits, worldview, theory of knowledge and truth, and principals and values that direct my life. Section 1: Character Traits Who am I? The complete answer to this question would be far too long to discuss in the context of this paper. Therefore, in this section, I will focus on one of my most defining characteristics and two other areas that define who I am. I consider being a Christian my most defining characteristic. My beliefs impact everything in my life. Because my beliefs impact my view on life, they will be discussed in greater detail in section two of this paper. Over the course of this Management of Human Resources (MHR) program, I have learned more about two other areas that define who I am. In one of the MHR courses, we took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) (Myers & Briggs, 1993). The MBTI measures personality preferences in four different areas: extraversion (E) versus introversion (I), sensing (S) versus intuition (N)...
Words: 3618 - Pages: 15
...Personal Responsibility Students Name University of Phoenix GEN/200 - FOUNDATIONS FOR GENERAL EDUCATION AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS PA11BSB08 Professors Name January 3rd, 2013 Introduction The key to a successful future starts with being accountable for one’s own actions. And to obtain that key, it is necessary to have an understanding of what it means to be personally responsible. In this essay, I will cover the following; the definition of personal responsibility and what it means to me, I’ll explain the relationship between personal responsibility and college success and include a preliminary plan to ensure I practice personal responsibility in my college education. Defining Personal Responsibility According to "Bouncy--Addition" (2012), Personal responsibility can also be referred to as "accountability," which is defined by Merriam-Webster as "the quality or state of being accountable; especially: an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions." This should generally be taken to mean that, to be accountable for oneself, one would admit to one's mistakes, make an attempt to make those mistakes right, and live in a way that does not harm others whenever possible (para. 2). I agree with the quoted statement, but to me it also means following laws, rules, and regulations, etc. I have an obligation to read all chapters and...
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...Position Paper #1 Michael Picardi Liberty University July 30, 2013 In this modern era of rapidly advancing medical technology, ethical and moral boundaries are continually being pushed, particularly from a Christian viewpoint. Christian health professionals are being challenged daily with issues that arise from the clash between modern medicine and Christian ethics. On the surface, this practice seems to be unselfish and kind-hearted, with the idea of sacrificing oneself to help another. To that point, 90% of Americans support organ donation. ("Statistics," 2013) When viewed from a Christian perspective, however, many complex issues arise. The following paper will describe these issues and where their complexity lies, what Scripture has to say on the issue, and how a Christian health professional should deal with them. Two major issues with this seemingly virtuous practice is the difficulty in differentiating between replaceable tissues and solid organs. Replaceable tissues, such as blood and bone marrow, can easily be given by a live donor, while organs can only be harvested once the donor is deceased, which brings about the debate about the criteria for determining death. Another major issue involves the question of who should give consent, and how to fairly allocate where these organs go. From a Christian perspective, however, a multitude of more critical Biblical issues are present. The first of these has to do with the Principle of Totality, which is to say that each...
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...Course Syllabus SCBSIT0810 Technical Writing Fundamentals: ENG 221 Course Start Date: 03/08/2011 Course End Date: 04/05/2011 Campus/Learning Center: Schaumburg Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference. Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered the ruling document. Copyright Copyright ©2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix© is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft©, Windows©, and Windows NT© are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix© editorial standards and practices. Facilitator Information Susan Smillie smillies@email.phoenix.edu (University of Phoenix) srsmillie@yahoo.com (Personal) 630-833-5758 (CST) Facilitator Availability I will be available in...
Words: 5620 - Pages: 23
...more effective than copious notes. Instead of using a spiral, use loose leaf notebook divided into class sections. Make all notes on loose leaf paper. In an upper corner title and date each sheet as you use it. Rewrite and combine your old study and lecture notes into a new single set of notes or outline. Use them as a replacement for your old notes in the loos-leaf binder. This gives you complete control of, and fast access to, a crucial part of the learning process - Your Course Notes - their organization, additions, replacements and rewrites! Lecture Notes Sit near the front of the class to avoid distractions. Be a good listener - Focus and concentrate on the main points of the lecture. Get them down on paper. You'll put them in your own words later, along with your study notes. Pay attention to the Instructor's clues as to what they consider important. If there is something you don't understand, ASK! For fast classroom access to key information on major topics, use a Quick Study chart, if available. Immediately after a lecture, without looking at your notes, try to recall on a seperate paper as much as you can about what you have heard and learned. Then review your actual lecture notes to confirm and/or supplement your memory. During your next study session, quickly recall again on paper what you learned. Then review and reorganize your lecture notes in your own words. Repeat the recall process several times over several days to commit...
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...other begins with gathering stones on a sunny day in a town which uses the lottery to determine which person will be sacrificed to help the coming harvest Outline Title: “The Pursuit of Luck ultimately leads to Death” I. Introduction A. In what ways is The Lottery & The Rocking-Horse Winner Similar? B. In what ways is The Lottery & The Rocking-Horse Winner Different? II. Summary of Setting uses A. Setting of stories 1. Where take place 2. When take place B. Atmosphere 1. How does the atmosphere affect characters 2. Compare/Contrast atmosphere in two stories III. Conclusion A. Not so lucky ending B. Morals of the stories from a Christian Perspective I. Introduction “The Rocking Horse Winner” by D.H. Lawrence and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson are both similar in how the short stories write about luck. Also they offer similar elements of love, fear, and ritual. “The Rocking Horse Winner” is a sad story about a boy who has a clairvoyant sense of what horse will win the horse races, and this sense becomes stronger as he (Paul) rides his rocking horse for hours on end. Essentially, the family of five’s lifestyle exceeds its income. In addition, Paul knows full well that his mother does not love him. Despite, Paul’s Mothers lack of love Paul hopes that by making more money...
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...Personal Theory Paper In partial fulfillment of the assignment submitted to Dr. Max Mills PACO 507 Theology and Spirituality in Counseling Lynn C. Ball Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary May 8, 2015 Abstract I stumbled through the first thirty-eight years of life attempting to mask the hurts caused by myself and others. I was my own worst critic fueled by raging addictions and chaos; searching to find a perfection that could never be achieved. Life was a hurricane of madness and at the center of that storm was the Father waiting for me to give Him my whole heart. The purpose of this paper is to show through those who have been studied, the textbooks that have been read and my own opinions; the counseling methods and theories I have developed from life experiences, six years of sobriety and a maturing walk with Christ. Table of Contents Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………2 I. Summary Primary Goal……………………………………………………………………………4 Development of Problems and Personal Need………………………………………….4 Biblical Integration……………………………………………………………………...6 Formula for Change……………………………………………………………………..7 Balance of Theology and Spirituality…………………………………………………...8 Human Personality………………………………………………………………………9 Counselor’s Function and Role…………………………………………………………10 Major Contributions to Counseling……………………………………………………..11 Limitations of this Counseling Theory………………………………………………….12 Classification……………………………………………………………………………12 II. Practical Application ...
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