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Bible Summaries


Submitted By bdefenbaugh
Words 869
Pages 4
Brandon Defenbaugh
April 22, 2013
Summary of the books of the Old Testament Books

The Book of Leviticus uses the genre of law. Israelites are told how and why they are to perform sacrificial offerings. There are three categories of these sacrificial offerings. They are consecratory, communal, and expiatory offerings. The Israelites used consecratory offerings to dedicate a person or thing to God. Sin was acknowledged by performing expiatory offerings. And they used communal offerings to allow communities to celebrate their thankfulness to God. During this time the priesthood began so the Israelites and God would have a mediator. These priests were the only ones allowed to perform the sacrifices. God also tells the Israelites of feasts and celebrations that will happen. They were to use the Sabbath as a day of rest. The Passover was used to celebrate the Exodus and the Pentecost took place as the harvest began. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur were two holy days included in the Tabernacles. During this time God also informs the Israelites of his rewards for obeying and what the punishment would be for disobeying. There are many more instructions given on the Book of Leviticus. All of the information given in the Book of Leviticus created the basis of the Israelite society.


The Book of Joshua is a narrative. Throughout the narrative we learn about Joshua conquering the Promised Land from the commands given from God. The first conquest completed after the crossing of the Jordan River was Jericho. Rehab was important to the conquest. She was a Canaanite that helped two Israelite spies escape. Because of her loyalty to the Israelites they spared her family from death. The next conquest was Ai. Achan’s sin caused Ai’s first battle to be lost. The Covenant of Moses was renewed by Joshua after Ai was destroyed. From here Joshua went on to defeat many of the different kings of the land. Although they managed to take control of the land, they never fully conquered it. After taking control of the land it was divided among the different tribes. The leaders were gathered by Joshua and he reminded them to follow the Book of the Law of Moses. In essences he was saying good-bye.


The Book of Job is of the wisdom genre. According to the writings Job was a righteous man and rich man. There was a confrontation between God and Satan regarding Job’s faith in God. Satan was allowed by God to test Job by taking away his family, camels, sheep, and servants. And as we know, Job passed the test. Now to make things even better Job was tested again. This test was his health. During this time Job speaks to his three friends and curses the day he was born. They all have a lengthy conversation about why they think Job is being punished. Elihu became angry because of Job’s lack of faith in God. After God speaks to Job, Job repents. With Job’s repentance comes more advice from God. God advises them to sacrifice a burnt offering. After all of this God made Job prosperous and was given twice as much as he had before by God.


The Book of Jeremiah is of the prophecy genre. The Lord appointed Jeremiah as a prophet to the nations. During this time Israel is unfaithful and the city of Jerusalem is attacked. Jeremiah talks to the people of Judah and declares that the worshipping of false religions is worthless. The covenant has not been kept. Jeremiah complained about how the people responded and showed extreme concern about the spiritual state of the nation. He is often called the weeping prophet. Many viewed him as pessimistic because he anticipated the coming destruction. God tells them that Israel would be restored once they listened to Him. Jeremiah also prophesied to the people of Judah that they would be exiled for seventy years. A letter was sent to the Jews during their exile stating exactly what God wanted them to do. There was a promise of Jerusalem being rebuilt. Jeremiah received warning about Egypt, the Philistines, Moab, Ammon, Edom, and Babylon. The warning was not heeded, the covenant was broken, and the result was the fall of Jerusalem.


The Book of Ezekiel is of the prophecy genre. There is also a little apocalyptic genre found throughout the writings. God advised Ezekiel while he was living in exile. Ezekiel was to speak to the Israelites on behalf of Him. Ezekiel warned Israel that they would all be held accountable for their sins. In this warning he addressed the siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of all idols and altars. He also prophesied God’s judgment on Israel’s leaders and the ultimate promise of Israelites returning to their land. Ezekiel’s most notable visions were visions of the future. One of Ezekiel’s major visions was of a restored temple. This vision was fascinating because it was filled with great detail. It shows the differences between the temple built by Solomon and the second one built after the exile. Ezekiel also pronounced judgment as God’s representative. Since the Israelite kingdoms were already being judged these judgments placed on Israel’s neighbors.

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